Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Kissing Kosher Ham: Smearmonger Khatchig Mouradian's Conspiracy Theory that the Facts of History Are Somehow "Anti-Semitic" Fabrications

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

Khatchig Mouradian has returned to his Hebrew haunt at to personally attack me for my exposure of The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians. He calls me an "anti-Semite" because I point out the indisputable facts of history, which facts prove that the leaders of the "Young Turk" movement were Jews.

Smearmonger Mouradian does not address the facts I have presented, let alone attempt to refute them. Instead, he predictably resorts to vicious smearmongering in a hateful personal attack against me:

The Stubborn Myth of Jewish Involvement in the Armenian Genocide by Khatchig Mouradian

Khatchig Mouradian is aware, or should be aware given that he so publicly issues vicious smears against me based on my work, that I have presented facts, not theories, which establish the indisputable historical reality that the leaders of the "Young Turks" were Jews and Freemasons. Why does Mouradian ignore these facts? Why does he feel obliged to issue insults, instead of addressing the relevant issues raised? In a previous article, I pointed Khatchig Mouradian directly to some of those facts of history, facts which he opts to ignore, electing instead to recklessly do violence to my reputation for my having dared to speak the truth:

Should Armenians Grovel and Lick Jewish Boots, or Should Jewry Apologize to the Armenians, Stop Obstructing Genocide Recognition and Make Reparations? December 06, 2007:

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

A small minority of Armenians want to join with World Jewry in covering up the predominant Jewish role in the Armenian Genocide. They hope that the Jews will help them to gain official recognition of the Armenian Genocide, which they believe will open the door to reparations from Turkey and enforcement of the Treaty of Sevres and other obligations. These Armenians plead with the very group which is most active in obstructing recognition and beg them to help Armenians obtain recognition.

A sounder strategy is to openly accuse organized Jewry of opposing recognition and to demand that they respond to questions of the Jewish involvement in the Armenian Genocide. This will cast suspicion on those Jews who oppose recognition as to why they oppose it. This will make it far more difficult for Jewry to suppress recognition of the Armenian Genocide. It will, therefore, open the door for just reparations not only from the Turks, but also from the Jews.

Many Armenians have touted the two-faced Zionist Jew Henry Morgenthau, Sr. as if he were a noble savior of the Armenians and a "righteous Jew". Morgenthau did nothing to save the Armenians. Instead, he used their plight as a means to try to bring the United States into war with the Jewish controlled Ottoman Empire. He was a treacherous snake, who betrayed the American People, the Armenians and the other citizens of the Ottoman Empire. The Times of London, on 8 October 1915, pinned the tail on the snake pointing out that Morgenthau's primary and in effect his sole concern was Zionism. He wanted to steal Palestine and hand it over to Jewry, this despite the fact that most Jews at the time were not Zionists.

 The Times wrote,

"The attempts of the American Ambassador to procure some alleviation of the lot of Armenians have thus far proved unsuccessful. Mr Morganthau, in the opinion of good observers, wasted too much diplomatic energy on behalf of the Zionists of Palestine, who were in no danger of massacre, to have any force to spare. Talaat and Bedri simply own that persecuting Armenians amuses them and turn a deaf ear to American pleadings.  German and Austro-Hungarian residents in Turkey at first approved of the punishment of Armenian 'traitors', but the methods of the Turkish extremists have sickened even Prussian stomachs. True the Jewish Baron von Oppenheim, now in Syria, has been preaching massacre, and the German Consular officials al Aleppo and Alexandretta have followed suit, perhaps with the idea of planting German colonists in the void left by the disappearance of the Armenians when the war is over."—"THE ARMENIAN MASSACRES: EXTERMINATING A RACE: A RECORD OF HORRORS", Times of London, (8 October 1915), /

In 1911, the Times made public the fact that the "Young Turk Revolution" was a Jewish takeover, and that Jewry was responsible for the Adana Massacres of 1909, and other crimes against Christians. Correspondents for the Times called upon Western Jewry to condemn and act to end the Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians. Leading Jews instead stepped up to shamelessly lie on behalf of Jewry, and we have as a product of their deceit the Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians of 1915. I will only briefly quote from the long series of correspondence which took place on the pages of the Times in 1911 which is reproduced in full in my book The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians which can be found at:


A correspondent for the Times wrote,


The author, who in his indignation invokes diplomatic aid for the perishing Albanians, overlooks the circumstances which, in this instance, must render diplomatic action ineffectual or belated. Diplomatists can appeal only to the Ottoman Government, but not to the unofficial, intangible Salonika Committee, whose behests Torgut Shevket executed in his ill-treatment of the Albanians last year—ill-treatment that provoked the present revolt—and whose secret programme he is now attempting to carry out. To be efficacious influence must be brought to bear upon the Committee from quarters which the Committee will respect, or at least fear. These quarters are the honest and humanitarian Jews of England, the United States, Italy, and other countries.

It is a well-known fact that the Salonika Committee was formed under Masonic auspices with the help of the Jews and Donmehs, or crypto-Jews of Turkey, whose headquarters are at Salonika, and whose organization took, even under Abdul Hamid, a Masonic form.  Jews like Emmanuel Carasso, Salem, Sassun, Fardji, Meslah, and Donmehs or crypto-Jews, like Djavid Bey and the Baldji family, took an influential part both in the organization of the Committee and in the deliberations of its central body at Salonika. These facts, which are known to every Government in Europe, are also known throughout Turkey and the Balkans, where an increasing tendency is noticeable to saddle the Jews and Donmehs with responsibility for the sanguinary blunders which the Committee has made.  To apportion responsibility justly is at present impossible. It appears unquestionable that the Jews supplied the brains for the Committee movement, and it is equally certain that, if and when the movement ends in disaster, they will be made to incur the odium for events like the Adana massacres, the beatings of Bulgarian peasants last autumn, and the present Albanian operations, which have shed so sorry a light upon the Young Turkish regime.

The enlightened and humanitarian Jews in England and other countries—those who did not fear to organize Jewish committees for the purpose of combating the white slave traffic carried on chiefly by their depraved co-religionists abroad—have assuredly no notion of the situation that is developing throughout the Near East, nor of the weapons that are being put into the hands of every palliator of Pogroms. Frank and fearless inquiry would reveal to their eyes a state of things of which diplomatists and statesmen have been whispering for months past, and to which sporadic but necessarily obscure allusions have been made from time to time in the European Press. Now, in view of the position in Albania, reticence would be misplaced.

There is reason to believe that a direct appeal from the humanitarian Jews of the Western world to the Jewish organizations in Turkey would do more to stay the hand of Torgut Shevket and to prevent the development of a catastrophe in the Near East than all the notes or injunctions which European diplomacy can indite and address to the Golden Horn."Vienna Correspondent for  The London Times, "Jews and the Situation in Albania", The London Times, (11 July 1911), p. 5.


This humanitarian appeal to rescue the Armenians was met with ridicule by Jewry. Had it been properly received, the lives of 1.5 million Armenians would have been spared from the racist Jews who ordered their complete destruction.


Another ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, one who was not a treacherous Zionist Jew, Sir Gerard Lowther, British Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, wrote to the British Foreign Office,

"[T]his new Freemasonry in Turkey, unlike that of England and America, is in great part secret and political, and information on the subject is only obtainable in strict confidence, while those who betray its political secrets seem to stand in fear of the hand of the Mafia. Some days ago a local Mason who divulged the signs of the craft was actually threatened with being sent before the court-martial, sitting in virtue of our state of siege. [***]

[T]he Young Turkey movement in Paris was quite separate from and in great part in ignorance of the inner workings of that in Salonica. The latter town has a population of about 140,000, of whom 80,000 are Spanish Jews, and 20,000 of the sect of Sabetai [Z]evi or Crypto-Jews, who externally profess Islamism. Many of the former have in the past acquired Italian nationality and are Freemasons affiliated to Italian lodges. Nathan, the Jewish Lord Mayor of Rome, is high up in Masonry, and the Jewish Premiers Luzzati and Sonnino, and other Jewish senators and deputies, are also, it appears, Masons. [***]


Emannuele Carasso, a Jewish Mason of Salonica, and now deputy for that town in the Ottoman Chamber, founded there a lodge called 'Macedonia Risorta' in connection with Italian Freemasonry. He appears to have induced the Young Turks, officers and civilians, to adopt Freemasonry with a view to exerting an impalpable Jewish influence over the new dispensation in Turkey[.] [***] The inspiration of the movement in Salonica would seem to have been mainly Jewish[.] [***] Carasso began to play a big rôle, including his successful capture of the Balkan Committee, and it was noticed that Jews of all colours, native and foreign, were enthusiastic supporters of the new dispensation, till, as a Turk expressed it, every Hebrew seemed to become a potential spy of the occult Committee, and people began to remark that the movement was rather a Jewish than a Turkish revolution.

 The Italian Government appointed a Jew and Mason called Primo Levi, who was not in the consular career, as consul-general at Salonica, and Oscar Strauss, who, together with Jacob Schiff, had influenced the American Jews in favour of Jewish immigration into Mesopotamia as opposed to other Territorialist plans and as an extended form of Sionism, was appointed American Ambassador here. [***] Carasso was one of the bearers of the message of deposition to Abdul Hamid, who was conveyed to Salonica and confined in the house of the Italian Jewish bankers of the Committee, while a brother of Remzi Bey was set over him as keeper. After the deposition the Jewish papers of Salonica sent up a loud cry of deliverance from 'the oppressor of Israel' who had twice turned a deaf ear to the appeals of Herzl, the Sionist leader, and who, by the imposition of the red passport, like our own Aliens Act, against Polish Jewish immigrants, and otherwise, had thwarted the realisation of the ideals of Sionism in Palestine. The ninth Sionist Congress in December 1909 at Hamburg announced that the divisions in the Jewish world between Territorialists and Sionists, 'as a miracle of the Turkish revolution', had been healed.


At the same time Javid Bey, Deputy for Salonica, an exceedingly clever and gifted Crypto-Jew and Freemason, was made Minister of Finance, while Talaat Bey, also a Freemason, became Minister of the Interior. [***] Parliament was 'ordered' to pass a very stringent Press Law, and a Salonica Crypto-Jew and Freemason was made 'Directeur du Bureau de la Presse', a post of enormous power, as its holder can suppress a paper for severe 'criticism of the new régime' (dubbed 'reaction'), or have the proprietor or editor court-martialled.


