It Connects Everything
An Experience with Mushrooms
by Wild

DOSE :48Mixed Morning Glory Seeds

Here is my journal pages from the first time I ever tripped. It's a bit tough to follow but here goes. It's not too long I hope you enjoy my first trip. It was really intense but the writing I did that night was not just random thoughts.

(That is all I wrote....the night was long and fantastic. I could probably tell you more now about what happened but that is what I wrote. The whole trip was in a car ride for hours. We drove miles and it seemed like minutes. Tell me what you think)

9:45I just ate 3 pieces of mushrooms 2 stems and a cap. It's 9:45pm on Friday. I'll write a bit...45 minutes I'm a bit strange because I like the tast of shrooms.

10:00I'm just nervous in anticipation the above cost 15$. I don't know the guy who sold them to me but my friend said they are good. I just bought two more small pieces for 3$ 2 small stems. I don't have much in my stomic I just ate an orange. I'm real nervous. "Gone! Like Candy." Craig Murphy said. Bill and Matt just left. I only didn't get one class at Umass. I want to listen to music.

10:05(more boaring stuff like the above)

10:15I'm feeling a bit strange. Nothing too strange...yet.

10:20Nothing much yet. Bill and I are going to smoke to increase the trip.
What I've eaten today
2 pizza slices.
2 two chicken tenders
some water

10:25I'm feeling rather normal...I think.

10:30-I feel like laughing so bad.

10:45I'm in the dark its tough to write. I just smoked.
I wonder what is going to happen?
The crickets are really loud and distinct.

11:00I'm in Matts car (he is straight) lights out.
We are going north on 93. Huge speakers
loud music. Black Sabboth Ministry.
I'm tripping good.

How do I write it.. It connects everything. The drug connects the music to everythig. Everything is dancing. Everyting is a neat green. I can come in and out of the "trip" to semi reality and then back in to no reality. I'm going back in. In and out of two worlds.

11:15I'm in the dark

(at this point I stoped keeping track of time)

I don't want to write because I like to be zoned.
I'm gone.
is that..
Is that a face
I cant read what I'm writing
do you understand me.
Lumberjack (what a funny word while triping try it)
Lumberjack she said and I laughed
whole lotta love
whole lotta love
love you hey
Baby M led Zeppelin
boy wow
I love Zeppelin

my left hand wow
everything is melting
just like Billy said
I can put my hand in my brain
I am massaging my brain
I have become def

All important is the now what I write in the past has no signifigance only what is coming off my pen right now.

(now my friend Craig wrote a bit)

Some people cry, funny trip
ride it
this is fun
Do you think stan is the cookie monster
I dont know

(back to me and then I stopped writing)

I don't want to waist paper
Ramble on
This is like a dream

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This page was originally archived in the Hyperreal Drug Archives. Hosted by Erowid as of Oct 1999.

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