Bible Believers' Newsletter #020

"Focus on the PRESENT Truth - what Jesus is doing NOW . . ."

We greet you in the wonderful Name of our Lord Jesus Christ and appreciate your fellowship. This newsletter serves those of like precious faith and whosoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Here is a transcript of a recent radio program. I pray there is a little Spiritual Food in due season for you. If you have and suggestions, questions or ideas, please do not hesitate to send an e-mail. And, oh! if you have any understanding on who has been cornering the gold market, please share it with me as I am trying to glean information that would support prophecy in this regard.


Let's take a look at what the Bible says about faith. And may God bless each one of you with grace for understanding, and humility to obey what He reveals to you, is my prayer.

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, for by it the elders obtained a good report..."

In chapter eleven of his letter to the Hebrew Christians, Paul's reference to faith, as the characteristic of the true people of God, leads him to confirm in detail how that in every age, God's purpose was achieved by faith. Recalling the general accounts of God's dealings in the victorious lives of notable saints in past dispensations, Paul traces the spiritual history of the world, through the righteous line from Abel, across the flood to Abraham, Israel, and the Maccabees, declaring how these victorious saints could not be made perfect, until their Kinsman Redeemer had died for His Bride, the true Church.

Contrary to popular understanding, Hebrews 11:1 is not meant as a definition of faith, but to affirm the reality of faith, and to bring out two specific characteristics of faith: (a) its object, and (b) its office.

(a) The object of faith is essentially the future and the unseen which cannot be contacted by physical experience - "things hoped for" and "objects not seen" - which includes all that belongs to redemption, and the present government of God.

(b) The office of faith is described by co-ordinating "substance" and "evidence," or "test" - faith is proof, a genuine revelation from God, which establishes the reality of the unseen.

In virtue of faith, things hoped for, are now. So faith is their essence, or substance, in regard to the actual experience of the believer. By faith the future and the unseen can be made real for men. Things unseen, are not mere arbitrary fancies: faith tries them, bringing conviction as to their being. The spiritual history of man is taken as proof of the power faith has to try and realize the unseen. By realizing the future and apprehending the unseen, in the atmosphere of faith, the inspired lives of the elders bore witness to their faith.

Faith is a clear understanding of the revealed Word of God. For example: the certainty of Abel's faith consisted in a clear understanding of the original sin which caused man to be separated from eternity, and to require an atonement, enabling redemption and renewed fellowship with God. Abel knew life must be given for life. Eve's relationship with the Serpent, brought death in the bastard, Cain, for whom there was no atonement. By revelation Abel knew he was a son of God, and offered the substitutionary life of an innocent lamb, speaking of the coming Messiah Who, through the virgin birth would not have original sin imputed. Thus His sacrifice, without spot or blemish, was acceptable to God.

Abel's sacrifice was the evidence of his righteousness - the true connection to God was faith to which God bore witness by receiving his faith. The Divine vindication is further seen, in that God rejected Cain's sacrifice, and instructed him to enquire of his prophet step-brother. If he received and obeyed, he too would be accepted. With reluctance, Abel acceded to Cain's persistent demands. Once the revelation was explained, Cain recognized he was neither Adam's first-born nor in the genealogy. And realizing that the lamb represented a Kinsman for Adam's race, to which he did not belong, and that he was without an atonement and therefore not redeemable, Cain sought to gain Abel's natural inheritance, the world, by slaying his step-brother, thus forcing God's hand.

Abel's testimony was borne in the faith which prompted the sacrifice whereby Abel still speaks, his works bearing witness of him. Works are faith expressed.

In a corrupt Age, Enoch maintained fellowship with God, which is through "oneness" with Him. In agreement or faith, he "walked with God." Faith was the ground of his translation, and faith will be the sole basis upon which the living saints will be translated at the end of this corrupt Age (Amos 3:3; Genesis 5:22, 24).

Jesus prayed in Gethsemane that His Church would be one with God, by faith, or agreement in understanding of the Word. In the end-time, when Christ's mediatorial office was fulfilled, after all of the saints predestinated to the Church Age part of the Body, were redeemed, He promised to restore "the" faith delivered to the apostolic fathers. Thus like Enoch, without a Mediator, a Word-Bride would come into the unity of the faith in answer to His prayer, for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the great translation (John 17:20-26; 10:1-5; I Corinthians 1:10; 13:10; Matthew 17:11; Malachi 4:5-6; Ephesians 4:13-16.)

We need to recognize there is only one Lord, and there can only be one faith, as God is not author of confusion. He guides into all Truth, establishing peace in the heart of His Bride, by revealing beforehand the things He'll bring to pass in their generation. He reserved a space of time, after the Church Ages, yet prior to the translation, in which His Children would unite. Not in a man-made union of organizations, but by supernatural faith in the Body of Christ which is not divided (Genesis 49:10; I Thessalonians 4:13-17; II Thessalonians 2:1-12; Revelation 18:1-4.)

Enoch is a type of the end-time Church that won't see death. One man called out of the seventh generation from the first Adam, under such preeminence to the revealed Word, that he passed beyond this dimension. Out of Laodicea, the seventh generation from the second Adam, Christ is calling a Word Bride Who'll be under such preeminence, what she speaks, God will do, in the manifestation of the Sons of God (John 5:19.) Glory!

