IT is said that when Lord Randolph Churchill made his extensive tour through South Africa in 1891 he was acting as agent to obtain information for the Rothschilds, who, of course, knew of the diamonds and gold which were being worked there. He took with him on these travels a mining engineer and does not seem to have himself followed up the favourable reports that this professional made to him. It would seem unnatural for a Churchill to perform work which was not in aid of some Jewish interest. However that may be, it was 3 years before this when Cecil Rhodes applied to the London Rothschilds to buy out the French interests in the Kimberley mines and so obtain control of the Diamond industry in South Africa. For this purpose, Rhodes was financed by the Rothschilds to the extent of £1,400,000, and soon afterwards (with Barnato, to whom £5,338,000 was paid), the De Beers Consolidated Mines was formed, and the Rothschilds put in the Jew Sir Carl Meyer as their watchdog director. Out of the first deal, Rothschilds made £100,000 in 3 months by the rise in value of the Company’s shares; they got a further £100,000 commission for the purchase of the De Beers mine. The Chairman of the De Beers Consolidated Mines is now the Jew Sir Ernest Oppenheimer. Sir Alfred Beit (Jew) is a Life Governor. The Diamond mining industry is a complete monopoly, and the price of these beautiful stones is kept up by artificial means so that no-one but the rich may acquire them, and the enormous profits pour into the hands of the Jews. Before that, the Rothschilds “had long been interested behind the scenes, together with the Mosenthals, in London and South African Exploration Co.” (L, p. 107). They took a financial interest also in the enormously powerful firm of Wernher Beit and Co., which owned huge tracts of land and gold mines in South Africa. “When Beit realised that it would be necessary to obtain the support of international financiers and bankers in order to raise all the capital required for the gold-mining industry, he decided to broaden the market by giving participations to the Rothschilds of Germany, Austria and France.” So writes J. B. Taylor, of Wernher Beit & Co. in his A Pioneer looks back, 1939, p. 109. To this day, the De Beers Company dominates the South African Press. According to the Daily Telegraph, 8th January, 1935, it was at Tring Park, the residence of Baron Nathaniel Rothschild, that Rhodes met the leading politicians of Britain. It is well known that the South African War was brought about by the Jews to obtain a strangle-hold on South African gold by means of the Union Jack, which they were unable to do under the rule of the crafty old Boer President Kruger. According to Randlords, by P. H. Emden (1935), it was the Rothschilds who backed financially the offer made to Portugal to purchase Delagoa Bay with the object of encircling the Transvaal of the Boers, the sum offered being £700,000. Most significant of all is the information given by Dr. Hans Sauer in his book From Africa, 1937; Dr. Sauer was present in Westminster Hall when the Parliamentary Committee was examining Rhodes on his part in the Jameson raid which fomented the outbreak of the war, and says he noticed “that the evidence was taken in a curious way and always went to ground like a hard-pressed fox whenever it began to point too strongly at certain persons.” Sauer asked Rhodes the reason for this; Rhodes replied “One of the big men knew all about it.” In discussing Sauer’s book, the Cape Times, 2nd Nov., 1937, identifies the “big man” as (the late) Lord Rosebery! Rhodes told Sauer that he had discussed the possibility of the raid with Lord Rosebery when the latter was Prime Minister! The dates of Rosebery’s Ministry were 1894-5, at which time he was a widower, his wife having been a Rothschild, and his children half-caste Rothschilds! Now as Lord Rosebery and his Jewish friends and relations evidently arranged the Jameson Raid, the reader may guess what they must all have “made” by “bearing” the mining shares on the Johannesburg Bourse. In the jargon of the stock exchange, a “bear” is one who sells shares, which he does not actually possess, for future delivery with a view to a drop in prices meanwhile; when that drop in values occurs, he buys the shares and delivers them to his customer. The weapon of the successful “bear” is thus seen to be possession of information on coming events. These Jews knew what was coming, for they arranged it to happen; the Jameson Raid (1895) produced a fearful slump, and the Jews made millions as “bears.” Four “leaders” of the raid, including the Jew Lionel Phillips, were sentenced to death by a British Court, but the black cap meant nothing where Rothschilds were concerned, so the prisoners were able to buy their lives by a fine of £25,000 per head! Soon after this, there was a perfect epidemic of Jewish baronetcies among those intimately concerned with the dastardly business of the Raid. Cecil Rhodes was rewarded by becoming a Director of De Beers in 1900. The Jameson Raid provoked the costly (in life and treasure) South African War, 1899-1902. Speeches made by President Kruger in 1899 prove that he knew that the Jews, not the British, were his real enemies. “If it were conceivable,” he said, speaking in Johannesburg marketplace, in February, “to eject the Jew monopolist from this country neck and crop without incurring war with Great Britain, then the problem of everlasting peace would be solved.” Not only do the Rothschilds control the mining of South African gold, but they control also its price. In London, all gold bullion passes through the hands of three Jewish firms who govern the price of gold from day to day; these are N. M. Rothschild & Sons, Mocatta & Goldsmid, and Samuel Montagu & Co. |