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© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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In July, my Serge went back to Israel to work on my case with Tamir and also to continue our campaign against Achenbach during the visit of Bonn's Foreign Minister Walter Scheel. On television, on radio, and in the papers, Tamir and Serge kept asking Scheel the same question: "How can you retain as parliamentary spokesman for the FDP a man with a past like Achenbach's?" That is the way to undermine the standing and the influence of a German political leader.

Meanwhile the Barbie case had cropped up, but we did not want to interrupt our schedule of attacks on the big criminals such as Lischka and Hagen. We had to invent activities that would be peaceable but still focus a little more attention on those S.S. chiefs.

On January 13, 1972, for example, we left for Warstein, where Herbert Hagen lived, armed with pamphlets summarizing his career, showing his picture, and giving his address and his current positions. On the back was a letter addressed to the citizens of Warstein, asking them to ostracize Adolf Eichmann's former boss.

Aside from André Levy, a former deportee, only young people went to Warstein with me: Elisabeth Lenchener, Jeannot Janower, David Soucot, David Tordjman, and Yossi Kuperholc.

Our journey by train and car was tedious but without incident. Television crews and several reporters, who had been alerted, were on hand to meet us. They accompanied us to Hagen's comfortable house, which we plastered with posters.

The police got there quickly, but although we used the same glue that had scarred the windows in Essen, they did not interfere. The imprisonment and trial of the three young men in Essen had given the LICA prominence in Germany; the police did not want to repeat that mistake.

That afternoon we passed out pamphlets in the city, and held animated discussions with the citizens of Warstein, who now at last knew about Hagen's past. Some of them approved of what we were doing; others did not want "ancient history" brought up.

But Warstein had been aroused over the Hagen case. The deputy mayor of the city received us cordially, carefully avoiding involving himself personally. The demonstration was broadcast that evening on German television and radio, and the newspapers reported it. That is how Hagen was brought out of the shadows by
© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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