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Serge Klarsfeld  

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Number of children murdered, who were arrested and deported from
UGIF children's centers in and around Paris, July 1944.

Center (and/or town) # of Children
Lamarck-Secrétan (Paris): 16 rue Lamarck (18th arr.), then 70 ave. Secrétan (19th arr.) 71
Louveciennes: Séjour de Voisins, then 18 rue de la Paix 33
La Varenne (two sites): 30 rue Saint-Hilaire (called Orphelinat) 18
57 rue Georges Clémenceau (called pension Zysman) 10
Montreuil: 21 rue François Debergue 18
Saint-Mandé: 5 rue Granville 18
Neuilly: 67 rue Edouard Nortier 17
Vauquelin (Paris): 9 rue Vauquelin (5th arr.) 9
Ecole du Travail (Paris): 4 bis, rue des Rosiers (4th arr.) 5
This list does not include:  
a) 33 children arrested in the centers who survived deportation  
b) 3 children liberated from Drancy  
c) 15 children arrested in the centers who survived deportation to Bergen-Belsen  

[maxi…] mum number of Jews before the German evacuation of Paris, which now seems inevitable. SS leaders had only just escaped execution by the plotters, and Brunner knows that he too would have faced a firing squad if the assassination attempt succeeded. His superiors, Oberg, Knochen, and Hagen, who had been arrested by the plotters and then freed, are totally absorbed by the explanations they must give Berlin about why they did not discover the conspiracy; some of its leaders, among them General Karl Heinrich von Stülpnagel, the military commander in France, were based in Paris. Brunner can now take action against the children.

Many of these children already have been arrested at least once; they have passed through the hands of the Gestapo in Paris or other areas and have been saved temporarily by the UGIF. Some have been transferred to Paris and on arrival at the Gare d'Austerlitz or Gare de l'Est have been segregated and sent to UGIF children's homes. Others, arrested in Paris with parents who were deported without them, have been set aside at Drancy for several weeks, and the UGIF had taken advantage of the delay to obtain permission for them to be sent to children's homes. The Gestapo went along because at the time the numbers of Jews in Drancy seemed sufficient for the transports planned and it thought the children would be available for eventual deportation. A certain number of the children, difficult to estimate, were able to leave the children's centers through the clandestine family placement system, when claimed by their own relatives, or simply by escaping.

Brunner and his men succeed in arresting 250 children at the UGIF centers and send them to Drancy, where a last large deportation convoy is being prepared. Three children are freed and 15 others, found to be children of French prisoners of war, are sent to Bergen-


A memorial
Serge Klarsfeld

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