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© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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were present Sturmbannführer Laube, Hauptsturmführer Brunner, and Röthke.

"The following plans were worked out for round-ups: Paris is the hardest place to make arrests because there are still 70,000 Jews there . . . . The Drancy camp for Jews can easily accommodate all the Jews arrested . . . . Jews are to be interned throughout France no later than June 24 and 25, and are to be deported to the East no later than July 15, 1943."

June 16, 1943. Oberg meets with Himmler. As a result, Hagen instructs the anti Jewish department to deprive Jews of citizenship as quickly as possible, and deport them before July 15, 1943.

June 18, 1943. Knochen and Hagen meet with Menetrel, Pétain's doctor and confidant. Hagen reports that Menetrel said: "You will, of course, understand that in view of his age, the Marshal prefers a humanitarian solution to a radical one. Hence, he does not want to deprive Jews of their livelihood for fear they will starve." Hagen reports: "We explained to Menetrel that experience has always shown that if Jews are permitted to work they will soon drastically hamper economic life and worm themselves into important positions."

August 7, 1943. Knochen and Hagen went once more to Laval's headquarters to speed up anti-Jewish operations. Hagen noted: "In the course of our August 7 meeting Laval told Knochen that he had not signed the denaturalization law. He understood that Jews deprived of citizenship thereby would be deported into Germany, and he had no wish to hunt them down. Knochen protested, saying that since the start of the operation that had been what was intended."

August 18, 1943. Hagen conferred with Lieutenant Malfatti, the Italian liaison officer with the German High Command in France: "I told him that the difference in attitude of the Germans and the Italians was having a very bad effect on the solution of the Jewish problem in France. I asked him to do his best to see that the German point of view, with which the Italian government had agreed up until now, be strictly enforced by the Italians."

August 23, 1943. Various memorandums from Hagen about talks with de Brinon concerning the denaturalization of Jews.

August 28, 1943. De Brinon sends a memorandum to Hagen: "This morning the Marshal himself took up the question of the denaturalization of foreign-born Jews. He ordered the Ministre de
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