A semi-inspired Ottoman telegraph agency [***] was started under the direction of a Baghdad Jew, and an all but successful attempt was made to appoint a Salonica Jewish lawyer and Mason as adviser to the Ministry of Justice. The Constantinople head branch of the Committee of Union and Progress is also run by a Salonica Crypto-Jew and Mason. Another Salonica Crypto-Jew and Freemason made determined attempts to be appointed 'Préfet', i.e. Lord Mayor, of the capital, but has not yet succeeded in his aim, though Prince Said Ha[lim] an Egyptian Freemason, has become Deputy Mayor. [***]


[T]he old Ministry of Police was replaced by the 'Sûreté Publique' controlling the police and gendarmerie, and put in charge of a Salonica Freemason. [***] Talaat Bey, the Minister of the Interior, who is of Gipsy descent, and comes from Kirjali, in the Adrianople district, and Javid Bey, the Minister of Finance, who is a Crypto-Jew, are the official manifestations of the occult power of the Committee. They are the only members of the Cabinet who really count, and are also the apex of Freemasonry in Turkey. [***] A Turk described it as a process of 'drugging the latter with Jewish hashish'.


From the foregoing or any close inspection of the Young Turkey movement in its present stage, it will appear to be principally Jewish and 'Turkish' as opposed to other Ottoman elements, e.g. Arabs, Greeks, Bulgarians, Armenians, etc. [***] It was hoped in the beginning that the Armenians, Bulgarians, Greeks and the Ottoman Jew would serve as economic props, but the Young Turk seems to have allied himself solely with the Jew, Ottoman and foreign, and to have estranged the other races.


 The same result has been witnessed in Hungary, where the Hungarian, who is of Turkish stock and is similarly devoid of real business instincts, has come under the almost exclusive economic and financial domination of the Jew. [***]


[A]s Turkey happens to contain the places sacred to Israel, it is but natural that the Jew should strive to maintain a position of exclusive influence and utilize it for the furtherance of his ideals, viz, the ultimate creation of an autonomous Jewish state in Palestine or Babylonia, as explained by Israel Zangwill in his article in the 'Fortnightly Review' of April. He would kill two birds with one stone if he could obtain from the Turk unrestricted immigration of Jews into Turkey, an aim that he has been pursuing for years back, and transfer to Mesopotamia some millions of his co-religionists in bondage in Russia and Roumania. In return for 'unrestricted immigration' of foreign Jews, he has offered the Young Turk to sacrifice his mother-tongue and replace it by Turkish, and even to take over the whole of the Turkish National Debt. Dr. Nazim, one of the most influential members of the Salonica Committee and said to be of Jewish extraction, has, in company, with his fidus Achates, a certain Faik Bey Toledo, a Crypto-Jew of Salonica, visited the Paris branch of the I.C.A. (Judaeo-Colonisation Association) and has since openly advocated importing 200,000 Roumanian Jews into Macedonia and some millions of Russian Jews into Mesopotamia. [***] Doubtless, when Young Turkey with its heavy military expenditure is in need of borrowing, further pressure will be applied by the Jewish lenders. [***] For the 'Aurore' ('Shefak'), a Sionist organ started a year ago in Constantinople, is never tired of reminding its readers that the domination of Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs, who forced the Jews to build the Pyramids, is part of the future heritage of Israel. [***]


Mesopotamia and Palestine are, however, only the ultimate goal of the Jews. The immediate end for which they are working is the practically exclusive economic capture of Turkey and new enterprises in that country. [***] [T]hey hold or control all the pivotal points in the machinery of the Young Turkey Government, though the Ministry of Public Works [***] is still held by an Armenian, Halajian Effendi. When his predecessor, another Armenian, was got rid of, a determined attempt was made to appoint a Jew or a Jewish nominee. [***] His position is now still shaky, and the most bitter and constant attacks on him come from a Jewish-financed paper, 'Le Jeune Turc', while there are rumours that his successor will be a Jew, or a Turk with a Jew at his elbow. It is obvious that the Jew, who is so vitally interested in maintaining his sole predominance in the councils of the Young Turkey, is equally interested in keeping alive the flames of discord between the Turk and his (the Jew's) possible rivals, i.e. the Armenians, Greeks, etc., while it is to be inferred that he would not be averse to the new regime increasing the national indebtedness to the Hebrew financiers. [***]

 The Jew hates Russia and its Government[.] [***] The Jew can help the Young Turk with brains, business enterprise, his enormous influence in the press of Europe, and money in return for economic advantages and the eventual realisation of the ideals of Israel[.] [***] The Jew has supplied funds to the Young Turks and has thus acquired a hold on them; but in order to retain this hold he has to appear at least to approve and aid the Young Turk towards the accomplishment of 'national' dreams. Secrecy and elusive methods are essential to both. The Oriental Jew is an adept at manipulating occult forces, and political Freemasonry of the continental type has been chosen as the most effective bond and cloak to conceal the inner workings of the movement. [***] The 'Jeune Turc', which, like some other organs in the Ottoman capital, is subventioned by the Jews[.] [***] But all this is dependent on European, i.e. mainly Jewish, financiers supplying it with the sums required to keep up an army which is disproportionate to its actual state of economic development."


----  Letter from G. Lowther to C. Hardinge 29 May 1910, His Majesty's Stationary Office, Lowther Papers, Foreign Office 800/193A; and see: 800/193B. The complete letter is published in: E. Kedourie, "Young Turks, Freemasons and Jews", Middle Eastern Studies, Volume 7, Number 1, (January, 1971), pp. 89-104; reprinted: E. Kedourie, Arabic Political Memoirs and Other Studies, Chapter 16, Frank Cass, London, (1974), pp. 243-263. For additional correspondence to and from Lowther, see also: British Documents on the Origins of the War, 1898-1914, 11 Volumes in 13, His Majesty's Stationary Office, London, (1927); and the Hardinge Papers and the Grey Papers.



I predicted that many Jews would support the Armenians, before it happened. I also predicted that some of these Jews would have sincere motives, while others would be Zionist Jews out to defame Moslems which Zionist Jews wished to use the Armenian Genocide, which Jewry created, to yet again gin up war on Islam. My predictions were demonstrably correct. Now ask yourselves a question while pondering the nobility, or lack thereof, of World Jewry, how many Jews have publicly expressed their regret for the Jewish role in the Armenian Genocide?  To date I count myself as one.


Not just Abe Foxman as an individual, but the ADL as a Jewish organization, and not the ADL alone, but AIPAC and several other Jewish organizations have spoken out against recognition of the Armenian Genocide in the United States Congress. The "Jewish State" of Israel, which rests on stolen Arab land freed up by the Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians, officially denies the genocide by refusing to officially acknowledge and condemn it. It is not merely a set of random Jews who have opposed recognition, not merely a set of prominent politically active and highly influential Jews and/or radical Zionists including Shimon Peres, Tzipi Livni, George W. Bush, Rahm Emanuel, Jane Harman, Madeleine Albright, William Cohen, Charles Krauthammer, etc. etc. etc. Rather, World Jewry is engaged in an organized international Jewish campaign to defeat official recognition of the Armenian Genocide, which campaign is led by the highest officials of the "Jewish State" itself, a racist apartheid nation which is 20% Arab, and Jews and Zionist Gentiles at the highest levels of the American Government. Armenian Genocide denial is promoted by the Doenmeh in Turkey and other Turkish Jews.

Armenians should take their fate into their own hands and stop looking to organized Jewry to accomplish for them what they can accomplish for themselves by instead pointing a finger at Jewry and declaring, "J'accuse!"

More on The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians can be found at:


In the News:

Are Armenians Angry at Jews?

Mouradian has read, or ought to have read before defaming me with his false presentation of history and my work, my book The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians.  Instead of waltzing with the smearmonger Khatchig Mouradian, I choose to again confront him with the facts:

1.) Salonika was a hotbed of revolutionary Doenmeh, and otherwise Jewish, revolutionary activity.

2.) Many of the leaders of the "Young Turks" in "The Committee of Union and Progress" were Jews or crypto-Jews, and Freemasons, and many of these came from Salonika. Jewish, or crypto-Jewish leaders of the "Young Turks" included, but are by no means limited to, the following persons: Emmanual Carasso, Djavid Bey, Mustafa Kemal "Ataturk", and Dr. Nazim.

3.) The Committee of Union and Progress engaged in a conspiracy to overthrow the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and seize control of the Empire. They planned this coup in Freemasonic lodges. They recruited conspirators into Freemasonry, and derived their leaders from Freemasonry.

4.) Judaism contains the Jewish myth of the "Amalekites".  The Jewish religion compels Jews to exterminate the "Amalekites". Contemporary Jews in the Ottoman Empire referred to the Armenians as "Amalekites" and it is a long standing belief in Jewry that the Armenians are "Amalekites". The orders which the Jewish and crypto-Jewish leaders Talaat Pasha and Dr. Nazim issued for the extermination of the Armenians mirror Jewish religious commandments to "blot out" the Armenians, man, woman, and child.

5.) Zionist Jews wanted to take Palestine from the Ottoman Empire. Sultan Abdul Hamid II would not give it to them, nor would the Arabs give up their homes without a fight.  Zionist Jews expected that they would have to dismember the Ottoman Empire in order to take Palestine and give it to Jewry.

6.) In 1911, correspondents for, and to, the Times of London pleaded with World Jewry to end the Jewish led destruction of Christians in the Ottoman Empire. Like our smearmonger Khatchig Mouradian, leading Jews accused those who told the truth about the Jewish role in the Armenian Genocide of Jewbaiting. Leading Jews in 1911 rebuffed the respectful pleas made in the Times to rescue the Armenians from Jewry, with proven lies and deliberate distortions.  In 1915, the Jewish and crypto-Jewish leaders of the "Young Turks" exterminated 1.5 million Armenians, an act which Western Jewry was politely asked to prevent in 1911, thereby casting the guilt for the crime of the Armenian Genocide not just upon the Turks, Kurds, Armenian collaborators, Jewish financiers and Jews and crypto-Jews of Salonika, but upon World Jewry at large.

