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© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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[prob…] lems in political propaganda" for the benefit of future specialists.

As a member of that board Kiesinger was, in the name of the Foreign Ministry, a shareholder in the company to the extent of ten million Reichsmarks. He was, furthermore, the liaison officer between the Foreign Ministry and Interradio; if the various departments of Interradio did not follow the directives issued by the regional offices of his department, he had authority to make them do so.

Interradio's policy objectives are clearly set forth in a document dated November 5, 1941:
After our victory in this war, the energies now devoted to fighting can be rechanneled to the construction of a new Europe under German authority. Persistent political and cultural work for several decades to come should root out all forces and ideologies hostile to the German way and to National Socialism. That is why the Reich has always been interested in constructing a network of German controlled broadcasting stations abroad....
The foreign broadcasting stations that Germany controls or influences will at first be under the supervision of the central departments in Berlin. They will be a means of warfare to bring about in due time a truly forward looking contribution to German culture, science, and economics, which will thus actively promote the grand design of Germany's policies.

Thus the directors of Interradio were not only citizens fulfilling their duty as combatants in the civilian sector of the Fatherland during the war, but they were also the future builders of a new Europe to be dominated by Hitler.

The following document, issued in March 1942, gives an accurate picture of the extent of Kiesinger's influence at Interradio:
Authority over the political content of the Foreign Ministry's broadcasts is not limited to the text of news programs alone, but extends to all Interradio programs. You are requested to take note of the fact that Herr Kiesinger, director of the department of foreign broadcasts, has been appointed permanent liaison officer between the Foreign Ministry's broadcasting department and Interradio. Herr Kiesinger is in charge of issuing all directives concerning general propaganda broadcasts to other countries and of their execution.

In 1943, Kiesinger was appointed deputy director of the broadcasting department. He also remained director of Bureau B and was made director of the second general division, Bureau A, which
© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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