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© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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reaction would be to my performance. I had thought for a while that my mother in West Berlin might change her attitude toward me because the conservative papers were for the first time being more favorable to me. I was wrong, however; her prejudices were as strong as ever, and she was still completely allergic to any kind of public activity.

While I was taking the S-Bahn to the Friedrichstrasse checkpoint, I began to worry that I might not be allowed into East Germany without some difficulties. But everything went as usual. I immediately telephoned one of my friends, a radio executive who had been the first to help me establish contact with East Germany. He and his wife met me the following day in the Hotel Unter-den-Linden.

"I want to show you the leaflet I handed out in Warsaw."

I had thought that might take him by surprise, but he replied that he had already read it carefully. Then he said: "The press service dispatches that descended on the newspapers gave a lot of journalists quite a shock. It certainly made them think, even if they didn't show it."

We arranged to meet again on the following day.

Another telephone call was to an official in the Ministry of the Interior who had helped us in our research on Kiesinger: "I should like to see you. Could Serge and I stop by your office tomorrow?"

He answered me frostily: "I think that is scarcely necessary after what you did in Poland."

"But why shouldn't anti-Semitism in Poland be exposed?"

"You see the matter from the wrong historical perspective," he said.

I wondered whether I might have any better luck with the East Berlin paper, BZ am Abend, for which I used to write fairly frequently. When Serge and I went to its offices, we looked up the man in charge of foreign news. I asked him whether he was going to publish the story I had sent in three weeks before.

"We really cannot print any more of your articles," he replied. "We do not approve of your activities, even if it is true that there are shortcomings in the communist countries. Our opinion is that there is no need to expose them, for in doing so you are just furnishing the capitalist camp with ammunition. After this latest performance of yours blows over, we'll see."

I tried one last contact at the Association of East German Anti-Fascists. The conversation was nothing but clichés, for the people
© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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