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© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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August 17, 1944. Also, on August 11, Barbie sent the last convoy from France direct to Auschwitz, in which were 308 Jews whose names I have.

In addition to these documents, I got statements from Mme. Benguigui, the Halaunbrenners, Dr. Schendel, and M. Geissmann. More about these later.

On November 9, 1944, Barbie was promoted to S.S.-Hauptsturmführer, and on November 20 he was sent back to the S.D. in Dortmund.

The Americans interned him in Oberursel, but soon set him free and put him to work for their secret service.

I have several pieces of evidence that make it difficult to doubt Barbie's work for the American secret service. It is already known that Commissioner Bribe interrogated him three times – on June 4 and 18 and on July 16,1948 – on American army premises about the Hardy affair.

Barbie had not had to give his name to the French Commission of Inquiry, which must certainly have made a deal with the American secret service over the right to interrogate him. I myself can add some new elements:

On April 16, 1961, Carole Bouness, daughter of a friend of Barbie's mother, stated:
In 1948 Barbie and his family were living in Stadtbergen, near Augsburg, in a house the American authorities had requisitioned. They shared it with an American soldier and his family. In 1949, Barbie's mother told mine that the Americans had sent her son and his family abroad. During the summer of 1957, I met Frau Barbie and her two children, who had spent months in Trier, and she told me she was going back to Bolivia. I was to be her mailing address. After reading Barbie's letters I burned them, for I knew that he had been an S.S. chief. I was to forward his mail to Regina Willms – or Müller, or Altmann – at different post office boxes, the numbers of which were indicated in each of Barbie's letters.

On January 20, 1964, the Bavarian police confirmed that the block at 10 Mozartstrasse in Stadtbergen had been requisitioned by the American authorities until 1950, and that Barbie had been registered by the Americans under the names of Spehr, Behrends, Mertens, and Holzer – always with the same first name of Klaus and the same date and place of birth: October 25, 1913, in Bad-
© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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