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The Holocaust History Project.
The Holocaust History Project.

The "Hoax"

Adapted from an essay written
for Usenet on July 30, 1994
by Jamie McCarthy
and reposted on July 30, 1997.

No "revisionist" has yet responded to this essay.

Surely if people were employed to fabricate mountains of evidence as you claim, you must know some details about some of these things. You seem to have discovered this grand hoax that has fooled the world, surely a few names and places must be a minor feat for such geniuses.

Barry Shein, 1994

The Holocaust-deniers, or "revisionists" if they prefer that term, say that the Holocaust never happened. To be precise, they insist that the Nazis never had a plan or policy to try to kill approximately eleven million civilians that they didn't like, about half of whom were Jewish. Not having that as an intention, then, of course, they also did not put it into action. In particular, they didn't have any gas chambers or gas vans.

So how was the world led to believe that something called a "Holocaust" happened in the middle of this century? Well, it's all a big hoax, we're told, in books with titles like The Hoax of the Twentieth Century. We're being scammed. We're being fooled.

But hoaxes don't form spontaneously. A hoax implies a hoaxer. There are no scams without scam artists.

What are we really being told? Let's look at the world through their eyes, let's look at things from this fantasy point of view.

Starting in 1942, the Jews began circulating rumors that they were all being killed. These rumors filtered through various news agencies, from various sources.

By 1945, the Jews had forged tens of thousands of Nazi documents, all "proving" that the Nazis had committed mass murder. The Jews invented the whole thing in a whirlwind effort. They invented the places where the gassings took place. They researched and invented the techniques that were used. They forged photographs and wove them into the documentary record.

Their Jewish chemists figured out which perfectly ordinary buildings would be palmed off as gas chambers. They forged reports of how well the gassing operations were going. They forged reports to Hitler saying that the Eastern territories were free of Jews.

They forged inventories of the morgues, saying there were showerheads and gas-tight doors in them. They forged the whole story about SS guards being taken to a special camp to get them used to the idea of killing Jews.

Everything, every bit of it, forged.

In article <31clre$7sb@ankh.iia.org>, Friedrich Berg briefly discusses this fantasy forgery whirlwind:

Practically every scrap of such evidence is a postwar fabrication, fabricated by people who had been employed primarily to generate such "evidence" since there was absolutely no other evidence to begin with.

"People who had been employed primarily to generate such 'evidence.'"

Who was the employer?

How many employees were there?

I work at a fairly small company; my department is about ten people. We don't try to do nearly as much as these fantastic Jewish forgers must have.

I mean, those guys must have been productive! Draftspeople to forge plans for the buildings, chemists to decide how the Nazis would have done the killing, authors to write fake diaries of the Sonderkommando and bury them at Auschwitz (to remain undiscovered for decades) ... voice talent and audio engineers to forge Himmler's hours-long Poznan speeches, writers to decide who would have written what memos to whom, and the typists -- good heavens, can you imagine the number of typists the whole Operation Jewish Forgery would have required!? They literally had to forge the entire workings of a small but significant part of the German government for four or five years.

Right down to the endless pages detailing which military groups took which positions and how many Jews they killed, rows and rows of small numbers, tabulated, formulated. They must have intercepted the actual routes that the Einsatzgruppen took, figured out which prisoners they took, forged documents saying that they'd executed all the Jews, and then inserted the forgeries into the appropriate places. Wow. That's a lot of work. Hundreds of Einsatzgruppen reports to forge. And that's just the Einsatzgruppen, that's just a million or so murders to report. Multiply that times ten, that's the scale we're talking.

Somehow the Jews got their Jew agents to be there when this forged evidence was presented to Hoess and Broad and Kremer and all the dozens of Nazis tried in 1945 and 1946. All of them must have had the same initial reaction: "what!? I never wrote that!?" but the Jew agents, of course, slapped them around a bit until they admitted it was true. And the Jew agents were very good, because every single one of them admitted that it was true. Those agents must have been quite good at making Nazis admit things, because a lot of those Nazis were seasoned military men. Where'd they hire those agents from?

They found a few thousand Jews who were willing to lie through their teeth and say that Auschwitz was an extermination camp, not a concentration camp. They must have held a big meeting, gathered all the survivors together, and briefed them. "OK," the Head Jew would have said, "repeat after me: Auschwitz was not a nice place to live. You did not go swimming at Auschwitz. Auschwitz used its morgues to gas people. In the summer of 1944 they burned bodies in ditches. Everyone on the left, you actually saw people being led to the gas chambers. You on the right, you did not, but you heard a lot about it." And so on.

All in all, the survivors did a good job of remembering their instructions. Sure, some of them went overboard and started talking about huge clouds of smoke billowing out of the crematories when it was actually pretty smoke-free. In fact these minor slip-ups would be the only way that, decades later, revisionists would deduce that they were lying. So overall, they all stuck to their story remarkably well.

And then they did the same thing over and over, for the trials in the 1950s and 1960s. Even for trails that took place in Germany, the Jewish agents found a way to torture innocent German defendants in German jail cells into confessing, before a German court, to crimes they didn't commit.

