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Serge Klarsfeld  

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Jacques (7), and Henri (5); Elisabeth Friedman (41) and her 2-month-old baby Eliane; Doudou Haïm with three children, Ida (20), Henri (8), and Elie (5); Estelle Houli (22) with children Monique (2) and Maurice (2 months); Myria Kahn (40) with children Liane (10) and Jean-Claude (2); Bertha Messerer with Paulette (10) and Marcel (7); Allegre Punsky (31) and her four children, Esther (9), Berthe (7), Renée (5), and Jacqueline (2); 2-year-old twins without parents, José and Carlos Rodrigues, born in the camp at Gurs on March 6, 1942; Marius (2) and Martin (1) Schumer, also deported without parents; Sprynca (37) and Samuel (36) Thau and their three children, Paulette (10), Angel (6), and Michel (1); Esther Wajngarten (40) and her three children, Joseph (8), Albert (6), and Lipia (2); and Fanny Ziserman (31) and her three children, Gilbert (6), Michèle (5), and Alain (3).

Convoy 75, May 30, 1944 (Drancy)

Convoy 75 deported 114 children under 18, 53 boys and 61 girls. The 1,000 deportees were brought to Drancy from Vichy, Toulouse, Lyons, and Marseilles. Only nine had been arrested in Paris.

The convoy included many families, such as Ruth Altmann and her six children, Meta (13), Bella (12), Mier (11), Benjamin (9), Sarah (7), and Paula (6); and Estera Fogielman (35) and her four children, Anna (14), Paulette (12), Jacqueline (6), and Michel (2).

Convoy 76, June 30, 1944 (Drancy)

American, British, and Canadian troops had already landed in France when convoy 76 carried 1,100 deportees to Auschwitz. Of those deported on this convoy, 166 were children, 94 boys and 72 girls. They came from all over France.

Among the families were: Ernest (44) and Sarah (40) Touitou and their 11 children, Marcel (18), Henri (17), Joseph (16), Haim and Isaac (14), Jean (13), Simon (10), Fernand (8), Josette (7), Louis (5), and Gilbert (3); Rachel Sitruk and her six children, Yvonne (12), Gladys (9), Raymonde (5), François (4), Jacqueline (3), and Odette (1); Bertha Barouch (38) and her three children, Robert, (9), Maurice (7), and Elaine (3). Children by themselves included Mina (9) and Claudine (5) Halaunbrenner, who were arrested at Izieu by Barbie (see convoy 71).

Convoy 77, July 31, 1944 (Drancy)

Convoy 77 carried to Auschwitz 327 children under 18, 165 boys and 162 girls. It shows the criminal will of Brunner in giving priority to annihilating Jewish children on this last of the large convoys from Drancy. Of the children, 232 had been living in centers run by the UGIF in the Paris area; they were arrested between July 21 and 25.

Convoy 78, August 11, 1944 (Lyons)

The list for this convoy was not recovered, and was finally reconstructed for the Barbie trial. Convoy 78 deported at least 25 Jewish children – 19 boys and 9 girls – of a total of over 400 Jews. At Auschwitz, the normally immediate selection for the gas chamber did not take place right away. This is because the convoy had also carried other, more privileged groups – English nationals and Resistance fighters – to various destinations, and it took some time before the SS in Birkenau, to


A memorial
Serge Klarsfeld

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