Zundelmania in Canada

March 8, 2003

ZGram - Where Truth is Destiny: Now more than ever!

A long-time ZGram reader wrote:

"Zundelmania is overwhelming the Canadian media ...The media pretend to deplore what they see as Zundel's personality cult, and yet do all they can to boost it. Zundelwise it is utterly surreal up here in our aptly-named Dominion of Absurdistan."

Kevin Strom of Dissident Voices summarized once more what Zundelmainia is really all about:

(Zundel) understandably fears a loss of his freedom should he be sent to Germany, where he would be severely punished merely for writing and speaking what he believes to be the truth. He understandably fears that he may spend the rest of his life in prison. He understandably fears that he may never see his wife and family again. So he has applied for political asylum in Canada, where he> lived for 42 years prior to moving to Tennessee. No claim of refugee status ever had firmer justification.

But Canada's powerful Jewish lobby has geared up a heavy campaign to make sure that Ernst Zundel never gets a fair hearing, with smears in the media and pressure on lapdog politicians like Immigration Minister Denis Coderre. Coderre was asked by the press how he could possibly stop Mr. Zundel from at least beginning the application process to obtain refugee status, a process which can last for years. Unable to come up with a printable answer, Coderre uttered an ominous "Just watch me."

To prosecute Zundel, they have retained a prominent attorney previously involved in Canada's deportation of alleged "Nazi war criminals," Donald MacIntosh. This is extremely unusual for either a free-speech case or a matter of a missed hearing, which was the original pretext for arresting Mr. Zundel in Tennessee.

The media campaign is vicious -- so vicious that it seems to be disgusting a large number of Canadians who do believe in freedom of speech. The St. Catherine's Standard recently ran an editorial which openly advocated the imprisonment of Zundel for what he has written, saying how good it will be when "we'll no longer have to deal with his crazy diatribes." [St. Catherine's Standard, March 5, 2003


The popular Web site canada.com ran a poll on Mr. Zundel recently, and when the results began to turn in his favor, the poll was unceremoniously pulled off their site, never to be mentioned again. You can see a screen shot of the poll shortly before it was pulled by logging on to my personal Web site, http://kevin-strom.com .

Although he is still denied his freedom while in Canada, Zundel did win one concession in a recent hearing: the Crown prosecutors agreed that all future hearings in the case would be public. This has set the Jewish establishment, in the person of Bernie Farber of the Canadian Jewish Congress, screaming that giving the case publicity would "play into Zundel's hands." [St. Catherine's Standard March 1, 2003

http://www.stcatharinesstandard.ca/webapp/sitepages/content.asp?contentID=24 331&catname=Local+News

This is one time that Bernie Farber is right. Giving the case publicity will expose the fact of the outrageous persecution of this peaceful writer and thinker. Giving the case publicity will show that it is Jewish supremacists that are behind the imprisonment of Ernst Zundel and many other innocents whose only crime was to doubt what Jewish supremacists told them.

Giving this case publicity will expose phony or compromised "human rights" groups like Amnesty International which, shamefully, not only refuse to help Mr. Zundel, but actually support the so-called Hate Speech laws that criminalize speech that Jewish groups disapprove of (while Jews in Israel practice "hate" and ethnic cleansing on an almost unimaginable scale with hardly a chance of extradition or imprisonment).

Alex Neve, the Secretary-General of Amnesty International Canada, has come out strongly in favor of prosecuting and punishing Ernst Zundel, a true prisoner of conscience if there ever was one. Neve stated "The Canadian Human Rights Commission has already ruled that he has spread hate through the Internet, and he has been convicted by German courts. Strong hate-crimes laws, vigorously enforced, are a crucial human-rights tool." [Toronto Globe and Mail, February 22, 2003

Yes, publicity is what this case needs -- and donations for Mr. Zundel's legal defense. Visit http://www.zundelsite.org or http://lebensraum.org or http://ihr.org for updates on this case, or write to Mrs. Zundel's postal address:

Ingrid Zundel, 3152 Parkway #13, PMB109, Pigeon Forge, TN, 37863, USA.

There is also a petition drive for Mr. Zundel at http://www.petitionpetition.com . Just type "Zundel" into the search box to find the "Free Ernst Zundel" petition.


Then there are several Letters to the Editor from Zundel friends:

To The Editor Canoe News

Sir, As one who has followed the happenings surrounding Ernst Zundel for the past 12 years or so, I put it to you that this man is gravely misunderstood by the Canadian public. The blame for this misunderstanding results from a long history of biased and sensational news reporting by Canadian and world media. I ask you also, who largely controls the media in North America? In whose interests is it to continually smear and attack a courageous man like Ernst Zundel who has persisted in his attacks on the holocaust lobby?

What do you really know about his recent deportation from the United States? Are you aware of the efforts by Zundel and his attorney to have had his original residency hearing rescheduled, to which their letters were never replied? Have you ever approached Zundel or his wife, Dr. Ingrid Rimland, for an unbiased interview; an interview from which you could derive your own conclusions without taint from a biased media?