Let us see if the reckless smearmonger Khatchig Mouradian has the common decency to address these facts, and explain why he has engaged in smears against me for no apparent reason. Does Khatchig Mouradian deny that there was a conspiracy to overthrow the Sultan of the Turkish Empire?

Is Khatchig Mouradian able to identify the leaders and financiers of the "Young Turks" and their ethnic and religious origins?  Can Khatchig Mouradian explain why these leaders decided to genocide the Armenians?

Is there a Moslem myth that the Armenians must be exterminated?

Why were Jews largely unharmed as Armenians died at the hands of the "Young Turks" in the millions?

Is Khatchig Mouradian aware that leading Jews have exhibited the same behavior as the Armenian Genocide in biblical accounts, and that it was a Jew, Lazar Kaganovich, who genocided the Ukrainians in the horrific Holodomor?

Is it, or is it not, our moral imperative to identify the ethnic and religious origins of the planners and perpetrators of genocide so as to prevent future genocides, and punish past genocides?

Is it proper to identify the Turkish Moslems involved in the Armenian Genocide as Moslems and Turks? Why are Jews who supposedly helped Armenians specifically and prominently identified as Jews? Should not the Jews who perpetrated the Armenian Genocide also be identified specifically and prominently as Jews?  If not, why not?


Saturday, February 09, 2008

Ron Paul Quotes Leon Trotsky to Declare that the Jewish "Ron Paul Revolution"  Is  "Permanent"

Christopher Jon Bjerknes


Israel Lazarevich Helphand, a. k. a. "Alexander Parvus", inspired the crypto-Jewish genocidal mass murderer Lev Bronstein, a. k. a. "Leon Trotsky", to adopt a policy of "permanent revolution". This "permanent" Jewish revolution is a continuation of the ancient Jewish war on the human race.

In collusion with the Jew Emmanuel Carasso, "Parvus" profiteered off of the Jewish "Young Turk Revolution" in the grain and arms trade, and worked as a propagandist for World Jewry in the Ottoman Empire, after the Jewish takeover. Jewish Zionist terrorist Zev Jabotinsky also served as a propagandist for World Jewry in the Turkish Empire, after the Jewish takeover. "Parvus" heavily participated in the 1905 and 1917 Jewish "Russian Revolutions".  "Parvus" arranged for Lenin and his cohorts to travel from Switzerland to Russia in 1917.

Trotsky's murderous "permanent revolution" which gave us the "Red Terror", became, in the hands of Trotskyite Jews, the Jewish neo-Conservative policy of "permanent regime change" meant to deliberately destabilize the World and continue the permanent Jewish war on humanity to its messianic end, all the messy mess just "birthpangs" we must endure for the sake of the Jewish Utopia to come.

Ron Paul sent a message to his followers, and to the World. I suggest we pay careful attention to it:

"If I may quote Trotsky of all people, this Revolution is permanent. It will not end at the Republican convention. It will not end in November. It will not end until we have won the great battle on which we have embarked."—Ron Paul,

Paul's political philosophy of absolute selfishness hails from the Jewish subversive sent from the Soviet Union to destroy America, Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum, a. k. a. "Ayn Rand".  Ron Paul's Rothschild goldbuggery comes from the Jew Ludwig von Mises, who came to America on a grant from the Rothschilds' American associate, Rockefeller. Ludwig von Mises was a close friend of the Jewish supremacist and advocate of global government, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, who was financed by the Rothschilds.

Leon Hadar, who was a correspondent for the Jerusalem Post, and who is a graduate of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, has joined the Ron Paul campaign as a foreign policy advisor.



Friday, February 08, 2008

Why Did the Jewish Communists Threaten Huey Long's Life?

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

Huey Long opposed American involvement in the First World War. As a lawyer, Long successfully defended a man prosecuted under Zionist President Woodrow Wilson's "Espionage Act". Huey Long eventually emerged as a Presidential candidate, who promised to curtail the corrupt power of the Jewish financiers, and who promised to defeat Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Roosevelt was a darling of Jewish Communists and brought America into another Jewish manufactured world war.

Long pledged to distribute the wealth:


He directly and personally attacked the selfish power of Bernard Baruch and other top Jewish financiers who ran the American Federal Government. Though many of his liberal views mirrored those of the Socialist and Communist Parties, both Jewish controlled parties denounced Long as if a Fascist and smeared him as if he were another Adolf Hitler. They objected to Huey Long's plan to distribute the wealth through the income tax, while maintaining the productive capabilities of Capitalism. They also objected to Long's alleged dictatorial control of the Government of the State of Louisiana.

Jewish Communists have never wanted to help the working class. Quite the contrary, Jewish Communists deliberately do everything they can to destroy society, and with it the working class. They do this in the name of preparing the way for a Communist Utopia, which is in fact a prophesied Jewish Utopia. The Jewish Communists wanted to abolish private property, which is to say, they wanted to place property under the control of the Jews, as was prophesied in the Old Testament.

Huey Long sincerely represented the interests of the working class, while the Jewish Communists sincerely represented the interests of Jewish financiers. If another Huey Long were to come along today, the Kosher conservative Jewish mouthpieces in the Jewish controlled media would call him, or her, a "Communist". In point of fact, these neo-Con Jews are themselves Trotskyite Communists and Communism serves the Jewish bankers, not the working people of the World. The redistribution of wealth has never been the honest goal of the Communists. Their goals are to kill off the best of the Gentiles, steal Gentile wealth and weaken Gentile society to the point where the Jewish minority can dominate the Gentile majority. This is exactly what Jewry did to Eastern Europe and all of Russia.

In 1946, Robert Penn Warren (author of the racist and segregationist essay "The Briar Patch" in Twelve Southerners, I'll Take My Stand: The South and the Agrarian Tradition, New York, London, Harper, (1930); which sought to prevent blacks from entering into competition with whites in the labor markets) posthumously attacked Huey Long in a novel entitled All the King's Men, Harcourt, Brace, New York, (1946). The highly-talented Communist film director of Jewish descent, Robert Rossen, made Warren's book into a movie in 1949. As a "former" member of the Communist Party, Rossen was called before the House of Un-American Activities Committee and eventually told them the names of 57 other Communist Party members. [See: A. Radosh and R. Radosh, Red Star Over Hollywood: The Film Colony's Long Romance with the Left, Encounter Books, San Francisco, (2005).]

Isn't it odd that Communists took such a strong interest in defaming Huey Long, who struggled to help the working class and to redistribute wealth, while at the same time they covered up Joseph Stalin's (Lazar Kaganovich's) many crimes against the working class?

In 1935, Dr. Carl Austin Weiss allegedly shot Huey Long and Long died soon thereafter due to the failure of his doctors to properly treat the gunshot wounds Weiss, and Long's own bodyguards, allegedly had inflicted on him. Immediately after Weiss allegedly shot Long, Long's bodyguards shot Weiss with at least 20 large caliber handgun rounds—perhaps as many as 60 rounds. Weiss was very dead and very quiet. [See: H. B. Deutsch, The Huey Long Murder Case, Doubleday, Garden City, NewYork, (1963). D. Zinman, The Day Huey Long was Shot, September 8, 1935, I. Obolensky, New York, (1963). E. Reed, Requiem for a Kingfish, Award Publications/E. Reed Organization Baton Rouge, Louisiana, (1986). D. H. Ubelaker, "The Remains of Dr. Carl Austin Weiss: Anthropological Analysis", Journal of Forensic Sciences, Volume 41, Number 1,(1996), pp. 60-79.]

It was alleged that Weiss had shot Long because Long had threatened to reveal Weiss' interracial family secrets. If true, it is odd that Weiss believed he could save his family from embarrassment and keep secret facts hidden, by shooting Huey Long, which was certain to embarrass Weiss' family and call attention to his family's secrets. Some believe that Huey Long's own bodyguards shot Long and used Dr. Weiss as a "patsy". [See: H. B. Deutsch, The Huey Long Murder Case, Doubleday, Garden City, NewYork, (1963). D. Zinman, The Day Huey Long was Shot, September 8, 1935, I. Obolensky, New York, (1963).]

The Jewish mafia attempted to murder Henry Ford in 1927. The assassination attempt ended Ford's political ambitions. Ford was also a pacifist who tried to end the First World War. Ford also promoted the interests of the working class.

The murder of Huey Long was equally successful in ending his political ambitions. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a Communist and pathological liar, enjoyed four terms as President of the United States.



Appealing to the Majority, as Opposed to Pandering to Dysfunctional Minorities and the Psychopathic Super-Rich

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

The Anti-Zionist Party of America (APA) can win elections by becoming the champion of the majority of Americans. The obscenely wealthy complain that they have to pay taxes and many of these greedy and selfish psychopaths pass the tax burden onto the middle class and poor. The rich receive the greatest rewards from the government and the nation, but abrogate their responsibility to pay back into the system. They instead send American jobs abroad and the bills to the middle class.

In my anecdotal experience, the rich are the least generous, and the poor the most generous people. Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned from that fact. The poor subvert their own ability to accumulate wealth and make the super-rich, super richer. A healthy society lives off of the fat stored in the middle class and our middle class is growing thinner.

The poor in America live under highly stressful conditions. Many live in squalor among hustlers, corrupt community leaders and are surrounded by drug abuse and crime. In order to relieve their stress, they waste what little monies they have on tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, and seek out expensive entertainments to distract them from their psychological pain. Their time is wasted on acquiring money through crime to obtain addictive drugs, which produce nothing other than ill health and increasing debts. The government which ought to fight to protect them from drugs of this nature, instead profits from the taxes on tobacco and alcohol, and on the criminal justice system. Prison life increases the stress on the poor and creates irreparable psychological damage. Government jobs in the military and police are also highly stressful and often cause psychological harm. The middle class pays the financial costs and the children of the poor pay the social costs as our entire nation declines.

The poor do not save, but instead waste money on drugs, unnecessarily costly clothes and jewelry. They do not own real estate, but instead rent. They pay the highest usury on their debts. All of this prevents them from accumulating wealth and the lack of investment capital dramatically reduces the ability of their communities to grow economically. The poor, for various reasons, do not adequately supervise their children. They promote anti-intellectual attitudes in their children and denigrate those among them who wish to advance through legitimate means.