We'll paraphrase Matthew 16:13-20, and apply it to our faith:

"Jesus asked His disciples, 'Whom do men say I the Son of man am?'

'Some say You're John the Baptist with his head back on; some, who (misinterpret Malachi 4), think you're the Elijah promised before the Tribulation; and others, that You're Jeremiah, or one of the prophets returned from the grave.'

This was all guesswork, and not faith. Jesus asked His disciples, "Whom do you say that I Am?'

Simon Peter answered and said, 'You're the Messiah, the Son of the living God.'

Jesus answered and said, 'Bless you Simon, son of Jonah: because flesh and blood - books, Bible school, learning - man has not revealed this to you, but My Father Who is in heaven, has revealed it to you, and on this rock of the revelation of the Word, I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against spiritual revelation of the Word, or faith. Moreover, Peter, you have the keys, (or the faith) which opens the kingdom of heaven or new birth...'"

On the day of Pentecost, the Church or Kingdom of Heaven began. Peter addressed Jews who'd gathered in Jerusalem from throughout the Roman Empire, to observe the Feasts of Passover and Pentecost. Peter proved from the Scripture: God had made that same Jesus whom Israel crucified, both Lord and Messiah. Catching the revelation, and in desperation, they cried, "Men and brethren, what must we do to be saved?"

Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized every one of you, whosoever the Lord has called, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you shall be born again"... he unlocked the Kingdom to those Jews.

If we're called, it's by the same Command. God will not unlock the Kingdom by a strange baptism in the Titles, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. If that's what we imagine, we've never been called.

Peter had the revelation that, "Lord Jesus Christ" is the Name (singular) of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. God has only one compound redemptive Name - there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved. There's no Scripture commanding baptism in three Titles for remission of past sins.

But in Matthew's account Jesus says to "Baptize in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost?"

True, and the Name of the Father is Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:43,) the Name of the Holy Ghost is Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:15-26), and if you're not baptized in the Name of the "Lord Jesus Christ", you're not baptized in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Isaiah 9:6 said, 'His Name shall be called "Wonderful Counselor or Holy Ghost, the Everlasting Father; the Prince of Peace, or Son", and the Name to which these Titles pertain is Lord Jesus Christ.

In Luke's account Jesus says, "that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His Name among all nations..." (Luke 24:49.) Jesus' Name isn't Father, Son, or Holy Ghost.

Nowhere in all the pages of the Bible, was anyone ever baptized in these three Titles. There's no historical record of such a form of baptism, until the organization of the Roman church, at the First Nicea Council in AD 325. According to history, those few Christian ministers who traveled to Nicea, left before it started, when they were not able to persuade the followers of the heretics Athanasius and Arius, to repent and return to the Word.

It was the Word Which bled and died for Me on Calvary, not a Roman creed. Remission of sins is through faith in the Word: Who Jesus is. Faith in what God, the Bible, says, not speculations of church organizations (Acts 2:38-39; 4:12; Romans 3:4; Galatians 1:8-9; Colossians 3:17; I Peter 3:21.)

Jesus thanked God "the faith" was hidden from the wise and prudent and revealed to babes as will learn. If God were known by learning the dead letter of the written Word, the wealthy and well-educated would have a monopoly on the Kingdom. He'd have to remit the sins of theologians, and the privileged, on the basis of their capacity to learn, (or works), and to convert them. But "not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called" (Matthew 11:25-29; 13:10-17; I Corinthians 1:26-29.)


If Faith is a clear understanding of the revealed Word, what is sin? To start with, sin is not smoking, drinking, adultery, murder, lying, theft, etc., any more than faith is love, joy, goodness, kindness, etc., These are the attributes or fruit of a life of sin or faith. People lie, cheat and steal because they are sinners. Sin is one thing and one thing only. Sin is unbelief in the revealed Word of God.

Its possible to follow the letter of the Bible and be lost in sin, or unbelief in the revealed Word today, as it was in Israel. God's Word is a stumbling stone, condemning the religious who are not spiritual, as it condemns outright unbelievers. The carnal mind is enmity with God. Caiaphas and the ministers of his day, crucified the very God they claimed to serve. They said He was breaking His Own Word (John 7:23; Romans 8:7; 9:32.) Imagine a minister, lost in sin! Those same spirits are behind the pulpit today, rejecting Him because His Word disagrees with their man-made theology. And they're crucifying unto themselves the Son of God afresh. If they were able to repent, they'd lose their popularity with their sin-loving congregations. Then their organization would kick them out, and they'd lose their superannuation (II Corinthians 11:13-15.)

That's right, and you know it! The Bible and church history prove it, and so can you, by applying the Word test - first to yourself! It cuts both ways. Like a sharp, two edged Sword.

