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© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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see his own signature under texts that were irrefutable. A long silence. Then:

"I signed them, but administratively. I never killed anyone."

I answered: "The Jews were conveyed to the gas chambers by a police and administrative machine. Neither Hitler nor Himmler, nor Eichmann, nor you, killed anyone with your own hands, but each of you in his own place helped make the death machine go." After this, no more dialogue was possible.

Immediately following this, Peggy and I questioned the persons named by Moritz. They did indeed know him and had until then looked upon him as a solid and loyal leftist fighter. The last person we interviewed was a woman who was very well known in those circles, the widow of the man responsible for recruiting Moritz in 1946, when he was using a fictitious name. He had admitted to having been a lieutenant in the S.S. but "that will be taken care of, it is not serious." Paying small attention to the moral qualifications of the man or to the accuracy of his statements, and no doubt more concerned with his technical competence as an intelligence agent, the man engaged Moritz.

The Moritz affair scandalized the extreme leftists in Hamburg and they promptly parted company with him. The VVN accused me of having revealed the affair because it was critical of Israel.

Meanwhile, in November 1972, my book was published in France. The advance I received was of great material assistance. A number of Jewish communities invited me to tell them about my work. I did this without pay, but dozens in the audience bought my book. We need this money to live and to carry on our work.

The Jewish social service fund (FSJU) asked Serge in October 1971 to be director of their vacation centers. This was at the time of the Barbie case and was the first concrete instance of Jewish support of our action. There was one condition – that Serge not be seen at public protests, as the purpose of FSJU is social, not political. A few months later, when I was in Bolivia, Serge was the only one in a position to explain the complexities of what was going on to the press, radio, and television. I wasn't there, and he and I were the only ones working on it. Except for Pierre-Bloch and a few youths in LICA, the Jews of France and the resisters were spectators and not actors in this drama.

Adam Loss, the director of FSJU, asked Serge on several occasions to stop speaking in public or FSJU would have to let him
© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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