The Campaign for Radical Truth in History

Benjamin Smith Wasn't the Only Supremacist

"...this may be precisely what the Federal government and the ADL snoopers and list-makers hope for--racial disharmony, terror and violence--so that the public will look to government for a solution to a crisis government itself helped create..."

The leader of the supremacist hate group swept into town with his entourage and a closet full of skeletons. His group has the dubious distinction of numbering among its members the man who holds the world's record for the mass murder of non-whites.

Yet, incredibly the leader and his group were welcomed, even feted by local media and human rights groups.

A script from the Twilight Zone?

No, just a typical day in Spokane, Washington and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

The leader was Irv Rubin and the supremacist hate group is the misnamed, Jewish Defense League (JDL). Rubin's hate group was in town to interdict the free speech rights of another hate group, the neo-Nazi (and government-funded) "Aryan Nations."

The guilty mediacrats are obscure reporters and pundits most Americans will never have heard of, reporting for cowtown papers like the Spokesman-Review and backwater TV stations such as KHQ.

The JDL has bombed and burned its way across America since it was founded in the early 1970s, by the Arab-hating fanatic, Rabbi Meir Kahane. Kahane wrote a book, "They Must Go!"  urging the forced expulsion of all Palestinians from Palestine. JDL founder Kahane bombed the offices of Jewish impresario Sol Hurok, killing Hurok's secretary.

Kahane told CBS 60 Minutes' reporter Mike Wallace that the Arab people were "dogs" and a "cancer" that had to be "cleaned out" of Palestine. The JDL rabbi said his views came from the Talmud, the Jewish religious writing which states that only Jews are human beings and consigns all other people to a sub-human status.

Irv Rubin is a loyal follower of the late Rabbi Kahane. He has praised and encouraged bombings of Arabs like Alex Odeh in California, and historical research groups such as the revisionist Institute for Historical Review, which was bombed in 1984.

Rubin's comrade-in-arms, Baruch Goldstein, sauntered into a mosque in Hebron and opened fire with a machine-gun on the unarmed men and boys bowing in prayer there. Forty died before he was stopped.

Over the Independence Day weekend, the Spokane and Coeur d'Alene media, imitating their big brother overseers in the larger media markets, deferred to, quoted, assuaged and generally held Mr. Rubin and his JDL aloft as an oracle of human rights compassion, wisdom and warning.

They breathed not a word--not a syllable--concerning Rubin and the JDL's own long history of hate and mass murder.

Remember this as you witness the waves of righteous indignation now sweeping through the Jewish-mouthpiece media, as they make the most out of the two people killed by white racist Benjamin Nathaniel Smith in Illinois.

Remember it when the solemn pontificators and roof-rattling rhetoricians declaim to the cosmos about the vile and wicked nature of supremacist pseudo-religions that preach hate and contempt for other races.

Remember that when these sanctimonious hypocrites indulge, succor and amplify the supremacist ambitions of a pseudo-religion called Judaism, whose holiest book, the Talmud, has codified hate and contempt for all other races.

Our news media increasingly resemble Pravda under the Soviet regime and the American people are becoming as cynical as the captive Russian audience who, over the years, grew to believe the exact opposite of whatever was published.

America, as we have heard so often, is sick. It desperately needs a healing, including a way to reconcile the Benjamin Nathaniel Smiths of this country, who are driven mad with rage and anguish over the institutionalization of one standard for Jewish supremacists and another for white gentile ones.

Recall that Smith himself had often been harassed, that "Smith lived in Touchdown Terrace, a somewhat run-down, 30-unit student apartment complex with many minority residents...someone kept breaking the windows of his (Smith's) car and his apartment as often as once a week, apparently in retaliation for his writings." (NY Times, July 6, 1999).

Remember "that Bloomington police had grabbed him out of class and basically tried to intimidate him and get him to stop passing out fliers." (CNN July 6, 1999).

Recall that Smith's leader, Matt Hale, is best known for applying to the Illinois state bar. Last Friday a hearing board denied his application, contending that his views violate the bar's "character and fitness" requirements, effectively ruling that only black, Jewish, Asian and Hispanic racists will be admitted to the bar.

Mr. Smith's crimes will serve as a not-so-surprisingly convenient ADL model "hate law" case, for further legislative erosion of the rights of whites to assemble and speak. Smith's shootings come less than three months after the Columbine high school shootings in Colorado, another convenient "model case," this time for Handgun Control, Inc. and the further erosion of the rights of Americans to possess firearms.

Before we make easy points against the "Sabbath Breaker" Smith, perhaps we should examine the worm-eaten fabric of our society, where hate crimes against whites and encouragement of politically correct supremacism and hate are daily events.

Where were the movies-of-the-week, the model legislation, the thundering editorials, when three year old white girl Stephanie Kuhen's parents took a wrong turn off an L.A. freeway into a Mexican barrio on Sept. 17, 1995? Mexican gang members, upon seeing white faces on their "turf," immediately opened fire, killing Stephanie and seriously wounding her two-year old brother.

Where is the outrage in Chicago over the 70,000 (!) gang members in that metropolis, who commit hundreds of hate crimes against whites which go unreported or are whitewashed as random muggings and rapes?

Last weekend one of this writer's best friends, a white laborer and devout Christian who is a member of a German pietist church, was beaten up by a black man on a Greyhound Bus outside Fargo, North Dakota. My friend not only did not report this hate crime, he prayed for the negro man and offered him kind words.

Yes, America is sick but the pathology is not limited to only one side of the racial or religious coin. In the kingdom of Clinton, where abortion is the prime directive, it is indicative of the death of both reason and perception to scapegoat white gentile males as the chief paradigm of our malaise.

Not all whites will sit and take the non-stop denigration of their ancestors and their heritage. Some will erupt in violence, perpetrating senseless shootings out of a feeling of complete impotence in the face of the theft of their inheritance and massive unfairness and double-standards.

And this may be precisely what the Federal government and the ADL snoopers and list-makers hope for--racial disharmony, terror and violence--so that the public will look to government for a solution to a crisis government itself helped create.

Anyone genuinely interested in peace and justice would ensure a fair shake for everyone, including disenfranchised white people. They would guarantee opprobrium and exposure for all haters, including baby-hating abortionists, rabbinical racists and black and brown supremacists, whose street violence has left those whites too poor to flee to gated communities in the suburbs, at the mercy of "downtrodden minorities."

But the game-plan of our masters has nothing whatever to do with equal rights and justice. It is all about erecting a New World Order where traditional Christianity has been emasculated into a heretical offshoot of great god Judaism, and where black people are agitated by atavistic rap music and "Hate Whitey" movies and TV shows, into becoming the golem that batters the white gentile majority into cowering submission.

The tensions and the hatreds are all intentional, part of a chess game as old as Egypt. Among the many haunting ironies in the case of Benjamin Smith is the fact that he committed suicide--or perhaps was summarily executed--in the Little Egypt region of Illinois, near where Lincoln and Douglas wrangled over the fate of the nation on the eve of the Civil War.

If we are to prevent another civil war, we will need to account for the humanity of all Americans, including those "lower orders of white people" for whom the media and the government have naught but derision and hate, and whose enslavement they ardently and relentlessly seek.

Michael A. Hoffman II

Copyright©1999 by Michael A. Hoffman II