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© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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That evening I became part of the Klarsfeld family. They were all bit Bohemian, everyone thought more of the others than of himself, and there was no generation gap. The mother had sacrificed' for the children, and the children had close ties to the mother without losing one speck of their independence. Tanya and Serge had each seen a good part of the world, more or less as vagabonds. 'What's more, Serge sent me to Greece and Turkey in 1961, for he had often hitchhiked through those countries. I also went to Bucharest in 1962 to meet Raissa's sister, Lida.

In March 1963, Tanya became engaged to Alik, a Jewish engineer, whom she had met in Bucharest before he left Rumania. In the middle of the engagement party Serge suddenly got up "I forgot to tell you that we're not just celebrating Tanya an Alik's engagement, but Beate and Serge's too."

We were married on November 7, 1963, in the Town Hall of the Sixteenth Arrondissement. Serge later told me that he had had a raging toothache all that day and was not even aware that we were really married.

That night we boarded a sleeper for our honeymoon. The destination: Munich, the one artistic center in Europe that Serge,
© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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