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© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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I could find a compartment where I might lie down and be warmer than on the cold station platform. Needless to say, I laid my bundle beside me. When I awoke, I saw a young man staring at me from the seat opposite – a Norwegian who was going to Switzerland for two weeks of winter sports. He insisted on talking to me in English, but I was so tired that I went right back to sleep.

In Geneva he helped me off the train with my awkward package, and was utterly astonished to find waiting for me on the platform the several news photographers I had alerted before I left Berlin. Again encumbered with my bundle, I climbed into a taxi that had an open top, and headed straight for United Nations headquarters.

I have no idea who tipped them off, but the security force at the United Nations had been warned of my visit and had been instructed not to let me in. They had been expecting, however, a young woman waving two flags, or perhaps a small army of young people, and so paid no attention to arrivals by taxi. Hence, I got through the main entrance without any trouble.

A number of members just happened to be in the courtyard. Without a moment's hesitation, I unwrapped my two flags. A young man helped me nail them to the wall near the entrance, and I began distributing the two hundred pamphlets I had had printed in West Berlin.

The United Nations security guards lost no time in tearing down first the West German, then the Democratic Republic flag, but the photographers had had time to snap them. What was left of my pamphlets was quickly confiscated, but I was not arrested.

In the fall of 1970, I went to London to protest Rudi Dutschke's expulsion, which had been ordered by British Home Secretary Reginald Maulding. I visited the offices of all the Fleet Street newspapers to argue that Dutschke had been seriously wounded by a fanatic who still believed in Hitler: "The same enemy who tried to invade England now has struck down Dutschke, the first German in politics to be the victim of a postwar assassination attempt. You are degrading yourselves by expelling him."

After reading the news stories, former Prime Minister Harold Wilson promised to intervene. He did so, but to no avail. Dutschke took the path to exile again and went to Denmark.

On the evening of January 7, 1971, Mutualité Hall in Paris was full to overflowing. Three weeks before, two of the five defendants in the Leningrad trials had been sentenced to death. I had marched
© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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