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The Holocaust History Project.

© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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Henri Bulawko, president of the Association of Jews Deported from France, wrote Fribourg:
I am certain that you did not know what their past history was, but I do think you should have investigated such matters before dealing with Germans of Lischka's and Becher's generation. At any rate, now that you have been informed of the "character" of your German partners, it behooves you to break off all relations with them – and to do so publicly. Please understand that I am not being impulsive by intervening in this sad affair, but my duty compels me to speak up. I shall await your decision which, I hope, will be what the survivors of the death camps expect it to be.

Michel Fribourg never gave an answer to Henri Bulawko or to the Jews of Auschwitz. Those whose ashes served to fertilize the grain fields of Poland did not carry the same weight as Becher and Lischka.

A few days after I got out of the Cologne jail I was invited to the convention of the International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICA) in Paris.

The LICA had untiringly exposed racist aggression and anti-Semitic persecution. It inspired others, especially the young, with its enthusiasm and energy, and it took concrete and effective action instead of mouthing lofty sentiments that led to nothing. Jean Pierre-Bloch had succeeded in bringing forceful people into the LICA, and also a group of young people whom I found very attractive. They had no pretensions, they liked action, they were braver than many extremists of the right or the left. They themselves paid the costs of their activities, and those who had more money helped the others. I made a speech to them in which I said:
Without the concerted efforts of Resistance and Deportee associations, my activities and those of my friends against Nazi criminals would merely have aroused public opinion against us as agitators, and I would still be in jail today as nothing but a troublemaker. As you all know, I have used sensational methods because all others are worthless, and have been so for a long time.

Today is the national day of commemoration of the deportations. I am going to read you a few lines written in 1943 by a little boy in Drancy. They are from a letter he wrote to God from his prison:

"God, it is You who rule and who see that justice is done. You reward the good and punish the wicked. Believe me, God, because of You I have had such good things. I have had a good mama and such a
© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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