The middle class suffer from political naivete. Their opinions are created for them by the mass media and the Democratic and Republican parties, which are in the hands of racist organized Jewry. When the middle class begin to organize and demand that the super-rich pay taxes and cease to corrupt the poor, the rich hire mouthpieces to subvert the interests of the middle class and call their organized efforts to improve the nation "Communism". It is exactly the same tactic Jewry uses to stigmatize those who criticize the Jewish war on the human race, by calling them "anti-Semites". In my anecdotal experience, the super-rich always want more money and more power and they despise the rest of humanity. Yet, the middle class in America again and again falls for the financed lies of the mega-wealthy.

The American middle class needs to take control over their own fate. They must insist upon immigration, health care, education, criminal justice and tax reform; but they must not subvert their own interests in the name of profiting the super-rich. In order to be competitive in the World marketplace, American children need politicians who place their interests first, politicians who reduce our debts, who do everything possible to avoid wars—politicians who protect the environment and safety and well being of our people. Our children need parental and community supervision. They need training on how to be successful and healthy. America's wealth is leaking out to Asia, and we need to plug those holes in our system. America's wealth is being squandered on Israeli instigated wars. America's wealth is being spent on foreigners, while our politicians and business leaders are destroying various countries and then importing their poor into our nation. The American middle class loses jobs as they go abroad and to imported labor in America. This process is organized and carried out by the super-rich, and yet the American middle class continues to idolize these hateful and selfish traitors who are destroying America.

The poor need jobs and to improve their culture. That will only happen if the middle class rescues itself from the super-rich traitors who are destroying America and who are working for World Jewry. The super-rich traitors whine that they are the victims of "class warfare". The reality is that they are the victors of class warfare and it is they who wage war on the majority of Americans. The process is similar to the Jewish war on the human race. Jewry complains that everyone is against them, while Jewry wages war on the rest of humanity and keeps them from fighting back by defaming them when they do as if they were "anti-Semites" for defending themselves from Jewish attacks. The mega-rich attack the rest of our citizens, and then defame those who resist as if "Communists", "Socialists" or participants in "class warfare".

Wake up, America, the war is on and the enemy is stealing your wealth and trampling your country. Your options are limited to fighting back, or cowardly, painful and deadly submission. If you do not respect yourselves enough to summon the courage and self-respect needed to champion your own cause, then at least show some respect to your ancestors who gave you what you have, and to your progeny who will exist on what you leave to them. Expect the super-rich internationalists to serve their own international interests and to delight in your demise and the ruin of America. Expect the poor to fall deeper into poverty at the direction of the super-rich. I say to the majority of Americans, save yourselves and the nation as a whole will prosper. Force the super-rich to at least pay for the feed for the sheep they slaughter. Take political action to serve your interests, not those of the mega-wealthy. Demand health care and education and train your children to provide it. Conserve and save and demand that the poor do the same, by creating a system of incentives for them to do so and disincentives against self-destructive culture. Fight back against the super-rich who poison the poor and middle class with false beliefs, drugs and usury. Fight back against the super-rich who send our jobs abroad, destroy other nations, and then import foreign labor to compete against Americans in America. Fight back against organized Jewry and its warmongering and deliberate subversion of our economy, culture and educational system. Stop subverting your own interests for those of the super-rich traitors and the poor. Sponsor the best of our citizens to do their best in our society, and they will lift up the rest. Spend more money on American infrastructure and on training American engineers, teachers and doctors, and less on courts, prisons, wars and foreign citizens.

Let the Anti-Zionist Party of America be a party of the majority, not the psychopathic super-rich and dysfunctional minorities. Let us combat World Jewry which is waging war against us and against America as a mighty, just and prosperous nation. Let us fight back in the class war which the internationalist super-rich are waging against the majority of Americans and against America as a mighty, just and prosperous nation.

There is nothing more profitable for World Jewry and the super-rich than wars for Israel. That is why both Democrats and Republicans are pushing for more war, never-ending war, apocalyptic nuclear war. Let the Anti-Zionist Party of America prevent the death of the human race at the hands of World Jewry, which is aggressively poisoning us, body and soul.


Thursday, January 31, 2008

The "Ron Paul Revolution" Post "Super Tuesday"

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

The mostly Jewish Libertarian goldbuggers who fanatically promote Ron Paul as if he were our savior need a scapegoat for the failure of their campaign. They will likely blame "911 truthers" and "White Nationalists" for Paul's lack of appeal, while ignoring the fact that Paul is a dud as a candidate.

In reality, the wheels came off of the "Ron Paul Revolution" when Paul stabbed his exceptionally loyal base in the back by ridiculing "911 truth" and embracing Martin Luther King, Jr., as his hero, without acknowledging any of the man's shortcomings and without recognizing the fact that King's views were diametrically opposed to Paul's.  King had guts and knowingly gave his life for his cause, but he was no angel, and I have heard from blacks in Chicago that he was a corrupt and untrustworthy man.

Paul made an ass of himself when he denied knowledge of the statements made in his name, if not by him. Rather than admitting to Paul's shortcomings, his rabid supporters will likely blame others for the general unwillingness to pretend that Ron Paul is a great man.

If Paul, years ago, had owned up to the criticism of King and defended what if anything was true in it, and repudiated what if anything was racist, and if he had stated that false flag terrorism is a fact of life and that we need to look at 911 and its documented ties to Israel, then Paul's campaign would have taken off. Instead, it floundered. Paul fiddles a pied piper tune, while Rome burns at the hands of racist Jewish extremists. He wastes the money of his base on a gold commercial, when he should be pointing an accusatory finger at Zionist Jewry.

Perhaps, as I suspected back in May of 2007, Paul will run as a spoiler candidate in the general election. His followers will be disappointed on Black Wednesday following Super Tuesday, and will need a boost. An announcement that he will run as an Independent or third party candidate would keep some of the suckers on the hook and prevent his addicts from convulsing in withdrawal.

I suggest we seize on the opportunity presented by this Ron Paul fatigue—this increasing let down—to offer a superior alternative to the Jewish "Ron Paul Revolution". All that accumulated energy will need an outlet and will search for a conduit to channel it towards the real fight. Instead of allowing this spirit to turn to bile, we should fill the need for this conductor to accomplish that for which most of Ron Paul's former followers hope. Idle hands are the devil's workshop. Let's keep those hands busy fighting the good fight and take aim directly at our real enemy. All we need is a candidate who is proud to stand up for our beliefs and eager to directly engage the enemy which is relentlessly attacking us.


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ron Paul's Mentor, Racist Zionist Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum, in Her Own Hatefilled Words

The Genocidal Jewish Supremacist Jacob H. SCHIFF

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

The German-Jewish banker Jacob H. Schiff was the Rothschild syndicate's most prominent representative in their genocidal war on the Russian People. Schiff implemented the Rothschild's plan to genocide the Russian People and steal the wealth of the Russian nation. The Rothschilds and Schiffs had shared a residence in Frankfurt, Germany. The Schiffs are still prominent figures in America.

Russia supported the Union in the American Civil War and subverted the Rothschilds' plan to divide America into two opposing nations which the bankers could perpetually pit against one another, as they had done to the nations of Europe. Russia was a tested and proven ally of the United States which defended America against European intrusion into the Civil War.

As Jewish bankers again take aim at Russia and America, we ought to recognize the danger of the situation for the Russian People, and the American People. History teaches us that Jewish leaders are capable of treachery and genocidal murder, the scale of which can only be understood by examining the facts. Many Americans have wondered how the tragedy of the Soviet Union and the Red Terror could possibly have occurred, when the World could so easily have stopped the criminals, so few were they.

History is repeating itself. Ask yourself what you and your government, your neighbors, your press, your church. . . what is anyone doing to stop the Jewish "revolutions" being prepared for America and Russia?

The attempted Russian Revolution of 1905 was widely known at the time to have been the work of Jews, and many Jews took great pride in that fact. For example, The Maccabean of London wrote in an article entitled "A Jewish Revolution" on page 250 in November of 1905,

"The revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution, a crisis in Jewish history. It is a Jewish revolution because Russia is the home of about half the Jews of the world, and an overturning of its despotic government must have a very important influence on the destinies of the millions living there and on the many thousands who have recently emigrated to other countries. But the revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution also because Jews are the most active revolutionists in the Tsar's empire."

--- As quoted in: L. Fry, Waters Flowing Eastward: The War Against the Kingship of Christ, TBR Books, Washington, D. C., (2000), p. 40.


William Eleroy Curtis delivered an address to the National Geographic Society on 14 December 1906, in which he stated, among other things,


Perhaps these reforms are the cause of the present tranquility, because the revolutionary leaders nearly all belong to the Jewish race and the most effective revolutionary agency is the Jewish Bund, which has its headquarters at Bialystok, where the massacre occurred last June. The government has suffered more from that race than from all of its other subjects combined. Whenever a desperate deed is committed it is always done by a Jew, and there is scarcely one loyal member of that race in the entire Empire. The great strike which paralyzed the Empire and compelled the Czar to grant a constitution and a parliament was ordered and managed by a Jew named Krustaleff, president of the workingmen's council, a young man only thirty years old. He was sent to the penitentiary for life, and had not been behind the bars more than three weeks when he organized and conducted a successful strike of the prison employees.

Maxim, who organized and conducted the revolution in the Baltic provinces, is a Jew of marvelous ability. Last fall he came over here lecturing and collecting money to carry on the revolutionary campaign, but for some reason has vanished and nobody seems to know what has become of him.

Gerschunin, the most resourceful leader of the terrorists, who was condemned to life imprisonment in the silver mines on the Mongolian frontier, has recently escaped in a water cask, and is supposed to be in San Francisco. He is a Polish Jew only twenty-seven years old. I might enumerate a hundred other revolutionary leaders and every one of them would be a Jew. Wherever you read of an assassination or of the explosion of a bomb you will notice in the newspaper dispatches that the man was a Jew. The most sensational and dramatic episode that has occurred since the mutinies was on October 27, when, in the very center of Saint Petersburg, at the entrance of Kazan Cathedral, four Jews held up a treasury wagon and captured $270,000. They passed the package to a woman, who instantly vanished, and no trace of her has ever been found; but they were all arrested and were promptly punished. On the 8th of November a few Jewish revolutionaries entered a treasury car near Ragow, in Poland, got $850,000 and disappeared.