Most crafty of all, the Jews didn't forge documents that would provide hard links from Hitler to the gas chambers. They refused to forge a "Führer Order" that would indict Hitler. They pretended the gassings were cloaked in secrecy, so they forged documents that spoke only in code-words, and then other documents to link the code-words to murder.

Rather than forge an inventory of the gas chamber in which it was called a "gas chamber," they forged an inventory for a morgue which listed 17 showerheads -- and then let it remain undiscovered for years until researchers realized its importance!

The ultimate in sneaky!

My department at my company generates a lot of paperwork. We don't magically all agree how we're going to approach a task, and then simply do it -- I wish it worked that way, but it doesn't! Working together requires constant communication. We have meetings all the time; sometimes it seems like I spend entire days doing nothing but meeting and talking about when next to meet and sending notes about future meetings and photocopying proposals. And my department, from what I hear, is small potatoes for bureaucracy, we're remarkably informal.

 This whole Jewish-forgery operation must have generated a lot of paperwork as well. How many people must it have taken to do all this? Fifty people? Hell, they'd need fifty typists. A hundred? A thousand?

No, a lot more than that. There are literally truckloads of documentation, and forging the documentation is easy compared to delivering it to the right places, and figuring out who did what, what to forge, and who to falsely accuse, and making all of it fit together.

Making it all fit is the toughest part. The false can't contradict the true documents in the record, and has to have corroborating documents as well. For every document showing a nugget of direct implication, there must be a dozen that relate indirectly, and a hundred other documents have to be checked and cross-checked to verify everything fits.

Ten thousand people, maybe?

And here I'll drop the fantasy-italics, because here's where the fantasy meets the reality. I'm told that Microsoft employees send and receive a million email messages a week. Let's say that Operation Jewish Forgery was about as big as Microsoft is. They would have needed approximately as many communications as Microsoft does.

Let's say that about half of those were oral, and that they succeeded in burning 99.9% of the written ones. That leaves about 500,000 written communications between the members of this fantasy Operation Jewish Forgery. And, counting the survivors who'd been briefed on their stories, the Nazis who were paid off to go along with the whole thing, and the forgers themselves, I figure there were something like 20,000 people after the war who knew about Operation Jewish Forgery.

500,000 documents, and 20,000 witnesses. As a very rough guess.

Here's my question to you, "revisionist scholars."

Where are they?

Where are all these documents of the forgery? Where are all the witnesses to this scam operation? Oh sure, we understand that you think most Jews are such liars and cheats that, even if they weren't briefed on the "Holohoax," they'd go along with it anyway just to get money for Israel. But would all Jews go along with the story? Wouldn't you think that somewhere, maybe, there would be a few honest Jews who would admit that they'd been pulling the wool over our eyes?

Where are they?

Or is this some insane conspiracy theory, where the very lack of evidence only proves how insidious the conspirators were?

These pieces of paper, the one in a thousand that hypothetically survived. They must be scattered throughout Eastern Europe, little scraps of paper that say things like "Dear Isaac -- please don't forget to leak Document 495B-14 to the London Times on August 13, as we agreed. Signed, Abraham."

Where are they?

Show me anything. I want one memo between members of Operation Jewish Forgery, one written piece of evidence that something went on. I want one inmate of Auschwitz to come forward and said that there was no gassing going on, that it was a big hoax. (Christophersen and Stäglich come closest, but they were, as they admit, nowhere near the gas chambers: they were interned in different subcamps. Christophersen was growing dandelions a mile away from Birkenau. Did anyone get in touch with them after the war and tell them to lie about what they saw? Of course not; they never say any such thing.)

I don't insist of having a top-of-the-line smoking gun, the one document that proves not only the conspiracy but exactly what it was doing. I just want some corroborating evidence, even a little bit.

I'm not talking about a report about Rudolf Höss being beaten up. Nobody is surprised that accused war criminals were often mistreated by their captors. But if I'm supposed to believe he was tortured, and his family threatened, in order to make him tell a specific story -- how about something from the conspirators who organized the beating? How about a document sent to, from, or about his family? How about anything that will verify, or even hint at, the existence of the conspirators?

I don't think I'm out of line in asking for one little detail about how this huge forging operation was carried out. Not when Mr. Berg makes demands on his opponents like:

Surely, the hatemongers can tell us something about those monstrously amazing Diesels-of-Death. Surely, from their "mountains" of "eyewitness testimony" they can tell us whether the Diesels were outside in the open, or inside the vehicles (tank or truck or whatever), or inside a room. Surely, they can tell us whether they were V-12 or inline-sixes or whatever -- whether they were connected to something like a huge fan or bonecrusher or something. These Diesels were, supposedly, the greatest mass murder devices in the entire history of the world -- and we don't even have a picture.

If Mr. Berg feels it acceptable to ask me how many cylinders a Nazi engine had, I don't think it's out of line for me to ask him (and Greg Raven, and Bradley Smith, and Ernst Zündel, and whoever else wants to try answering):

Give me one piece of documentation, or one testimony, that serves as evidence for this alleged massive hoax, this insane conspiracy theory.

Just one.


Last modified: March 16, 2004
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