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The Holocaust History Project.

© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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that moved me deeply. Others came spontaneously to offer their help and became good friends: the well-known journalist Yoella Harshafi; Simha Holzberg, known as the comforter to all Israeli war wounded.

I must have been quite a sight, pregnant "up to the neck," buttonholing officials in the handsome locales where the German-Israeli greetings were taking place, urging that Israel put pressure on Bonn for ratification. I held a press conference. I warned the Israelis that the real Germany is not at all like Willy Brandt, that he himself is losing the power to get his way with the Social-Democrat party, most of whose leaders are interested only in one thing – to remain in power, whatever the price. To see Brandt and the Israelis arm-in-arm was impressive and pleasing to both sides, but this beautiful friendship would erode in times of trial; it was too facile, too superficial. Israel has only one trump to play against the German will to follow where self-interest leads (Arab oil, Arab markets, Arab dollars) . That trump is to insist that the German people face up to its responsibility regarding the Jewish people. The only hope for Israel to have loyal friends in Germany and western Europe rests on the Germans having the will to assume their responsibilities, which I as an individual am trying to fulfill. It is only by real sacrifice in favor of the Jewish people that Germany will be morally rehabilitated.

This cannot be accomplished so long as Israel muddles along improvising policy day by day, with frequent small victories and grave setbacks, leading from "special relations" to "specific relations" and at last to "normalization" just before becoming bad. Israel must make plain what she expects from Germany and must help change the German people so they stop thinking that not doing harm is the same as doing good. And what a great deal of good must be done when one has done so much evil!

Some months later, during the Yom Kippur War, the Brandt government protested the shipment of American arms to Israel over German territory. Kneel in the ghetto of Warsaw and then refuse arms to the survivors of that very ghetto? And yet it is easier for West Germany than for other countries to resist Arab blackmail. They need only recall the martyrdom inflicted by the German people upon the Jewish people. This moral priority has considerable political power; I believe my whole history proves this. What could I have accomplished alone without it?
© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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