April 18, 2004
ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny
Ingrid Rimland Zündel
2869 Hatcher Mountain Road
Sevierville, TN 37862 USA
Tel: 865-774-7756 and Fax: 865-774-7758
Ms. Anne McLellan
Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Ottawa
Fax Number 613-952-2240
RE: Ernst Zündel / Hunger strike announced!
Open Letter
April 16, 2004
Dear Minister McLellan:
I am Ernst Zündel's wife. Our Canadian lead attorney, Peter
Lindsay, just faxed me an article by investigative reporter, Bill Dunphy, of
the Hamilton Spectator (4-15-4). Dunphy summarizes the latest, grotesque,
Soviet style star chamber "hearing" against my husband, contrived
by CSIS and presided over by a former CSIS boss. It can't be a secret to you
that CSIS, the already discredited and widely despised Canadian spy agency,
is once again participating shamelessly in a judicial lynching - regrettably
now on your watch.
Dunphy, certainly no friend of Ernst's, observes the
politically correct modus operandi Canadian reporters must now oblige to
please the noisy Holocaust Lobby by doing a mandatory character
assassination number on Ernst Zundel. However, embedded in his write-up are
sentences and phrases that ought to make you ponder what they will mean to
Canada's image:
"[Canadian] Justice seems not blind, but
"Š a look at the sorry evidence produced against this
man suggests he is being railroadedŠ"
"Š[CSIS is] abusing the terrifying powers of our
anti-terrorism laws, counting on the man's odious beliefs to shield them
from criticism."
"As luck, or something worse, would have it, Zundel's
case was handed to Justice Pierre Blais, a former solicitor general (in
1989) and thus former boss of CSIS, the very agency whose secret evidence
forms the crux of the case against him."
'Š [Defense attorney] Lindsay marched CSIS official Dave
Stewart through a painstaking listing of literally thousands of individuals
and groups in the white racist (sic) movement, asking him if CSIS had any
evidence Zundel had advocated or helped them commit violence, crimes or any
actions that would threaten the country's security. To each and every
question Stewart answered: "Not in the unclassified material."
And, finally, to the disgrace of Canada:
"Zundel will lose solely on the secret evidence he will
never see."
Minister McLellan, is this still the Canada the world held
once in high esteem as one of the loveliest countries on earth?
I am writing to you to alert you to a hunger strike I will
commence on May 1, 2004 in front of the Canadian Embassy in Washington, D.C.
I will be protesting CSIS's documented involvement in my husband's abduction
on U.S. soil on February 5, 2003 as well as Ernst's subsequent inhuman
treatment for more than a year in a maximum security prison in Ontario -
without bail being granted, and without any charges having been laid! I will
also protest against the disgraceful kangaroo court security certificate
hearings - a truly reprehensible reality for Canada! I will ask tourists
coming to Washington to think twice before they visit Canada where
"truth is no defence."
What do I want to accomplish with my hunger strike? The
Canadian Ambassador's forceful intervention as Canada's representative to
right an egregious wrong! What is happening in Canada with the CSIS running
amok is not to Canada's credit! Minister McLellan, the world looks on,
My husband's treatment at the hands of abusive Canadian
officials has been repeatedly reported globally and has become an
international scandal. In the not too distant future, I intend to visit
Canada and, especially, your influential office in the company of a United
States Congressman and representatives of the German-Canadian as well as
German-American business community. We will be asking you to make your
underlings live up to the principles of justice that Canada so loudly
proclaims. We will ask you to put an end to the brutal charade that CSIS
officials think they can inflict on a man they -know to be utterly innocent.
Minister McLellan - please act on behalf of Canada, not on
behalf of an unpleasant lobby. Even the Globe and Mail, Canada's most
venerable paper, headlined a recent editorial, "Zundel doesn't warrant
a security certificate'! (3-6-4)
You can avoid a huge diplomatic embarrassment by taking
concrete steps to stop this judicial mockery now!
Ingrid Rimland Zundel, Ed.D.
Cc to Ambassador Michael Kergin - Fax 202-682-7678 Cc to
Acting Director/Immigration Tim Haugh / Fax 202-225-5714
===== ===== =====
Help free Ernst Zundel, Prisoner of Conscience. His
prison sketches - now on-line and highly popular - help pay for his defence.
Take a look - and tell a friend.

Write to Canada's Prime Minister and complain
over the unfair treatment Ernst Zündel has received.
Prime Minister Paul Martin
House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 992-4284
Fax: (613) 992-4291
Email: Martin.P@parl.gc.ca |