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© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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17, 1942. A letter to the military commander, General Hans Speidel
Subject: Further deportation of Jews
In accordance with our suggestion, the RSHA has stated that it is ready to receive 4,000 Jews from France at once, in addition to the 1,000 Jews from Compiègne. This number is about five percent of the Jews….
A large part of the Jews to be deported can be taken to the Drancy camp, and the camps near Orleans, Pithiviers, and Beaune-la-Rolande.
It will thus be possible to proceed with replacing the Jews in those camps and to undertake new round-ups of Jews in order to break open the ranks of Parisian Jewry.

May 15, 1942. A telegram to Eichmann
Contact has been made with Lieutenant General Kohl, head of the Department of Railway Transportation. Lieutenant General Kohl, who hates Jews, has assured us that he will put as many cars and locomotives at our disposal as are needed to transport Jews. Consequently, at least six trains are about to leave France soon. I make reference to the various talks S.S.-Hauptsturmführer Dannecker has had with the department concerned, and I would like to be informed if and when a large quantity of Jews can be received and what camp is designated to receive them.
Inasmuch as further round ups of Jews will be necessary, and since room for them is limited here, I would appreciate it if you would immediately receive a preliminary shipment of 5,000 Jews.

On May 14, 1942, Lischka informed Eichmann of the "imminent introduction of a mark of identification for Jews."
After another discussion about the possibility of making exceptions, all the departments involved reached an agreement. Consequently, the eighth ordinance dealing with anti-Jewish measures will read as follows:
Jews who have completed their sixth year of age are forbidden to appear in public without a Jewish star.
The Jewish star is a six-pointed one, six inches square, with black borders. It is made of yellow cloth and bears the word "Jew" in black letters. It must be worn in plain sight on the left breast and be firmly sewn to the garment.
Infractions of the ordinance in question will be punished by fine and/or imprisonment. Police action, such as internment in a concentration camp for Jews, may be added to or substituted for those penalties.
© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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