CERTAIN Jewish families named Rothschild, apparently unconnected by blood with the family with which this book chiefly deals, are prominent in America, and one, Walter N. Rothschild is the husband of Carola Warburg, granddaughter of Jacob Schiff, the founder of the New York Jewish bankers Kuhn Loeb & Co., who, after the Great War, 1914-1918, were backing Jew-run Republican Germany with a view to control of politics there, whilst the European Rothschilds in London and Paris were favouring France. But the most important of the mysterious Rothschilds is the Jew known to-day as “the French Disraeli,” George Mandel, whom Alfred Rosenberg (the Nazi Minister) and French anti-Jewish workers state is really Jeroboam Rothschild. He certainly exhibits the symptoms of official Rothschild backing, for he appears to be indispensible to all Governments in France, whatever their labels may be, whilst his policy is always in accord with that of the Banque de France, which the Paris House of Rothschild always dominates by a member of it acting as Regent. Mandel is a member of the Jewish Masonic Order B’nai B’rith and of Grand Orient Masonry. During the Peace Conference at Versailles he was secretary to Clemenceau; it will be remembered that Lloyd George had Sir Philip Sassoon as his secretary, and that Sir Philip’s mother was a Rothschild; which is just what might have been expected. Mandel was also Clemenceau’s secretary during the War itself. Since the war, he has been the principal advocate in France of an alliance with Bolshevik Russia, and worked against an understanding with Fascist Italy. He controls L’Ami du Peuple. Hon. E. M. Stonor, a brother of Baron Camoys, married as his second wife the daughter of Thos. Wm. Rothschild of Pretoria in 1925 but there was no issue of the marriage. |