In Hebrews 3:12-4:11, Moses and Paul define sin as unbelief in the revealed Word. The wages of sin is eternal separation from the presence of God. Over two million Israelites followed Moses out of Egypt, only two of the adults entered the Promised land. Yet all were justified by faith and baptized in the Red Sea, sanctified in the Wilderness, partook of miracles, tasted manna and quail, the fruit of the Land, and Jesus said, "Every one of them is lost!" (I Corinthians 10; John 6:45.)

Paul said, "Today if you hear His Voice, and recognize your error, don't harden your hearts, as in the Wilderness." If you recognize you've been worshiping false doctrine, and have a false baptism, do something about it. He won't let you in on your terms. Don't imagine you're born-again if you refuse to be rebaptized in His Name. "He who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the Name of the only begotten Son of God" (John 3:18; James 4:17.) Jesus said those who refuse correction by the Word, like Cain, are bastards, like Cain. So did Paul. However much they claim to be Christians, their actions prove their Father is not God (John 8:41; Hebrews 12:5-8.)

If you've studied carefully and prayerfully, you'll see what jesus meant, when He instructed us to walk in the Light as He is in It. Moses, Paul, Luther, Wesley, Spurgeon, and all the great servants of the Lord did just that. He's the I AM, not the I WAS, or the I WILL BE. What was Light and Life for the saints of one Age, is carnal impersonation, even death in later Ages. Jesus said the Life in the Word is hidden from those without faith, or a personal relationship. As God sent natural Israel fresh Manna every day; nothing must be carried over from one Church Age to the next.

These things are preached in love, and by the authority of Jesus Christ, to those who can receive them. The Word of God is not a thing to play with, or take lightly. We've touched upon many important revelations, and I trust God will unfold them personally to you in your study and prayer. Today we've defined faith and sin according to God's Word; and the true Oneness of the Godhead - away from the Trinitarian, Unitarian, and "Jesus only" doctrines.

So much of our religious teaching can be traced to the First Nicea Council and the Dark Ages it presaged. It is contrary to the Bible which can't contradict Itself and is of no private interpretation. Remember, God's Word comes only through His vindicated prophets. Faith is absolute, can never change, and runs in continuity from Genesis to Revelation. No prophet of God could teach error.

May God richly Bless you all as you obey His Word. Please confirm these things in your Bible, not with your husband, your wife, your minister, or the lady next door. Once you have the revelation, pass It on (Acts 17:11; I Thessalonians 5:21).

I admonish all who've caught the revelation Who the Lord Jesus is, to repent and be rebaptized by immersion, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, expecting the Gift of the new birth.


What does it matter if there are secrets and secret societies? Is there anything wrong with being a member of a secret society? When asked, those who are members of a secret society, deny membership. When the motive is requested, its said that the purpose of joining is fellowship and connections. The bigger the secret society, the more connections. Some societies are not large. It is power that draws one to the Fabian Society.

Secret societies frequently "determine in the depths the changes that take place on the surface." [Arthur Edward Waite, Quoted By A. RALPH Epperson, THE UNSEEN HAND 126 (1985)].

Its been suggested anything that's good should not be kept secret; and anything kept secret is not to the benefit, whether it be good or bad, as it tends to the breach of our Constitution and the establishment of arbitrary power. [William Edward Smith, CHRISTIANITY AND SECRET SOCIETIES 25 (1936); John 3:19].

In Australia and America we've long held to the view that things should be done in the open. The very idea of a secret government, unknown to us, is anathema. Yet there's a very long history of things being secret.

There's a little-known history that includes the idea of unwritten laws and oral traditions, with allegiance being made to unknown superiors and masters. Those who meet in secret appear to have an aversion for paramount written constitutions that every citizen is capable of reading and knowing. The secret society is generally based on a fear of discovery, a hierarchy, secret membership, meetings and oaths, claims of brotherhood and unknown superiors.

The Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers, Federal Reserve Board, and Trilateral Commission all meet in secret. However, the names of each of these groups are available, except for the Bildebergers.

Perhaps one of the earliest stories we've learned, is about the Greeks and the Trojan Horse. When the walls were too strong, the Greeks built a tall horse and left it outside the city. The people, jubilant at seeing the Greeks depart, opened their gates and let the horse come in. They celebrated, and slept. In the middle of the night the Greeks came out of the belly of the horse, Opened the gates and took the city. The principle of vigilance and the surprise attack! Those who are weaker, or wish to have lower casualties, attack without warning. Cats sneak up on their prey, since they could otherwise outrun them.

Satan has snuck up on Australia and the Western through the secret government that rules our country and controls the world economy. Read Matthew 4:8-9, I Timothy 6:7-10.

Bill Moyers took a trip around the world with David Rockefeller. He wrote in 1990: "Secrecy is the freedom zealots dream of: no watchman to check the door, no accountant to check the books, no judge to check the law. The secret government has no constitution. The rules it follows are the rules it makes-up." [Bill Moyers, THE SECRET GOVERNMENT: THE CONSTITUTION IN CRISIS 7 (1990).radio098.htm

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Brother Anthony Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister. He has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations in various countries. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to minister in your church.

This newsletter is in the public domain and may be freely copied in full and quoted in context.

For Further Information Contact:

Bible Believers' Church
958 Victoria Road, West Ryde, NSW 2114, Australia