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The Holocaust History Project.
The Holocaust History Project.

© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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"All the Jews of the world are behind you in your continuing struggle."

"I wish all the people in the world were like you."

"I am a young student in Israel and I wish to thank you for giving me faith that there is still hope for mankind. You are great."

"Such courage as yours is today a symbol for Israel; a small woman against great power is like little Israel against enormous powers."

"Be assured you are not alone. You are in the hearts of all the members of an ancient people – the Jewish people."

"Especially now that all the world is against us, it is heartwarming that you, Beate, come to our aid; we are so in need of friends."

I learn in my cell that Arie Dulzin, president of the Jewish Agency, has protested to the German government, calling me "the friend and ally of the Jewish people." How these words comfort me!

Admiral Limon writes to me in a poem:
The chimneys of the death-oven no longer smoke,
There is no open grave,
The sky is filled with stars:
The eyes of little children
Fill with sadness and suffering. They behold
This world crawling with murderers;
They see your prison and your cell.
How can it be that you are behind those bars – you!
Blessings upon you,
You in the shadow,
You sparkling with hope
That the human race may continue to live.

I learn that the association of Israeli journalists refuses to attend a talk by German Ambassador Jesco von Puttkamer. On May 6 I also learn that, in spite of the arrival of Henry Kissinger in Jerusalem on May 2, a special session of the Knesset is called that same day to consider my case, after thirty deputies have signed a proposed resolution drafted by Akiva Nof. This reads:
© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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