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The Holocaust History Project.

© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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On Tuesday, January 25, I reserved a seat on a flight for the following Thursday night. But I had to have written proofs, and Ludolph's information was only verbal. I called his house four or five times that night. His wife was home alone, but she promised to give her husband my message. At two A.M. he called me back and promised to give me an official transcript.

At seven o'clock on Wednesday morning I was at Orly, and at ten I reached Ludolph's house. We worked until seven o'clock that evening. At my request he researched the matter of extradition in volumes on international law, and gave me documentation on the agreements for it between France and Peru in the laws of October 23, 1888, and July 28, 1924. We completed a report establishing the identity of Altmann and Barbie, and the Munich Attorney General signed it. Four essential proofs were included in it:

1. Klaus Altmann's daughter Ute was born on June 30, 1941, in Kassel. The Registry Office had no record of a Ute Altmann. On the other hand, Ute Barbie, daughter of Klaus Barbie, was registered as having been born in Trier on June 30, 1941.

2. Klaus Altmann's son. Klaus-Georg, was born on December 11, 1946 in Kasel, near Leipzig. Unfortunately for Altmann, Ludolph had carefully studied the evidence. There was no district known as Kasel, but, on December 11, 1946, a Klaus-Jörg, son of Klaus Barbie, had been born in Dr. Kuhn's hospital in Kassel.

3. Klaus Altmann's wife was named Regina, and her maiden name was Wilhelms. The succession of extraordinary coincidences continued: Klaus Barbie's wife's name was Regina, née Willms.

4. The anthropometrical examination that Professor Ziegelmayer of the Ethnographical Institute of the University of Munich had made was contained in an exhaustive report sixteen pages long.

My plane landed on Wednesday about eleven P.M. The night was stormy. As usual, Serge was at Orly to meet me, and we spent an hour telephoning London for a reservation on the London-Lima plane the next morning and in getting my ticket adjusted accordingly. All this was due to Serge's having foreseen that I must arrive in Lima on a day – a Friday – when all offices would be open so that I could go into action at once.

Then we went to France-Soir, only to find that no one was the least bit interested in our proofs of Altmann's and Barbie's identity. Agence France Presse photocopied the report, but sent out no dis- […patch]
© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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