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A memorial
Serge Klarsfeld  

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Danièle BAUER was born on March 8, 1939, in Paris. She and her parents fled to Limoges (Haute-Vienne), where they lived at 38 rue Petiniaud-Beaupeyrat. They were arrested there in February 1944. They were deported on convoy 69 of March 7, 1944, and gassed along with Danièle's maternal grandparents and her uncle. Danièle had her 5th birthday in the train that took her to Auschwitz. Guy Kohen, arrested in Limoges and deported in the same convoy, describes Danièle's arrest: Around February 5th, a new development: newcomers to the police station. Three people from Limoges were brought to our residence: a father, his son and his son-in-law. The mother and daughter had also been arrested. The whole family, in other words. Only the granddaughter, a little girl of four, had been left behind, with the concierge of their building. They had told this woman, "We are not savages. We don't attack children." How many times this phrase, which the father repeated endlessly in the hope that his little girl would escape the nightmare of the deportation, how many times this phrase has echoed in my mind, I who witnessed the massive extermination of thousands of innocent young children! The very morning of our departure for Paris, the sergeant brought the little girl into our cell; the German police had gone to get her from the concierge. The agony of the father, the swoon of the mother, who had to be kept from dashing her head against the wall, all this is impossible for me to describe – I who lived through this atrocious scene – without tears coming to my eyes. That night, at around three o'clock in the morning, we were all assembled in the hall. There were about sixty of us. A bus was waiting at the door to take us to the station. It was February 24th. A single car was on the track. We took our seats and waited for the express train to Paris, to the rear of which we were then attached.    


A memorial
Serge Klarsfeld

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