Do you believe that the people in Canada and the United States deserve the right to free speech? Is it permissible in a free and open society to allow persons like Zundel and other historical revisionists to present views questioning aspects of the holocaust? Is there danger in open debate? Are not the public of both countries capable of judging argument and debate on its own merit? Should other viewpoints be allowed in a free and democratic society? What constitutes "hate speech"?

Zundel has never been convicted of any crime in Canada and never been convicted of promoting hate speech. Yet he has lived in Canada for over 42 years. I ask you to investigate his history: when he came to Canada; his employment record; his run for the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada; the establishment of his businesses; his early introduction to revisionism; and, finally, his desire to speak out about revisionism as he sees it -- and ask yourself whether or not a man should be free to hold such views? Is man, any man, free to hold viewpoints which are not politically correct?

Unless Mr. Zundel can be prosecuted for committing a crime, be it a "hate" crime, or any other, I believe he should be allowed to resume living in Canada without harrassment from those who disagree with him and a pressured government staffed by bureaucrates who do not know the background and who are fed hatred, in turn, towards Mr. Zundel


Dear Editor,

having attended a number of sessions of the Human Rights Tribunal in 1997/98 before which Mr. Zundel had to appear (and which cost him a fortune) I am able to look through this charade foisted on the Canadian taxpayer in order to silence a courageous individual.

To claim that Ernst Zundel is a "security risk" to this country is outrageous. Who violated whose security? Certainly not Zundel. But murder was on the agenda of his opponents who sent him two mail bombs and set fire to his house.

That he is spreading hatred was not at all established in his trial. Hatred, however, is in the hearts of those who can not cope with the revelations which his research into history has uncovered. His weapon is the written and spoken word, nothing else. If that constitutes a security risk then we are a very insecure society. Nobody will believe it.

Unfortunately, the "free press" is mainly responsible for the distorted public image of Ernst Zundel by not telling the truth. It's not surprising. They have willingly submitted to the dictate of the Human Rights Commissars who decreed that "truth can not be used as a defense". They are complicit in the gradual disappearance of free speech from our country.

The question should not be if Mr. Zundel needs to be deported sooner or later, but how soon he will be released and compensated for his suffering. He has lived in this country for nearly 40 years, paid his taxes and was never convicted of any crime. How do people in a free country justify such treatment? His stay in the United States was perfectly legal and the immigration hearing which he missed was not his fault whatsoever.

I consider Mr. Zundel a spokesman for myself and my compatriots who are victims of World War II - bombed out and ethnically cleansed from their homelands, but considered guilty to this day. Canadians know nothing about these facts since the press has kept them ignorant.


A sad situation re: Mr. Zundel. The demonic media appraisals are so at odds with the Ernst I know that their wild and sinister depictions are almost comical. Unfortunately, the situation he finds himself in is not. Our family's prayers for him and Ingrid.


Ernst Zundel does not deserve to be treated like a criminal merely because he openly and honestly questions what many people claim to have been an historical occurence. If the holocaust actually did occur as it it claimed, then why can it not be discussed OPENLY and HONESTLY? Why are certain people so afraid of honest inquiry?


And, finally, a small excerpt from Ernst himself, written to a neighbor in our area who has befriended us:

"I wanted desperately to start a new life - free of persecution, free of lawyers, free of courts, free of the media. Karin, I just wanted to live a clean, simple, healthy, godfearing life in that beautiful Wears Valley.

Drawings and paintings were in the planning stage, which would have made you, the original inhabitants of the valley, happy and proud that the Zundels came and were part of your area. We loved that place without reservation.

Now my days consist of begging guards to please sharpen my pencils, to please allow me to make a phone call or two, to allow me a shower, or to get me an extra roll of toilet paper since I used the original roll for Kleenex since my cell was cold and drafty and I caught a cold.

Big favors and kind gestures are when one guard gives me a cup of soymilk another prisoner did not drink. Another kindness is when the guard does not put on my leg irons on the way to the Detention Review Hearing because I am one of the oldest prisoners and not as agile as some.

I am locked in 24 hours a day, as I was in Blount County Jail. I have no criminal record in America. None in Canada where I won every court case in the end. My crime is that I exposed criminal racketeers - in fact, billionaires of blackmailing the German people for over US$ 100 billion in war reparations these people were not entitled to. That's my crime, Karin.

All the best,

Ernst Zundel


A new poll by CNEWS to the question "Should Germany's charges against Ernst Zundel be suspended, to allow for a swifter deportation? shows this evening that 51% want Zundel to leave if Germany drops the charges, 22% want him to stay and face another "hate" trial, 15% opt for refugee status, 3% don't know and 9% don't care.

(Source: http://www.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Canada/ )



Ernst Zündel Defence Fund


Table of Contents for additional articles

Revisionism 101: Basic Revisionism

Revisionism 201 for Holocaust Skeptics

"David against Goliath": Ernst Zündel, fighting the New World Order

"Lebensraum!": Ingrid Rimland, pioneering a True World Order


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