A Mixed Reaction
An Experience with Psilocybin Mushrooms
by Indo Smoke

DOSE : 2.8 gPsilocybin Mushrooms

BODY WEIGHT : 155 lb

Wow is one word that perfectly describes my first experience with shrooms. Pot has been a part of my life for a few years now, and I have always been curious to see what shrooms would do to me. I had only heard good things about it and was ready to try it, but somehow never got round to it. Well it happened like this:

One typical day, I was at a friends room, just smoking pot and relaxing with a few of my friends. Another friend came in and said he had shrooms, I imediately knew I was going to try it once and for all. I consumed maybe 1/16th of an ounce, and just sat there talking and waiting for the fungus to take effect. I didn't really feel it for like a half hour, but then it hit me. It went suddenly from relaxing to very intense in the room.

I was immediately removed from reality and thrown into my own little, lonely world. I was rolling, I mean i was totally rolling, over and over again. I was confusing myself and sort of flipping out. I was trapped in fear in a world that i thought I could not get out of, but desperately wanted to. I remember thinking, what I would give to have things normal again. I was freaking out. I started jabbering on, and really felt that I was annoying the others in the room. I wanted to stop and just chill, but couldn't. I hudled up in a corner of a couch and just kept talking to myself, convinced that I was going through a bad trip. It was way to intense for me to even look around the room and try and see visuals.

My friends then picked me up and said that we all should go for a walk. Suddenly, my whole trip flipped upside down and I felt great, like a million bucks.....a billion bucks. The world had never been better, and I was ready to do anything. We all went into the basement and danced like crazy. It was great. I was seeing the sorroundings perfectly, things were spinning, I was just great.

I ended up going to bed eight hours or so after I consumed the shrooms. I was still seeing small visuals when going to sleep. It was great. I woke up, had no side effects whatsoever.

I intend to try shrooms again, hoping that the next time I do them, I won't have as an intense beginning. I definitely recommend that you try it once. Pot still remains my drug of choice, but shrooms may jump in my life once in a while.


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Last Modified Thursday, 06-Jan-2000 01:53:12 PST Used by Erowid with permission of author

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