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The Holocaust History Project.
The Holocaust History Project.

The $100,000 challenge

This website now proves the nonexistence of Winnipeg.

Here is the smoking gun.

Clearly, Winnipeg is nowhere to be found on this picture. The CIA must have been lying when they identified markings on this picture as Winnipeg.

I offer $100,000 dollars to anyone who can come up with three air photo experts, to be agreed upon by me and the person accepting the challenge, who can show that:

  1. any of the markings on photos on this web page are actually Winnipeg.
  2. the photos on my website have been altered to disguise the presence of Winnipeg.
To accept my challenge mail a list of the three experts you propose to some P.O. Box that I won't bother to check anyway.

[Home |The Mad Revisionist| The Ball Challenge. Where is John Ball?]

Note that the link to the research of the Mad Revisionist is provided as a service. I am not the Mad Revisionist.


Last modified: January 20, 2003
Copyright © 2000 Richard J. Green or other author. All rights reserved.
Technical/administrative contact: webmaster@holocaust-history.org
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