Every deed of that kind is done by Jews, and the massacres that have shocked the universe, and occurred so frequently that the name 'pogrom' was invented to describe them, were organized and managed by the exasperated police authorities in retaliation for crimes committed by the Jewish revolutionists."—W. E. Curtis, "The Revolution in Russia", The National Geographic Magazine, Volume 18, Number 5, (May, 1907), pp. 302-316, at 313-314.

In preparation for the 1905 revolution, the Jewish bankers manufactured a war between Russia and Japan. They had long been conducting an economic war against Russia, which weakened the nation. The bankers wanted to further weaken Russia with war in order to make it frail and ripe for revolution, and to drive it deeper into debt and to collapse the economy. Their near absolute control over the international press enabled them to blame the Czar for all of the problems which the Jewish bankers were deliberately causing the Russian People. They pitted the World against Russia, and turned the Russian People against the Russian Government and scapegoated the Czar for Jewish crimes.


Jacob H. Schiff worked against American interests and destroyed America's faithful Civil War ally, Czarist Russia. John Hays Hammond gave testimony in The New York Times to the fact that Jewish bankers had ruined Russia in the Russo-Japanese war, on 18 November 1911, on page 2,

"I, however, convinced them that there was no lack of friendliness toward Russians on the part of Americans, who remembered Russia's friendship to us at the time of our civil war. [***] Mr. Jacob H. Schiff has done more to accentuate the troubles of his co-religionists in Russia than any other one man, because of his boastful statement that the money of Jewish bankers had made it possible for Japan to wage a successful war against Russia."

John Hays Hammond had intimate ties to high finance and close contacts in Russia. [See: J. H. Hammond, The Autobiography of John Hays Hammond; Illustrated with Photographs, In Two Volumes, Farrar & Rinehart, incorporated, New York, (c1935); reprinted: Arno Press, New York, (1974), see especially: Chapter 23, "Russia", pp. 454-478.] The bankers' involvement in the Russo-Japanese war is detailed in the article Takahashi Korekiyo, the Rothschilds and the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1907,

In The New York Times, on 24 March 1917, on pages 1-2, George Kennan explained how Jacob H. Schiff assisted Russia's enemies and how Schiff financed and trained Russian revolutionaries. Note that Imperial Japan and the Soviet State, which Schiff created, both became virulent enemies of the United States, enemies who came to power under Jacob Schiff's tutelage and financial patronage. Note that Jewish bankers created the enemies of the United States and financed their wars against Americans,




Socialists at Carnegie Hall Fail to Make Russian Celebration a Peace Meeting.




Sorry We Cannot Fight with the German People to Overthrow Hohenzollerism.




Relates How Jacob H. Schiff Financed Revolution Propaganda in Czar's Army.


The most violent clash between patriots and pacifists that has occurred in New York City since relations were broken with Germany marked the celebration of the Russian revolution held last night in Carnegie Hall. It was precipitated by Mayor Mitchel, whose declaration that we were about to go to war in behalf of the same kind of democracy that had freed Russia was met with a determined demonstration by pacifists, evidently previously organized, which threatened for a time to break up the meeting.

After the uproar had lasted for fifteen minutes, the Mayor, white with anger, stepped to the edge of the stage and shouted:

'This country is on the verge of war—' A loud chorus of 'No' greeted him, but above the tumult he made his voice heard with: 'And I say to you in the galleries that tonight we are divided into only two classes—Americans and traitors!'

'I hope they put you in the first ranks,' shouted a leader of the pacifists.

'You do me the greatest honor,' replied the Mayor, and the applause which followed, coupled with the ejection of some of the trouble makers, gave the Mayor's supporters the majority.

The meeting started in orderly fashion. The century old fight of Russian revolutionists was pictured in glowing words, matched by the promise of the Russia to be.

On the front of the speaker's stand hung a pair of leg irons, from a Siberian prison. They were unlocked. An authority on Russian affairs, George Kennan, told of how a movement by the Society of the Friends of Russian Freedom, financed by Jacob H. Schiff, had at the time of the Russo-Japanese war spread among 50,000 Russian officers and men in Japanese prison camps the gospel of the Russian revolutionists. 'And,' said Mr. Kennan, 'we know how the army helped the Duma in the bloodless revolution that made the new Russia last week.'

The galleries were largely filled with Socialists, downstairs an admission fee had been charged and the crowd was more orderly until awakened by the protestations of the pacifists.

Mayor Mitchel was introduced by Herbert Parsons, President of the Society of Friends of Russian Freedom, as a 'man of a race that has also struggled for freedom.' There were rumblings of trouble when a few voices in the galleries started to hoot the Mayor.

'We are gathered here,' the Mayor began, 'to celebrate the greatest triumph of democracy since the fall of the Bastile.' There were some cheers. 'America rejoices,' he said. 'How could she do otherwise when she sees power in Russia transferred from the few to the many, and in the country where there seemed the least hope of the cause of democracy triumphing.

'America, the great democracy, is proud tonight because democracy in Russia has supplanted the greatest oligarchy that remained on the face of the earth.' Then the Mayor stepped back and said:

'But I submit we have another reason to be proud. It is now inevitable, so far as human foresight can make a prediction, that the United States is to be projected into this world war and—'

'No! No!' rolled the chorus from the galleries.

There was quiet for an instant. Then the audience downstairs and in the boxes began to rise and a shout of 'Yes! Yes!' answered the galleries.

'The United States is for peace!' a voice from the gallery cried, and the tumult started anew. The ushers escorted some of the leaders of the disturbance out of the arena, and when the Mayor got partial order he said:

'We are to be projected into the war through no fault of ours, but because of conditions which have been thrust upon us—'

'No! No! No!' the galleries started again. Some one shouted an epithet at the Mayor, which brought, even from the galleries, shouts of 'Put him out! Choke him!'

'And when America does enter the contest,' shouted the Mayor, 'it will be to vindicate certain ideas as fundamental as those on which the Republic was builded, and among them will be the cause of democracy throughout the world. Let us be glad that, instead of fighting side by side with autocratic Russia, we shall be fighting side by side with democratic Russia.'

It was at this point that the galleries became so demonstrative that Mr. Mitchel told them they must be Americans or traitors.

'You are for America or you are against her,' he said, and here the Mayor made an indirect reference to the accusations he made against Senator Wagner. 'You are for America or against her, whether in private life or in legislative halls,' he said.

The Mayor then left the hall, followed by shouts of condemnation and of praise.

When the tumult had died down Rabbi S. S. Wise, a worker for world peace but not an extreme pacifist, was introduced.

'I feel it is my duty to say one word in support [hisses] and in reply to the Mayor. I would have this great audience know that I believe the Mayor was right—[This brought shouts of 'No. You're as bad as he is.']

'I am here to talk, and I'm going to talk,' shouted the Rabbi. 'If you don't like what I say, go; I am going to stay. The Mayor is right when he says we are on the verge of war. I pray God it may not come, but if it does the blame will not rest upon us, but upon that German militarism, which may it be given to the German people to overthrow as the Romanoffs have been forever overthrown.

'God knows we want peace. No man has ever fought and stood for peace as has Woodrow Wilson. [Cheers.] I do not believe that war is absolutely inevitable, but I thank God I am a citizen of a republic that has been patient.

'I am for peace, I say, but I would to God it were possible for us to fight side by side with the German people for the overthrow of Hohenzollernism.'

Then the rabbi praised the Russian revolution, but he ran into opposition when he said:

'At the risk of incurring the displeasure of those of you who have such bitter memories I hope that amnesty will be extended to the Czar himself. May God forgive the Czar.' [Shouts of 'No, never!'] 'May God forgive the monarch who never knew what mercy was.'

This was followed by shouts by a man in the gallery.

'I cannot forget,' continued the Rabbi, 'that I am a member and a teacher of a race of which half has lived in the domain of the Czar and as a Jew, I believe that of all the achievements of my people, none has been nobler than that part the sons and daughters of Israel have taken in the great movement which has culminated in the free Russia.'

It was after a review of the struggle of the Russian revolutionists, of whom he has been the leading American writer, that Mr. Kennan told of the work of the Friends of Russian Freedom in the revolution.

He said that during the Japanese-Russian war he was in Tokio, and that he was permitted to make visits among the 12,000 Russian prisoners in Japanese hands at the end of the first year of the war. He told how they had asked him to give them something to read, and he had conceived the idea of putting revolutionary propaganda into the Russian Army.

The Japanese authorities favored it and gave him permission. Later he sent to America for all the Russian revolutionary literature to be had. He said that one day Dr. Nicholas Russell came to him in Tokio, unannounced, and said that he had been sent to help the work.

'The movement was financed by a New York banker you all know and love,' he said, referring to Mr. Schiff, 'and soon we received a ton and a half of Russian revolutionary propaganda. At the end of the war 50,000 Russian officers and men went back to their country ardent revolutionists. The Friends of Russian Freedom had sowed 50,000 seeds of liberty in 100 Russian regiments. I do not know how many of those officers and men were in the Petrograd fortress last week, but we do know what part the army took in the revolution.'

Mr. Parsons then arose and said:

'I will now read a message from White Sulphur Springs sent by the gentleman to whom Mr. Kennan referred.' This was the message:

'Will you say for me to those present at tonight's meeting how deeply I regret my inability to celebrate with the Friends of Russian Freedom the actual reward of what we had hoped and striven for those long years! I do not for a moment feel that if the Russian people have under their present leaders shown such commendable moderation in this moment of crisis they will fail to give Russia proper government and a constitution which shall permanently assure to the Russian people the happiness and prosperity of which a financial autocracy has so long deprived them.


This message from President Wilson was read:

'The American Ambassador in Petrograd, acting under instructions from this Government, formally recognized the new Government of Russia. By this act the United States has expressed its confidence in the success of and its natural sympathy with popular government. WOODROW WILSON'

Vladimir Resnikoff, the blind Russian baritone, sang a number of folk songs and the Symphony Orchestra, directed by Nikolai Sokoloff played Tschaikowsky's Symphony No. 4 in F minor and other selections. Miss Lillian D. Wald delivered a eulogy of Mme. Catherine Breshkovskaya, the Russian revolutionist, who had visited this country and who is now in Siberia, to be brought back at the age of 70 years to see in Petrograd the triumph of the cause for which she worked and suffered.

