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The Holocaust History Project.

© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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slightly to: "A psychiatrist will be present during your trial and will make a report on his observations of you."

A reporter from the weekly Die Zeit, who was covering the hearing, drew the following ironic conclusion from that exchange: "If you don't agree with the president of a German tribunal, you must be crazy."

Neuberger, the Minister of Justice for North Rhine Westphalia, was a Jew who had emigrated to Israel after the war but had subsequently chosen to make his career in Germany. Needless to say, Neuberger was the last person from whom I could expect anything.

While I was in jail, a biology professor and former S.S. officer, Bruno Berger, was tried in Frankfurt. He had selected eighty-six Jews from Auschwitz in 1943, whose skeletons seemed interesting enough to be added to the collection of Professor Hirt of the Reich University of Strasbourg. Then he saw to it that those eighty six human beings, those eighty-six Jewish guinea pigs, were sent to Natzweiler, where they were put to death and their flesh boiled from their bones.

His sentence: three years.

My fellow citizens in both the West and the East continue to think that if a man does nothing reprehensible now, the faults of the past can be forgotten.

Meanwhile Serge had stirred up a lively campaign in my behalf. In spite of definite objections to the illegal attempt at kidnapping on the part of some members of the Resistance and Deportee associations, those organizations appealed to the German Embassy in Paris. Their efforts, which I had deliberately wanted to arouse, resulted in my being set free temporarily and the warrant suspended. But in order to save face, the tribunal demanded bail of 30,000 marks. (Bail for S.S. Ludwig Hahn, chief of the Warsaw S.D.-Security Police, had been set at 8,000 marks.)

When I was released, a guard about fifty years old came up to me and shook my hand: "I was worried that you would not be set free. You did well, very well indeed. I hope to see Lischka in your cell someday."

Serge later told me what had happened: "The French press reacted strongly to your imprisonment, and Jean Pierre Bloch summoned the Resistance and Deportee association executives to his office on rue de Choiseul. It was an extraordinary meeting, for both
© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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