
The File on Steven Spielberg: Master of Indoctrination

German World War II Veteran Reviews Spielberg's "Saving Private Ryan"

Saving Public Myths--Hoffman reviews Spielberg's "Private Ryan"

What Spielberg Suppressed in Schindler's List: SS Commandant of KZ Krakau-Plaszow (Amon Goeth) Was Arrested by the SS for Brutality against Inmates

A Debate: Is Spielberg Guilty of Falsifying the Talmud in his Movie "Schindler's List"? The Truth About the Racist, Chauvinist Talmud

Alan R. Critchley and Hoffman's exposé of the film itself.

Hoffman's commentary on the sacerdotal manner in which this sacred liturgy of our state religion was marketed to Boobtube Americanus on February 23, 1997.

and a film critic's riff: Spielberg's Self-Congratulatory Fantasy

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