The following resolution was unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That the Mayor of the City of New York be requested to transmit the following cable to Professor Paul N. Milyoukoff, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the new Russian Government:

'Citizens of New York having at the call of the Society of the Friends of Russian Freedom assembled in mass meeting at Carnegie Hall on this 23d day of March, 1917, extend their congratulations to the Russian people upon the success of the revolution in Russia, and express their admiration for those who in the years gone by and those who in recent days have fought so bravely for liberty. They convey their earnest wishes for Russia's complete realization of self-Government, and declare their conviction that it will mean enduring friendship and co-operation between the Governments and peoples of Russia and the United States of America.'

At the close of the meeting the pictures of the revolutionary leaders were shown upon a screen, together with a picture of George Grey Bernard's statue of Lincoln which is to be placed in Petrograd.




Police Disperse Crowd Around Auto
of Orators in Wall Street.

The police stopped a pacifist street meeting in the Wall Street district yesterday afternoon after a big crowd had surrounded the speakers and had begun to dispute with them. Benjamin C. Marsh and other pacifist orators had been telling the crowd that the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co. and other financial interests were engineering a 'go-to-war' movement. Mr. Marsh spoke from an automobile.

'I am engaged in a fight against surrendering the Government to Wall Street,' he said. 'If the privileged class and their wealth were to be conscripted in case of war there would be no possibility of this country becoming involved.'

'What are you going to do about the German submarines?' some one in the crowd asked.

'I consider it more important to fight against special privileges than to engage in a war against poor, beaten Germany,' was the reply.

The crowd became unruly, and a police Lieutenant in charge of reserves made them move on before Mr. Marsh had finished speaking.

Dr. David Starr Jordan spoke against war yesterday at a meeting in Horace Mann Auditorium, Broadway and 120th Street, under the auspices of the Collegiate Anti-Militarism League and the Institute of Arts and Sciences.

Dr. Jordan, the Rev. Judah L. Magnes, Morris Hillquit, Arthur Le Soeur, James P. Maurer, and others will speak at a mass meeting of the Emergency Peace Federation in Madison Square Garden tonight. John F. Moors, President of the Boston Associated Charities, yesterday joined the 'unofficial commission' which is trying to find 'a way out' without war."

Rabbi Stephen S. Wise had been a member of the "Anti-Militarism Committee" which was formed to combat the "cult of preparedness" that sought "to stampede the nation". [See: "Starts Open Fight Against Preparedness", The New York Times, (22 December 1915), p. 12.] He had been opposed to any talk of war, until war became a Jewish cause, until American intervention in the war became "good for the Jews", even though it remained very bad for America and humanity.

The New York Times reported on 30 December 1917 on page 4 in an article entitled "KAHN ASKS ARMY OF 6,000,000 MEN":

"Jacob H. Schiff said that it now appeared reasonably sure that, at the end of this war, nationalities formerly subject would be freed and that, among them, Palestine would be restored to the Jews. He said that, although there had been much disagreement among the Jews of the world as to what was desirable for their future, they were now nearing an agreement and were preparing for the restoration of the Jewish State. In this situation he said that it was the duty of Jews to inquire into the reason why the Jewish nation had formerly fallen and been shattered, in order that the new Jewish State would stand. He asserted that their loss of country was originally due to their abandonment of their religion, and that a religious revival was the means of insuring the national future."

The Jewish Communal Register of New York City 1917-1918 wrote of Jacob H. Schiff,

"Schiff, Jacob Henry, was born in 1847, at Frankfort-on-the-Maine, Germany. He received his education in the schools of Frankfort. In 1865 he came to America, where he settled in New York City. Here, he joined the staff of a banking house. In 1873, he returned to Europe where he made connections with some of the chief German banking houses. Upon returning to the United States, he entered the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb and Company, New York, of which he later became the head. His firm became the financial re-constructors of the Union Pacific Railroad, and since then is strongly interested in American railroads. Mr. Schiff's principle of 'community of interests' among the chief railway combinations led to the formation of the Northern Securities Company, thus suppressing ruinous competition. The firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., floated the large Japanese War loans of 1904-05, thus making possible the Japanese victory over Russia. Mr. Schiff is director of numerous financial companies, among them the Central Trust Company, Western Union Telegraph Company, the National State Bank of New York. He is also vice-president of the New York Chamber of Commerce.

Mr. Schiff is widely known for his many philanthropic activities and for his interest in education. Of his numerous philanthropies only a few can be mentioned here. He founded the Chair in Social Economics at Columbia University; he presented the fund and the building for Semitic studies at Harvard, he is chairman of the East Asiatic Section of the Museum of Natural History of New York, which has sent out many expiditions for the study of Eastern history and conditions; he made donations to the various museums of the city, and presented the New York Public Library with a large number of works, dealing with Jewish subjects.

Mr. Schiff is the Jewish philanthropist par excellence. His philanthropies embrace every phase of the Jewish life. He is intensely interested in hospital work and is the president of the Montefiore Home, and a contributor to Mount Sinai Hospital and all other important Jewish hospitals of the city. He is profoundly interested in Jewish education and took a leading part in the reorganization of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America; he is also the founder of the Bureau of Education. In addition Mr. Schiff is trustee of the Baron de Hirsch Fund and the Woodbine Agricultural School. He has provided the building and funds for the Young Men's Hebrew Association of New York City.

Mr. Schiff has always used his wealth and his influence in the best interests of his people. He financed the enemies of autocratic Russia and used his financial influence to keep Russia from the money market of the United States.

When last year, Mr. Schiff celebrated his seventieth birthday, all the factions of Jewry in the United States and elsewhere united in paying tribute to him."The Jewish Communal Register of New York City, 1917-1918, Second Edition, Kehillah, New York, (1919), pp. 1009-1010 (In the First Edition at pp. 1018-1019).

Elinor Slater and Robert Slater wrote in their book Great Jewish Men,

"Schiff also served as a director or advisor for many banks, insurance firms, and other companies. He helped float loans to the American government as well as to foreign countries. The most important was the two-hundred-million-dollar bond issue for Japan at the time of the 1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War. Furious with the Russians over their anti-Semitic policies, Schiff called the czarist government 'the enemy of government.' He was pleased to support the Japanese in their war effort. He also encouraged an armed revolt against the Czar. When the Japanese won the war, Schiff was presented with the Second Order of the Treasure, becoming the first foreigner to receive an official medal at the imperial palace.

In 1910 Schiff was one of several Americans who campaigned to revoke a commercial treaty with the Russians over their mistreatment of Russian Jews. Although the Russians sought him out for loans as well, he was steadfast in his refusals to grant them. Schiff made sure that no one else at Kuhn, Loeb underwrote Russian loans either. He did provide financial support for Russian-Jewish self-defense groups. It was only with the fall of the Czar in 1917 that Schiff dropped his opposition to underwriting the Russian government; he provided some support for the Kerensky government. But, angry at the Russians for refusing to honor the passports of American Jews, he successfully campaigned to abrogate the Russian-American Treaty of 1932. [***] During World War I Schiff and some of his American Jewish peers were assailed by the newer generations of Zionist leaning leaders for their indifference to Zionism. Schiff had indeed been a strong foe of Zionism, believing it a secular, nationalistic perversion of the Jewish faith and incompatible with American citizenship. He gave some funds to agricultural projects in Palestine, however, and by 1916 he had shifted his beliefs to be in favor of Zionist efforts, openly supporting the notion of a cultural homeland for Jews in Palestine."—E. Slater and R. Slater, "Jacob Schiff", Great Jewish Men, Jonathan David Publishers, New York, (2003), pp. 274-276, at 275-276.

Schiff sponsored the rabid Zionist Rabbi Judah Magnes. Schiff funded the Russian Revolution and funded the Japanese against the Russians in their war. Schiff obstructed the Russians' access to international financing with which to fight the war, feed the Russian people and maintain the Russian economy. Many were amazed by Japan's ability to defeat mighty Russia.

Schiff initially favored Germany in the First World War. Schiff, like many American Jewish financiers, was born in Germany; and since Germany agreed to work toward the emancipation of Russian Jews and secure Palestine for the Zionists—actions Zionist Israel Zangwill, a British Jew, defended in spirit, while Zangwill concurrently tried to bring America into the war on the side of England. [See:I. Zangwill, "Zangwill Urges Jews to Support Allies", The London Times, (10 September 1914), frontpage; and "Mr. Schiff on Peace", The London Times, (25 November 1914), p. 9; and "The Voice of Jerusalem", The London Times, (2 December 1914), p. 9.]

The New York Times, 22 November 1914, Section 5, page SM4, published a long article about, and an interview with, Jacob Schiff together with a large portrait of the man glorifying him as if a visionary of the war to end all wars; which article was entitled, "JACOB H. SCHIFF POINTS A WAY TO EUROPEAN PEACE; He Sets Forth the Disastrous Results to America That Would Follow the Complete Humiliation of Either Germany or England and Believes We Can Do Much to End This War and with It All War." [See also: "Consequences of the War", The New York Times, (22 November 1914), Section 3, p. 2; and "See Peace Campaign in Mr. Schiff's Talk", The New York Times, (23 November 1914), p. 3.]

The London Times portrayed the The New York Times interview with Schiff as pro-German propaganda on 23 November 1914, on page 8, and note the statement, "their line of attack is to secure a lasting peace", further note Schiff's call for a peace conference, long the ambition of the Zionists for it would provide them with the opportunity to petition for the formation of a "Jewish State" in Palestine:








There are signs that the Germans are again planning to make a bid for American sympathy by peace talk. The New York Times publishes a long interview with Mr. Jacob H. Schiff, one of the leading German-American bankers, and a close friend of the German official representatives in the United States, which shows clearly that their line of attack is to secure a lasting peace.

Mr. Schiff argues that neither the Allies nor Germany should be allowed to score a smashing victory. A complete triumph for the Allies would hand over the world to England and her navies, while 'in the role of world-conqueror Germany would be a world-dictator and would indulge in a domination which would be almost unbearable to almost every other nation.' For the United States a complete British triumph would be especially disastrous. Probably the permanence of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance would saddle upon Americans the burden of a defensive militarism. If Germany won, the Monroe doctrine might, among other things, become a scrap of paper. Both England and Germany are patriotically resolved to fight until exhaustion supervenes. That means for Europe a prolonged period of bloodshed and misery. Hence for humanitarian and selfish reasons alike the United States is interested in ending the conflict. The United States should see whether she could not devise some sort of conference at which the belligerents could talk things over. It might perhaps be managed without an armistice.

