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© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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little creatures left for destinations unknown, and we have never had any information whatever about them or their parents since then.

On December 8, 1941, Hagen decreed:
In reference to the coastal ordinances, all Jews, no matter what their age, are to be interned. It would be best for the French police to see to the execution of this directive, for that will avoid bringing in German police prematurely and turning the people against them
On January 13, 1942, Hagen's former deputy, Theodor Dannecker, who had meantime become head of the Gestapo's Bureau for Jewish Affairs in France, wrote a memorandum to S.S.-Sturmbannführer Kurt Lischka:
S.S.-Sturmbannführer Hagen informed me on January 12, 1942, that the internment in concentration camps of Jews from Basses-Pyrénées and Landes was necessary both for military reasons and for expanding anti-Jewish measures.

On January 14, S.S.-Obersturmbannführer Kurt Lischka notified the military command of his decision:
The internment in concentration camps of Jews from Basses-Pyrénees and Landes appears necessary. Apart from reasons of security, there are also military reasons for this action. German, Austrian, Czech, and Polish Jews must be sent to these camps. There are about three hundred Jewish men who fit this category in the two Départements. I recommend having the French police arrest these Jews, as the Commander of the Bordeaux S.D.-Security Police has advised, and ship them to the Drancy camp. I will appreciate your attending to this matter quickly, and notifying me as soon as it is done.

Hagen extended his zone of activity to Brittany, and arrayed the forces of the S.D. Security Police in the principal cities of that peninsula in order to prevent or suppress any attempt at opposition from the French and also to arrange for systematic arrests of Jews. He increased his reports and recommendations to Knochen on the Jewish problem. For example, on March 4, 1942, he wrote: "The wearing of a badge will necessarily make Jews stand out, and will prevent any black market in the tight food situation."

On May 5, 1942, Heydrich installed General Kurt Oberg in Paris as the top executive of the S.S. and the German police force in France. Oberg took over all police powers, and acquired as right-
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