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© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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Collin, peasant Armand Mascret, mechanic André Leclers, chauffeur Yvon Delare, carpenter Marcel Darnier, printer Jean Bourquard, upholsterer Albert Gerard, hairdresser Robert, tax expert Robert Millot, tailor Marcel Andemar, student Lucien Dupont….

Did any of you French people who were tortured at the same time as those foreign Jewish hostages imagine that one day Achenbach would get the red-carpet treatment in the inner circles of a French parliament? Or that the members of that parliament, who today are free thanks to your sacrifices, would be congratulating that man?

But what happened to the "two thousand Jews" for whom, according to Achenbach, everything turned out fine?

On the day after that telegram, February 16, 1943, the chief of the Gestapo's Bureau for Jewish Affairs, S.S.-Obersturmführer Heinz Röthke, wrote in a memorandum:
In a repisal [sic] for the murder on February 13, 1943, of two German air force officers, 15,000 able bodied men had to be deported from France, and thousands of Jews had to make up that quota.

On February 23, 1943, S.S.-Obersturmbannführer Kurt Lishka, commander of the Paris S.D.-Security Police, informed his Brussels counterpart that:
The Paris Police Commissioner was told by me that by April 14, 1943, for the sake of reprisals, 2,000 Jews between the ages of sixteen and sixty-five were to be arrested and shipped to the concentration camp for Jews at Drancy.

On February 24, Röthke reported to Lishka on a conversation with Sauts, the chief of staff of Police Commissioner Leguay, about "the solution of the Jewish problem in France, and the Italians' attitude toward the Jewish problem":
Sauts replied to me that the arrest of 2,000 Jews by the French police in the zone formerly and presently occupied in order to effect the measures of reprisals ordered by the Paris Commander (Kurt Lishka) was under way. Before February 23, more than 1,500 able-bodied Jews between the ages of sixteen and sixty five had already been interned in the two zones. Lishka had been ordered to see to it that only stateless Jews be arrested or those whose nationality fitted our specifications for deportation . . . . I told Sauts that we would consider the quota of 2,000 filled only if all the Jews arrested did indeed conform to our specifications for deportation.
© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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