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© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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didn't see Mama again until June 23, 1944, when we were shipped to Drancy before being sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp, where Mama was burned on August 23, 1944. My father was killed on January 19, 1945, as the camp was being evacuated.

Serge met Mme. Lagrange on the day after the television program during a demonstration by Resistance veterans and former deportees in front of the Bolivian Embassy. Mme. Lagrange was immediately interested in going to tell the Bolivians about Barbie and the concentration camps. When I returned from Munich, Serge showed me a story in Le Monde, entitled "Troublemakers," which reported the demonstration. It strongly indicated the need for action.
About one hundred and perhaps one hundred fifty people demonstrated on Wednesday in front of the Bolivian Embassy in Paris to demand the extradition of Klaus Altmann.

They waved signs and shouted slogans, but prudently stopped when a police cordon prevented them from proceeding....

It is especially important for automobile traffic on avenue Kleber not to be blocked by a demonstration of Resistance veterans and deportees. A force of three police vans was there to see to it that traffic kept moving. Consequently, there was no traffic jam.

On February 12, Barbie was released from jail, for he had paid his debt. Jean-Martin Chauffier of Le Figaro was still hopeful:
There are two groups of hunters on Altmann's trail; one takes the usual route; the other takes short cuts. It may be a long time before Barbie has to face an examining magistrate, but Altmann is already up before the devil. From now on, every hour of the night is that first hour of dawn for which the people whom he sent to the firing squads used to await in anguish.

That story was a mistake, for it actually meant: "Good people, be calm. The criminal will not escape. For a long time yet he will not be able to enjoy his villa, his swimming pool, his chaise longue, and his family. There are, thank God, professionals, the inexorable commando force of justice, that is beginning to get moving. Barbie's score is already settled. Now it is his turn to know nights of hideous nightmares and to be drenched in the cold sweat that once poured from his victims." When people take desires for realities, public opinion is lulled to sleep and led astray, and the hangmen laugh in derision.

In reality, Klaus Barbie regularly frequents the bar at the Crillon,
© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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