I believe it to be not beyond the bounds of possibility that if this course could be brought about a way out of this struggle and carnage might be found, and I know I am not alone in this belief. The situation is unprecedented. . . . The peace must not be temporary. It must mark the ending of all war. . . . Towards this end America may help tremendously, and herein lies, it seems to me, the greatest opportunity ever offered to the American Press. Let the newspapers stop futile philosophizing on the merits and demerits of each case. . . . Let them begin stimulating public opinion in favour of rational adjustment of the points at issue. . . . Have we not the right to insist that the interests of neutral nations should be given some consideration by the nations whose great quarrel is harming us incalculably?

The moderation of Mr. Schiff's brief for Germany, his lamentation over the misery of the war, annotated as it is by accounts of suffering Flanders, his appeal to the humanitarian instinct of the American people, to their sympathy with the under-dog, to say nothing of his other points, all show a considerable advance of the Teutonic grasp of the American point of view since the Bernstorff maneuvers at the end of the summer. Even the New York Times, whose grasp of the basis of the issue, I have often pointed out, is particularly clear-visioned, while it thinks the plea is rather premature, hopes that in a few months, should one side or other score decisively enough to snatch from its enemies the hope of ultimate victory, the proposal of a conference might be opportunely pressed. It also expresses what is undoubtedly the general opinion over here, when it says:—

Whatever aims the belligerents in moments of heat and passion may profess, we here in America do not want to see Germany crushed; none of us want to see England crushed, or France or Russia. We have no wish to see any great people crushed. Such a result of the war would be an almost irreparable disaster, and we should share the loss.

The lessons of the above are fairly obvious. The peace campaign already launched by enterprising journalists, amiable pacifists, financiers worried by heavy German commitments, and by German propagandists, will sooner or later gain inconvenient strength. No pains must be spared to continue to advertise above-board our conception of the fundamental issues. It must be continually made clear that we are fighting against German militarism and not against the German people; that no peace can be lasting until the present German regime is crushed. Nor, judging from comment current here, is it enough simply to proclaim the fact.

Privately, Germans are trying to capitalize what they call the vindictive tone of certain British utterances. They draw attention, for instance, to the indiscriminate abuse of Germans as 'Huns' and of the way in which not only the Prussian contingent but the Bavarians, Wurtemburgers, &c., are bespattered with sneers. If, argue the German propagandists, such things really represent British opinion, how much reliance can be placed on British protestations that Prussian militarism is the only enemy? Does it not rather seem that Great Britain is embarked on a jealous crusade to crush utterly its dangerous rivals in the race for world supremacy?

*Mr. Jacob Henry Schiff, whose views are given above, is a native of Frankfurt-on-Main, where he was educated. He went to the United States in 1865 at the age of 18 and settled in New York. He is a member of the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb, and Co., of which his son, Mortimer Schiff, is a partner."

Zionist spokesman Israel Zangwill, who was British but felt no loyalty to Great Britain because his only loyalty was to his fellow Jewish Zionists and their money—Zangwill ran to Schiff's defense. Schiff proposed that the First World War be the war to end all wars, which became an international mantra after the war. The absolute end of all war heralded the Jewish Messianic Era in which the Jews would be "restored" to Palestine, where they would rule the world from Jerusalem. Jewish bankers deliberately created the First World War in order to articially fulfill Jewish Messianic prophecy by staging the "Battle of Armageddon", by creating a World government run by Jews known as "The League of Nations", by "restoring" the Jews to Palestine, by destroying the Empires and Monarchies, by enslaving the Gentiles with Bolshevism, by placing the wealth of the World in Jewish hands, etc. etc. etc. Schiff believed that the First World War fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 2:1-4, which states,

"1 The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. 2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. 3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. 4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

The London Times printed a letter from racist Jewish Zionist Israel Zangwill (a man who had earlier asserted that the mixture of Jewish genes with Russian Slavic genes resulted in the horrible degradation of the Jewish race), where Zangwill stated on 25 November 1914 on page 9,




Sir,—The interview with Mr. Jacob Schiff reported by your Washington Correspondent—the proposal for a permanent peace that shall end not only this war, but war—comes as the one gleam of light in the world's darkness. But why almost extinguish it under the head of 'German Press Campaign'? And why does he speak of Mr. Schiff's 'brief for Germany'? As one associated for many years in philanthropic work with this noblest of millionaires, I should like to testify that, despite his early associations with Germany, he is one of the most patriotic Americans I have ever known. Descended from a long line of Jewish Rabbis and scholars—one of his ancestors was Chief Rabbi of the Great Synagogue, London, in the 18th century—Mr. Jacob Schiff might himself have sat to Lessing for the portrait of 'Nathan der Weise,' and in proposing a conference to end Prussian militarism—and every other—he speaks not as the mouthpiece of Berlin, but with the voice of Jerusalem.

Yours faithfully,

Israel Zangwill

Jewish Territorial Organization, King's-chambers, Portugal-street,

Nov. 23."

Zangwill was indeed familiar with Schiff's "philanthropy". Zangwill mentioned Schiff's involvement in the war between Russia and Japan in 1911,

"[. . .]Mr. Jacob Schiff financing the Japanese war against Russia and building up the American Jewry[.]"—I. Zangwill, The Problem of the Jewish Race, Judean Publishing Company, New York, (1914), on page 14; which was first published as an article, "The Jewish Race", The Independent, Volume 71, Number 3271, (10 August 1911), pp. 288-295, at 292.

Schiff provided approximately $20,000,000.00USD (non-adjusted) for the Russian Revolution. [See: C. Knickerbocker, New York Journal-American, (3 February 1949). A. de Goulevitch, Czarism and Revolution, Omni Publications, Hawthorne, California, (1962), pp. 223-232. W. C. Skousen, The Naked Capitalist: A Review and Commentary on Dr. Carroll Quigley's Book: Tragedy and Hope, a History of the World in Our Time, Reviewer, Salt Lake City, (1971). J. Perloff, The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline, Western Islands, Boston, (1988), p. 39. G. E. Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve, American Opinion, Appleton, Wisconsin, (1995). p. 265.]

Jacob Schiff's "philanthropy" ultimately cost the lives of tens of millions of Russians and subjected hundreds of millions more to Jewish repression which has yet to subside. At the time Schiff wrecked Russia, Russia was in the Allied forces opposed to Germany. The Zionist Jewish bankers not only brought America into the war against our interests, they destroyed an ally in that war against Germany, thereby further harming American interests.

The Encyclopaedia Judaica, Volume 14 RED-SL, Encyclopaedia Judaica, Jerusalem, The Macmillan Company, New York, (1971), cols. 960-962, at 961, states,

"Schiff was prominently involved in floating loans to the government at home and to foreign nations, the most spectacular being a bond issue of $200,000,000 for Japan at the time of the Russo-Japanese War in 1904-05. Deeply angered by the anti-Semitic policies of the czarist regime in Russia, he was delighted to support the Japanese war effort. He consistently refused to participate in loans on behalf of Russia, and used his influence to prevent other firms from underwriting Russian loans, while providing financial support for Russian Jewish *self-defense groups. Schiff carried this policy into World War I, relenting only after the fall of czarism in 1917. At that time, he undertook to support the Kerensky government with a substantial loan."

The "anti-Semitic policies of the czarist regime in Russia" were the prohibition of racist Zionism, which the Czar prohibited because the Czar asked the Jews to integrate not segregate. The racism was Jewish, not Russian. The Czar and his predecessors wanted Jews in Russia to become Russian and assimilate. In the minds of the racist Zionists, that was an extermination campaign against the "Jewish race". Yet, these racist Jews used their control over the press to misrepresent the situation and make it appear that the Czar was racist.

The Czar was also confronted with murderous Jewish revolutionaries and Jewish led strikes that crippled the Russian economy and caused the Russian people to suffer and starve. But then, as now, Jews largely controlled the media and so Jews were able to blame the Czar for the wrongs Jews had done, and for the racist segregationism Jews had insisted upon. In the Jewish media, the Czar became a racist for opposing Jewish racism and an enemy of the Russian People for trying to rescue them from the Jews who were out to destroy the Russian People.

Kerensky immediately emancipated the Jews after the Russian Revolution of 1917, so that Jews could take over the government, educational institutions, the press and other institutions of influence throughout the Russian Empire. Lenin made "anti-Semitism" an offense punishable by death, and thereby shielded all Jews from any criticism or accusation. [See: V. I. Lenin, "Anti-Jewish Pogroms", Collected Works, Volume 29, English translation of the Fourth Russian Edition, Progress Publishers, Moscow, (1972), pp. 252-253. See also: D. Fahey, The Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern World, Browne and Nolan Limited, London, (1935), p. 251. See also: G. B. Shaw, The Jewish Guardian, (1931). See also: Congress Bulletin, American Jewish Congress, New York, (5 January 1940). See also: The Jewish Voice, (January, 1942). See also: G. Aronson, Soviet Russia and the Jews, American Jewish League against Communism, New York, (1949). See also: J. Stalin, "Anti-Semitism: Reply to an Inquiry of the Jewish News Agency in the United States" (12 January 1931), Works, Volume 13, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, (1955), p. 30. See also: S. S. Montefiore, Stalin: The Court of the Red Star, Vintage, New York, (2003), pp. 305-306. See also: "Anti-Semitism", Great Soviet Encyclopedia: A Translation of the Third Edition, Volume 2, (1973), pp. 175-177, at 176. See also: "Jews", Great Soviet Encyclopedia: A Translation of the Third Edition, Volume 9, Macmillan, New York, (1975), pp. 292-293, at 293. See also: N. S. Alent'eva, Editor, Tseli i metody voinstvuiushchego sionizma, Izd-vo polit. lit-ry, Moskva, (1971).  Н. С. Алентьева, Редактор, Цели и методы воинствующего сионизма, Издательство
Политической Литературы, Москва, (1971).

Behind this protective shield, Jews then mass murdered educated Gentiles, and elevated Jews into positions of power and influence. Crypto-Jews in the government changed their names to Russian-sounding names. It was a crime punishable by death to reveal their true Jewish identity.

