Zundelsite down: Yesterdays ZGram, Second Try!

May 08, 2003

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!

May 8, 1945 was the day when World War II was over and Germany surrendered to the Allies, bombed into the stone age and utterly defeated. Ernst Zundel was a six-year-old first-grader.

Half a century later, In the very early hours of May 8, 1995, the Toronto-based Zundel-Haus suffered a $400,000 arson attack that would have killed Ernst Zundel, had he been home and in his fourth-story bedroom that day.

Even though the arsonist's act was caught on security video, and street talk gave Ernst Zundel a description and even a name of the hoodlum who was alleged to have been paid $200.- to set the fire, Toronto Police made no effort to solve this violent crime.

Several years later, Irv Rubin, the then head of the violent Jewish Defense League, was overheard bragging at a "Survival Expo" that he and/or his men were responsible for the arson - until his lawyer, present there as well, told him to keep his mouth shut. Nothing happened to Irv Rubin either, even though he was briefly chased by Toronto Police a few days after the arson when he appeared with several other JDL Defense League members to take photographs of the burned-out Zundel-Haus shell.

Today, eight years later, with Ernst Zundel having been arrested in Tennessee on a bogus immigration violation charge, held in maximum detention in Canada on charges of being a "security risk" to the country where he lived peacefully for more than 40 years, I am pleading with my readers to send me testimonials of my husband, documenting from your own experience that he is a peaceful man who has never been involved in, incited, or condoned any violence, even though he suffered egregious violence many times over, including several murder attempts.

Your letter need not be long. Very briefly give your profession/vocation and/or title and describe how you became aware of Ernst's activist work. I'd like you to speak honestly and openly to what you know about this man from personal experience and what you know about his political views and deportment from having met him, or from his writings you have read and videos and audios you may have watched.

I am asking you to describe the man as he came across to you. Give your views on how Ernst Zundel, of all people, should be charged by the Canadian government as a "terrorist" - even though he has a record as a lifetime pacifist.

Is Ernst a man, in your opinion, "who could incite others to violence" or who could be or become "a danger to the security of Canada"?

If you know, or have had personal experience with the German hate laws and the consequences of being charged with "inciting hate" or "defaming the memory of the dead", please tell that in your letter. I am particularly thinking of people like Hans Schmidt, Fred Leuchter, Fredrick Töben, Germar Rudolf and Udo Walendy who suffered imprisonment or had to go into exile for their beliefs and writings.

It is very important to detail what you know about Germany not being a "free speech" "democratic" country - and that imprisonment for years, if not for a lifetime will be a foregone conclusion in Ernst's case, should he be deported to Germany, since charges can be piled on charges, once a political dissident is in captivity and can't defend himself.

You need to sign your letter with your full name and give your address. It would immensely help if you were willing to go to your nearest public notary and have your letter/signature notarized. Almost any bank that has you as a customer will provide that service free of charge. Freelancing notaries charge about $10.- for their signature and seal.

***I must have your letter in a week.***

Please don't delay. It is extremely important that I get as many responsibly written letters as possible.

Please send the letters just as soon as possible to me at the address below:

Ingrid Zundel, Ed.D. 3152 Parkway, Suite 13, PMB 109 Pigeon Forge, TN 37863 USA

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I have not yet seen the document that summarizes the specifics of the "terrorist" charge against my husband, but below is a Globe and Mail article that will give you a feel for what is ahead.


Documents show Zundel considered security threat

By BRUCE CHEADLE Canadian Press Wednesday, May. 7, 2003

Ottawa — Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel has been involved in terrorism and promotes politically motivated violence that endangers the lives of Canadians, according to documents released Wednesday summarizing the case for deportation.

He's also a flight risk who must be held in detention until he can be deported, the federal government says in documents from the Federal Court of Canada.

The court has begun reviewing a national security certificate that calls Mr. Zundel, 64, a national security threat. Should the court agree the certificate is reasonable, Mr. Zundel would be deported to face charges of suspicion of inciting hatred in his native Germany.

The evidence provided by the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service — at least the portion made public Wednesday by Justice Pierre Blais — recapped previously known links between Mr. Zundel and white supremacist groups around the world.

And while the document concludes with a reference to "his involvement in terrorism," it states that Mr. Zundel himself has "virtually no history of direct personal engagement in acts of serious violence."

Rather, CSIS alleges Mr. Zundel provided financial support to William Pierce, an American white supremacist whose novel The Turner Diaries was credited with spurring Timothy McVeigh to bomb a U.S. government building in Oklahoma City.

The court was also told Mr. Zundel has connections to white supremacist groups ranging from South Africa's Afrikaner Resistance Movement to Britain's British National Party and the White Aryan Resistance of Germany.

CSIS also said Mr. Zundel has "close ties" with anti-Semitic revisionist Ahmed Rami of Sweden and through him to radical Islam. CSIS said that as recently as last month, Mr. Zundel's Web site had links to Radio-Islam, which it said "calls for total war against Zionism."

"He is considered one of the most notorious distributors of hate material in the world," said the summary of the CSIS brief.

It concluded by warning the court that rejecting the security certificate "would be inimical to the security of Canada and the safety of its persons."

Mr. Zundel's lawyer, Doug Christie, said the evidence provided "doesn't seem to me to be anything very persuasive."

But Christie conceded in a telephone interview that under the new Immigration and Refugee Protection Act passed last summer, the allegations alone are enough to condemn Mr. Zundel.

Mr. Christie said section 33 of the legislation states that anything that may happen is deemed to be a fact for the purposes of the court review, and that's why he plans to challenge the entire act on constitutional grounds.

"If George Orwell could have pointed to hand-written legislation by Big Brother, that [section 33] would be it . . .," said the lawyer, who has a history of handling controversial cases in courtrooms across Canada dealing with white supremacy.

"When I looked at all these allegations — [Zundel] associates with people who may do this, or he may do that — well, that's a speculative possibility. He may do almost anything. But section 33 means that what may happen, does happen, is happening, is a fact — period.

"I think that goes too far."

Mr. Zundel is scheduled to appear in Federal Court in Toronto on Friday, where the first order of business will be his bid for release from detention.

The submission to the court by Immigration Minister Denis Coderre and Solicitor-General Wayne Easter was adamant that should not happen.

It said Mr. Zundel, who emigrated to Canada in 1958 and was recently removed from the United States for overstaying a visitor's visa there, is a flight risk evidenced by his history of contempt for authority, such as Canada's Human Rights Tribunal.

The government added that Mr. Zundel's release would "place him in a position to continue his role as patriarch of the [white supremacist] movement in Canada, accentuated by the notoriety garnered by his release."


(Source: http://www.globeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20030507.wzund0507/BNStory/

National/ )


Write to Canada's Immigration Minister and complain over the unfair treatment Ernst Zündel has received.

Immigration Minister Denis Coderre
House of Commons 
Parliament Buildings 
Ottawa, Ontario 
K1A 0A6

Telephone: (613) 995-6108

Fax: (613) 995-9755

Email: Coderre.D@parl.gc.ca



Contribute to Ernst Zündel's Defence


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Zündel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


Please support the Zundelsite - the most politically besieged website on the Net!