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© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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On January 13, 1943, he wired all KdR's:
To prevent similar attacks, investigate whether it is necessary to take into protective custody relatives from the age of eighteen up of active communists who have been interned or sentenced. The decision whether or not to take such measures rests with the commandos of the S.D. Security Police. Such measures should not be published in the newspapers.

On January 1, 1941, Lischka was made Oberregierungsrat. His promotion to S.S.-Obersturmbannführer was to follow in April 1942.

As to torture, the rue des Saussaies Gestapo members testified that "when a prisoner seemed to know a great deal but would not say anything, an authorization for 'in depth' interrogation could be requested from the commander [Lischka] and was always forthcoming."

Starting on January 20, 1941, Lischka exercised a more direct role in dealing with the Jews. On that day a conference took place on the Final Solution of the Jewish Problem, attended by embassy officials, the military, and the S.D.-Security Police. The S.D. was represented by Lischka and Dannecker. Lischka took the floor at once. The minutes record:
S.S.-Sturmbannführer Lischka pointed out that, insofar as new measures for dealing with the Jews were concerned, the goal was to achieve the solution of the Jewish problem in Europe according to the directives the Reich had already issued. To this end, it was proposed that a Central Jewish Office be created in France, or in the occupied zone to begin with, that would be responsible for the following:
1. Handling all police matters relating to Jews (census, index cards, surveillance).
2. Economic control (elimination of Jews from economic life, assistance in transferring Jewish businesses to Aryans).
3. Propaganda (anti-Jewish propaganda among the French).
4. Establishment of an institute of anti Jewish studies.

A special Jewish division, a precursor of the Central Jewish Office, has already been organized at Paris Police Headquarters. It is advisable to leave the direction of it to the French now, to avoid the French people's reaction against everything of this sort originated by Germans. Germans will restrict themselves to making suggestions.

In 1941, Lischka came within an inch of getting Knochen's job. Knochen had mounted an abortive raid on the synagogues on October 2, 1941, and the military demanded his recall. On Novem […ber]
© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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