"We do
not recruit; we convince. Truth has no need of coercion."
Holocaust Skeptics Websites
As a public service, we alert our readers to other major websites
posting related materials in support of Historical Revisionism. A suggestion
to surf other sites is not to be interpreted as an endorsement of documents
placed on these sites.
- Adelaide Institute
- Arthur Butz
- CODOH International (mainly
English, but also German, French, Italian and other languages)
- Institute for Historical Review
- L'Association des Anciens Amateurs
de Récits de Guerre et d'Holocauste (mainly French, but also some
German, English, Spanisch, Italian stuff)
- Vrij Historisch Onderzeok (mainly
German and English, but also French, Italian, Dutch and other languages)
Additionally, the following websites carry a goodly portion of Revisionist
material, some in the form of print journals, with articles reporuduced
in part:
Holocaust Enforcer Websites
All Enemies of Freedom of Speech
- You are hereby put on Notice!
The Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations, General Assembly on December
10, 1948 states clearly:
- Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this
right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek,
receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
- Jederman hat das Recht auf Freiheit der Meinung und der Meinungsäußerung;
dieses Recht umfaßt die unbehinderte Meinungsfreiheit und die Freiheit,
ohne Rücksicht auf Staatsgrenzen Informationen und Gedankengut durch
Mittel jeder Art sich zu beschaffen, zu empfangen und weiterzugeben.
- Tout individu a droit à la liberté d'opinion et d'expression,
ce qui implique le droit de ne pas être inquiété pour
ses opinions et celui de chercher, de recevoir et de répandre, sans
considération de frontière, les informations et les idées
par quelque moyen d'expression que ce soit.
- The Canadian government just lost a case in
Gauthier vs. the Parliament of Canada for violating Gauthier's journalistic
rights by infringing on Article 19! This article does have validity!