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A memorial
Serge Klarsfeld  

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Municipal Police Archives of the Paris Prefecture of Police, which organized all of the great roundups of Jews in Paris.

9. Le Mémorial de la Déportation des Juifs de France (Paris, 1978), The Memorial to the Jews Deported from France (New York, 1983), and its four successive supplements.
The research that went into this work was indispensable to the creation of the children's Mémorial, both in gathering the names and in recreating and understanding the formation and history of each transport. The supplements included additional details and corrections, particularly with respect to birth dates, making it possible to identify the children among the deportees.

10. Le Calendrier de la Persecution des Juifs de France (1993); and Vichy-Auschwitz, 2 vols. (Fayard, Paris, 1983, 1985)
These two books were my major published research subsequent to the 1978 Memorial; their contents are the basis for this book's historical background. The sections of the Calendrier that were particularly useful for this volume include the chronology, composition, organization, and routes taken by the transports of foreign Jews from the Vichy Zone to the Occupied Zone; and information on and photographs of the children at the UGIF centers in Paris.

11. Departmental and prefectural archives, and some of the resulting works published by the Klarsfeld Foundation on the transfers of Jews to Drancy from various prefectural regions (Bordeaux, Marseilles, Nice, Montpellier, etc.):
Les transferts des Juifs de la région préfectorale de Bordeaux vers le camp de Drancy;
Les transferts des Juifs du camp des Milles et de la région préfectorale de Marseille vers les camps de Compiègne et de Drancy;
Les transferts de Juifs de la région préfectorale de Nice vers le camp de Drancy;
Les transferts de Juifs du camp de Rivesaltes et de la région préfectorale de Montpellier vers le camp de Drancy.


A memorial
Serge Klarsfeld

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