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© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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Just a few minutes earlier, however, Marcel Rivière of Progrès had assured me that I could go to the court. Getting angry would only have led to bitterness. I preferred to save my strength for what had to be done.

On Monday, forty-eight of us took off, mostly Resistance veterans and young LICA members. After a stop in Turin, we landed in Munich at eleven A.M. German reporters were at the airport, and also anti-fascists from the Association of German Victims of Nazism, some carrying signs demanding that the German courts stop protecting Nazi criminals.

Mme. Benguigui and M. Halaunbrenner joined us. We drove to the French Consulate on Mühlstrasse, where one of the leaders of the delegation took me aside:

"Please don't go into the consulate. We have already arranged with the consul that you will not, for it would injure Franco-German relations, owing to your having slapped Chancellor Kiesinger."

I replied: "All I have to say to you is that I carry a French passport, that I don't take orders, and that I have as much right as you to enter a French Consulate."

And I did.

I told Vice-Consul Leglaye that I was astonished at what had been arranged. He waved his hand wearily and, since he had been a deportee, apologized for the incident.

Then, as its organizers had planned, we went for a long breakfast in a Bayerstrasse restaurant – even though the more sensible complained that it would have been better to skip a meal this one time, or just pick up a quick snack somewhere.

The names of the twelve "official" delegates were read out and they got up to go to the court. I did not restrain my indignation, for I knew the German reporters would be expecting fifty people.

"It would be a shame for us to stay here," I said. "We must all go together."

At the courthouse on Maxburgstrasse, the twelve "wise men" went into the building while the young people and I managed to lure the others out of the bus and at least mass them in front of the door. The reporters who encircled us were disappointed at the French people's polite behavior and their orderly retreat when the doorman kept them from going into the court.

Everything had been worked out beforehand with the consulate
© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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