Imagine the Furor!
(Hans Schmidt)
Imagine the organized world outcry. . . if, during World
War II, the Germans had:
- executed 23,000 Polish officers, as the Soviets did at Katyn and elsewhere
- destroyed totally, without any military reason, and at the close of
the Italian campaign, the city of Florence, killing 250,000 or more of
its inhabitants, as the Allied Forces did at Dresden
- used - for the first time ever - nuclear bombs on cities, as the Americans
did at Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- bombed into near oblivion one of the most revered shrines of Christendom,
the 1,300-year-old abbey of Monte Cassino, as the US Air Force did, without
a valid reason, in 1944
- herded hundreds of thousands of Americans, British and French POWs
into open fields surrounded by barbed wire, and let them rot there for
months without shelter and medical attention, and without sufficient food
and water for most of them to survive, as the Western Allies did in 1945/46
- attacked only days before the war's end clearly marked hospital ships,
killing thousands of people, as the British did in the Baltic Sea in May
of 1945
- brutally raped in the occupied territories of Europe millions of helpless
women and young girls, as mainly (but not only) the soldiers of the Red
Army did in Germany in 1944-45
- kept Allied POWs for ten years after the war as slave laborers, as
(mainly) the Soviets kept German POWs in Siberian camps and elsewhere
- destroyed every single British, French and American city of over 100,000
population through aerial bombardments, as did the Allies in Deutschland.
- transformed Auschwitz and other labor camps after the war into alleged
killing centers, invented (and erected replicas of) gas chambers, and pronounced
without proof a death count of "six million Jews and five million
others" of whom no mass graves or large ash deposits were ever found.
. .
- gave orders to the world neither to doubt nor to question these
lies, under the threat of serious retribution!