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The Holocaust History Project.
 Reconstruction of the Death Camp

Reconstruction of the Death Camp (Continued)

In Figure 32, the fruits of the close study are represented by four annotations, A through D. A, B and C point to small light toned points aligned in linear patterns. These patterns are interpreted to be the locations of fence posts. Their spacing is about 7 to 8 meters (24 to 34 feet). The tonal pattern at the post's locations may be due to digging around them to effect removal, or more likely because they were set in concrete to anchor the fence in the sandy soil. Of significance is that annotation A consists of two parallel rows of these light toned dots about 5 to 6 meters apart. These scars are believed to be the 'Schlauch' or 'hose pipe'. Arad (Reference 1, pg 42)) describes this structure as being 4.5 to 6 meters wide. The width the linear patterns of A-B is also 5.5 to 6 meters.

Annotation D is a large rectangular scar, with a smaller square appendage extending to the south. The larger area measures roughly 27 meters [88 feet] on a side. The size as well as the orientation of this feature initially points to this as possibly being the site of the footings for the large gas chamber building. The pattern of this area is one that would be expected as the result of an excavation made to allow the demolition and removal of a building's foundations. It cannot, however, be explained why the scars from the removal of this building should persist so clearly, while those from the grave pits became overgrown. In the figure, light tones are representative of sterile soil and dark tones are indicative of soil that supports more vigorous plant growth. It became clearer after studying other sources, that this area could not be the site of the gas chambers. It was concluded that it was rather the area where the grates for burning the victim's corpses had been.

The key to resolving the question concerning the location of the gas chambers was found in Yacob Viernik's map*, previously presented in Methods and Materials, Figure 13) Viernik worked in the 'Totenlager', and drew the map in Warsaw shortly after his escape in 1943. Important elements of the map are verifiable on the aerial photos as is demonstrated in Figure 33.
Most importantly, he drew the tube with a right angle turn near the end. He shows a security fence running roughly east-west just to the north of the tube. The fence is visible on the September aerial coverage in the form of a cut through the woods. It was only noticed after studying Viernik's map. To see it clearly requires stereoscopic viewing of the photography. It was evidently later abandoned, and the northern boundary of the death camp moved southward, out of the woods. This comparison served initially to establish the accuracy of Viernik's other accounts of Treblinka and to promote confidence in the reliability of a model he built of the camp.

Viernik was a unique survivor. He was present early in Treblinka's existence. He worked on building the new, large gas chambers. By virtue of his value as an artisan, the SS gave him access to both the 'Totenlager' and the living camp. His description of his stint during the building of the new, larger gas chambers gives insight to the location of that structure. He wrote in A Year in Treblinka:

*The folowing dialog comes from a transcript of the Eichmann Trial in 1962:

Judge Halevi: [to witness] When you were a member of the Armia Ludowa, was it then that you drew this sketch?
Witness Wiernik: I prepared it when I was working in Warsaw in the Tashitza Palace. The SS was there on the one side, and I was a night watchman against air attacks - I also have a certificate about that. I used to sit there at night. Nobody disturbed me, and I gradually made that sketch.
Q : Do you remember in what month and what year you drew this sketch?
A : It was in 1944. It took a long time. I also wrote A Year in Treblinka. In 1944, it was already in America, via the underground.



Last modified: May 31, 2003
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