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The Holocaust History Project.

© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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crack and thrust our passports through it to two plainclothesmen.

"That's not enough. You'll have to come to headquarters with us. You have fifteen minutes to get dressed."

Once the door was shut, I rushed to the telephone and called one of Serge's best friends, Philippe Lemaitre, the Brussels correspondent of Le Monde, as well as Michel Lang, whose room was on the floor below us. My mother-in-law roused Serge in Paris, and he promised he would immediately call Hubert Halin, the secretary-general of the International Resistance Union. Halin notified his friends in the inner circles of the Belgian government, and especially those in the Ministry of Justice.

More knocking on the door. "Hurry up!"

My mother-in-law replied: "We're ladies. We need time to get dressed properly."

Presently we had to leave. Michel Lang was also under arrest. We were taken straight to Belgian police headquarters, where we had to wait a long time. I was ushered into a small office. Two police officials questioned me and recorded my statements. I was convinced that the purpose of this arrest was to keep me from speaking, hold me in custody until evening, and then put me on a train for Paris. At first I was in a fury. I looked at my watch every five minutes to see whether I was already late. Then I began to use my head. It couldn't be helped. If they did not let me speak, they would have trouble with the students and the scandal would be all the greater. The officials had a lot to type up. I listed Kiesinger's official positions and his duties, and also described the trip he made in 1940 with foreign correspondents into occupied Belgium and France. Then, looking straight at the officials, I added:

"You must have lived through the Nazi occupation of Belgium. You know what that was like."

They told me that they had been in the Resistance, but "an order is an order." The German ambassador to Brussels had asked the Belgian authorities to prevent any incidents during Kiesinger's visit. Troublemaker Number One was me.

About 12:4 P.M. an inspector came in, handed me a sheet of paper, and asked me to sign a pledge to leave Brussels immediately after my speech. He added: "Some VIP's have interceded for you."

My mother-in-law and Michel Lang had been released a few minutes before.

I jumped into a taxi and headed straight for the Free University,
© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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