For other versions of this document, see ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ¢ Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress droceR lanoissergnoC eht ni sisylana eht tresni edoc xat eht nac eettimmoC snaeM dna syaW fo riahc ro gnidnema erusaem a fo tcapmi ,deviaw eb nac ;snaeM dna syaW no eettimmoC cimonoceorcam fo tnemetatS )h(3 esualc ,IIIX eluR troper ni si etamitse tsoc OBC fi ylppa ton seod tnemeriuqer ;tpmexe era tcudnoC laiciffO fo sdradnatS dna ,seluR ,noitartsinimdA esuoH ,snoitairporppA no seettimmoC etamitse ;retcarahc cilbup a fo noituloser ro lliB tsoc eettimmoc fo tnemetatS )2()d(3 esualc ,IIIX eluR wal gnitsixe )"elur reyesmaR"( sdnema ro slaeper taht noituloser tnioj ro lliB wal gnitsixe ni segnahC )e(3 esualc ,IIIX eluR sweiv lanoitidda ro ,ytironim ,latnemelppus dna ,sgnidnif thgisrevo ,nosirapmoc lairetam niatrec fo noisulcni wohs dna etamitse tsoc OBC edulcni taht stropeR ot troper fo revoc no laticeR )B()1()a(3 esualc ,IIIX eluR syad radnelac 2 nihtiw delif dna ,dengis dna gnitirw seluR no eettimmoC eht tpecxe ni dettimbus fi ,sweiv lanoitidda seettimmoc lla ;devorppa rettam ro erusaeM ro ,ytironim ,latnemelppuS )A()1()a(3 esualc ,IIIX eluR tcane ot ssergnoC fo ytirohtua retcarahc cilbup a fo noituloser tnioj ro lliB lanoitutitsnoc fo tnemetatS )1()d(3 esualc ,IIIX eluR sevitcejbo dna slaog detaler -emoctuo edulcni ,sevitcejbo dna slaog ecnamrofrep devorppa erusaeM lareneg fo tnemetatS )4()c(3 esualc ,IIIX eluR 4791 fo snoitairporppA noihsaf ylemit tcA tegduB lanoissergnoC no eettimmoC eht tpecxe seettimmoc a ni dettimbus fi ,nosirapmoc dna eht fo 204 noitceS dna lla ;retcarahc cilbup a fo noituloser ro lliB etamitse tsoc OBC fo tnemetatS ,)3()c(3 esualc ,IIIX eluR serutidnepxe xat ro seunever ni esaerced ro esaercni na 4791 fo ro ,ytirohtua tiderc wen ,ytirohtua gnidneps wen tcA tegduB lanoissergnoC ,ytirohtua tegdub wen gnidivorp )snoitairporppa smeti detaler dna ytirohtua eht fo )1()a(803 noitceS dna gniunitnoc tpecxe( noituloser ro lliB tegdub wen no tnemetatS ,)2()c(3 esualc ,IIIX eluR snoitadnemmocer tegduB dna snoitairporppA no seettimmoC dna sgnidnif thgisrevo eht tpecxe seettimmoc lla ;devorppa erusaeM eettimmoc fo tnemetatS )1()c(3 esualc ,IIIX eluR eettimmoc ni dereffo tnemdnema yna no dna retcarahc setov llacllor lla no cilbup fo noituloser ro llib troper ot etov llaclloR noitca eettimmoc fo tnemetatS )b(3 esualc ,IIIX eluR oT seilppA tnemeriuqeR eluR esuoH stnetnoC deriuqeR :stropeR eettimmoC esuoH .1 elbaT additional views. approaches, such as placing at the end of a report the notations of specific changes in law and order for inclusion of these items in the report, although custom has dictated certain common requirements are applicable to all committees or in all circumstances. There is also no prescribed the executive branch, and the specific changes the bill would make in existing law. Not all legislation, its cost, the committee votes on amendments and the measure itself, the position of For example, most committee reports explain a bill's purpose and the need for the reports accompanying bills reported from committees, as noted in the following table. ouse rules and statutes detail several substantive requirements for items to be included in H, 7-8664 Specialist on the Congress Judy Schneider 4791 fo tcA tegduB lanoissergnoC fo 324 noitceS ;4-401 .L.P ,tcA mrofeR retcarahc cilbup a fo noituloser ro lliB setadnam laredef fo tnemetatS setadnaM dednufnU snoitadommocca ro secivres elbacilppa )3()b(201 noitceS ,1-401 cilbup ot ssecca ro tnemyolpme fo snoitidnoc ton yhw fo tnemetats ro .L.P ,tcA ytilibatnuoccA dna smret ot gnitaler noituloser tnioj ro lliB hcnarb evitalsigel ot ytilibacilppA lanoissergnoC )b(5 noitceS ,).ppA eettimmoc yrosivda na fo tnemhsilbatse eettimmoc yrosivda wen .C.S.U 5( tcA eettimmoC gnizirohtua ro gnihsilbatse noitalsigeL ot tcepser htiw noitanimreteD yrosivdA laredeF rebmeM llib eht ni gnitseuqer fo eman dna ,stifeneb dedulcni eb nac tsil ;retcarahc cilbup a fo troper ffirat detimil ,stifeneb xat detimil ecnerefnoc dna ,tnemdnema ,noituloser tnioj ,lliB ,skramrae lanoissergnoc fo tsiL 9 esualc ,IXX eluR roolf eht no deredisnoc gnieb erusaem eht ot roirp oT seilppA tnemeriuqeR eluR esuoH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For other versions of this document, see