Prominent Jews had long advocated the use of tyrants following revolutions. The Bolshevik Jews Schiff put into power after Kerensky, who had failed to rule with an iron scepter—the Jewish Bolsheviks mass murdered millions of Russian Christians, destroyed Russian Orthodox Churches while leaving synagogues intact, and pillaged, plundered and destroyed Russia for most of the Twentieth Century.

Those many Jews who hated Russians had their revenge. Russian culture was largely destroyed in the process. Irreparable harm was done to the Russian people as a result of the mass murder of their best people and the introduction of carcinogens into their living environment. The famines and unemployment that the Jews blamed on the Czar, so as to cause the unrest which broke out in 1905, were instead due to Schiff and his Jewish financier friends. After Schiff's puppets came to power, they plundered Russia's vast wealth and sent it back to the Jewish financiers, a process which continues to this very day. Such was the Jewish banker Jacob H. Schiff's "philanthropy".

There are many lessons to be learned from the story of how the Jewish bankers destroyed Russia. They used their control over the press to defame Russia and its leaders. They made Americans anti-Russian. In America, they made it illegal to speak out against the war and imprisoned those who did.

Ominously, we again see the Jewish controlled press defaming Russia and its leaders. We again see Jewish bankers promising and funding revolution. We again see Jews in Russia attempting to stir up disorder and chaos, which they blame on the Government. Was not the Twentieth Century slavery of the Slavs revenge enough to satisfy the racist Zionists? Was not the blood of tens of millions of innocent Russians enough to quench the thirst of these vampires, or must they again tear open the throat of Mother Russia and rip out the unborn children from her womb?

Russia is not the only country which World Jewry seeks to ruin with "revolution". If Jacob H. Schiff were alive today, he would probably want to join the "Ron Paul Revolution". Ron Paul's Rothschild goldbuggery and Ayn Rand selfishness are the products of the Rothschild plan for World domination. Ron Paul is the pitchman for these corrosive and subversive ideas and policies.



Monday, January 28, 2008

The Powers of Our Anti-Zionist President and the Policies of the Anti-Zionist Party of America (APA)

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

When the Constitution was drafted, we did not have the FBI, CIA or NSA. Zionists have thoroughly corrupted those extra-Constitutional institutions.

Since our Congress has been infiltrated by a fifth column of disloyal Zionists who openly serve Israeli interests and who will not respond to the Israeli war on the United States of America with a declaration of war on Israel and World Jewry, and since the Zionist have effectively undermined the viability of our Federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies, our Anti-Zionist President would assume powers under Article II of the Constitution to establish a War Office against Israel and World Jewry. As Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy, our Anti-Zionist President would create intelligence and police divisions in the military to combat the treasonous fifth column and fourth estate of Zionists operating in the United States.

Since our enemy uses assassination and intimidation as weapons with which to subvert our fundamental human rights and our sovereignty and has successfully coopted our courts and law enforcement agencies, our Anti-Zionist President would selectively pardon members of the American military who act against traitors serving the Zionists and who could establish that they were acting to fulfill their duty as Americans in defense of the nation, the American People and the Constitution of the United States of America.

Since our enemy has subverted our political process and made it impossible for the American People to defend ourselves by means of the democratic process which would otherwise have obliged the legislature to pass laws to protect the American People from World Jewry and Zionism, our Anti-Zionist President would issue Presidential orders to the military to exact punishments, including fines and imprisonment, on the Zionists (and others) who have subverted our nation, stolen our wealth, undermined our currency, poisoned our environment, corrupted our press, schools and religious institutions, and who have brought us into unnecessary war. The principles of ex post facto limitations do not apply where the legislature has been deliberately corrupted to prevent the passage of necessary legislation, and/or corrupted to pass laws which are against the best interests of the American People.

It is to be expected that the Zionist controlled Congress will attempt to Impeach and remove from office our Anti-Zionist President. Should this event occur, the American People will have to choose between the Zionist controlled Congress and our patriotic Anti-Zionist President. I suggest that we demand that any impeachment process begun against our President extend across an election cycle in the Congress, so as to enable the American People to voice their opinion at the election polls.

Article II of the Constitution of the United States of America:

Article. II.

Section. 1.

The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows:

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chuse by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner chuse the President. But in chusing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; A quorum for this purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. In every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall chuse from them by Ballot the Vice President.

The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.

The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them.

Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:--"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Section. 2.

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

Section. 3.

He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.

Section. 4.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Smearing Those Who Tell the Truth, While Ignoring the Facts and Painting Turks and Jews as If Victims of the Armenians

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

Throughout their history, Jews have often corrupted Gentile nations and empires to favor Jewish interests over the natural interests of Gentile peoples. Jewry often creates and promotes the myth of a common enemy, styling one Gentile nation which Jewry wishes to destroy as if it were the common enemy of the Jews and another third Gentile nation or religion, which Jewry wishes to use as a weapon against the specific Gentile people which Jewry wishes to annihilate. After using one Gentile nation to destroy another, Jewry scapegoats the Gentile nation which it exploited as a weapon for the Jewish crime of destroying the other Gentile nation.

In America, World Jewry spreads the defamatory falsehood that Islam is a common enemy of Christendom and Jewry. This lie has levied a heavy tax on Christian and Moslem lives and treasure. The wars which Jewry have ginned up between Christians and Moslems, and among Christians and Moslems, have enriched Jewish war profiteers and strengthened Israel while concurrently weakening all Gentile nations. Now that Jewry has used the United States to destroy Iraq and Afghanistan, Jews blame Americans for this Jewish crime. In this way, World Jewry has destroyed the American Empire, and with it the World economy, and is in the process of completely destroying Islam. Jewish prophecy calls upon Jewry to ruin all the nations and religions of the World, save Israel, and Jewry is busy doing just that.

In Turkey, where Jewry destroyed the Turkish Empire, brought Turkey into numerous wars, and where Jews have subjugated Moslem Turks, Jews today spread the vicious lie that Armenian Christians are a common enemy to Jews and Moslem Turks. In a mutual exclusion, the myth has evolved into the contradictory accusations that Armenians are supposedly jealous of the Jews and Turks, because these peoples are more powerful and capable than Armenians, but that the Armenians slaughtered countless Turks and Jews, who grossly outnumbered the Armenians and that Armenians today constitute a threat. How the allegedly powerless exercise such enormous power is left a mystery of the lie, to be feared, not pondered.

In yet another smear campaign against me for exposing the proven fact that Jewry was behind the Armenian genocide, "Murat P" has charged me with the supposed offense of exposing the Jewish Doenmeh roots of the leaders of "Young Turk" movement Mustafa Kemal "Ataturk" and Talaat Pasha:

Antisemitismus in Armenien und Verfolgung religiöser Minderheiten. Die Öffentlichkeit schaut weg. Von Murat P

"Murat P" does not question the accuracy of the numerous facts I bring forth to prove this facet of history. In fact, "Murat P" does not touch upon those facts at all, instead opting to dismiss the accuracy of my accounts as if preposterous on their face and needing no rebuttal. "Murat P's" ad hominem attack is an appeal to the ignorant to remain ignorant, and for those in the know to remain silent. It is an effort to render the subject taboo by calling those who report and document the truth, "anti-Semites". It is an effort to mischaracterize the Armenian People as if they were a common enemy of Jews and Turks, and to blame the Armenian victims of the Armenian Genocide for this Jewish crime, while concurrently rewarding the Turks for their participation in this Jewish crime so as to again offer the Turks an incentive to hate and destroy the Armenians and blame the Armenians for the Jewish instigated hatred and genocide.

Turkey is suffering from the Jewish subversion of Turkish and Moslem interests. Israel has trained, financed and equipped the PKK terrorists to attack Turks. Doenmeh Jews in Turkey are attempting to use this Jewish manufactured provocation to lure the Turks into starting another world war. While blaming the Armenians for the Armenian Genocide in Turkey, Jewry uses this shameful denial to attack the reputation of Turks in Europe and America. Jewry lays all the blame for the Armenian Genocide on the Turks and Kurds and smears those who tell the truth about the Jewish involvement in the crime.

Israel is no friend of Moslems and Turks. Jewry's actions pit the World against Turkey and Turkey against the World, in the name of preserving Turkish honor, by blaming Turks for Jewish crimes, and again providing Turks with an incentive to side with Jews who want to continue their attack on Armenian Christians.

There is a real common enemy. The common enemy of Moslem Turks and Christian Armenians is World Jewry. World Jewry ruined the Turkish Empire and genocided the Armenians in the early part of the Twentieth Century. The process is ongoing.

For those interested in the facts which prove that the leaders of the "Young Turks" were Jews, my book The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians is available as a free pdf file. "Murat P" mocks the notion that Talaat and Ataturk were crypto-Jews, without addressing any of the facts which prove that both men were crypto-Jews. These facts are found in my book and include the testimony of such prominent figures as the well known and highly regarded Zionist Jews Israel Zangwill and Joachim Prinz, the Inspector-General of the Turkish Forces in Armenia and Military Governor of Egyptian Sinai during the First World War Rafael De Nogales, and the Constantinople Correspondent to the Times of London. See also my blog:

A Self-Proclaimed Zionist Jew Attacks the Character of Armenians. December 21, 2007

The following articles published in Zionist newspapers, which were recommended by a reader of my blog, prove the same facts:

Ataturk's Turkey Overturned By HILLEL HALKIN

When Kemal Ataturk Recited Shema Yisrael: "It's My Secret Prayer, Too," He Confessed. By Hillel Halkin

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Libertarian Goldbug Gary North Jumps in to Defend Ron Paul with a Baseless Personal Attack

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

According to the Wikipedia page dedicated to this man, Gary North is most noteworthy for his inaccurate predictions of a nuclear war with the Soviet Union, an AIDS epidemic that would subdue hospitals worldwide by 1992, and that Y2K would be a catastrophe of global proportions. I should not expect much from this strange man, and he delivers just that, not much.

In a ridiculous "hit piece" against me, this odd and obnoxious little creature takes exception to my arguments that World Jewry was behind the Armenian Genocide, but fails to address the factual issues I have raised and instead merely complains that in, "a 17-page, fine-print bibliography of books that supposedly prove that English Christians had long favored the restoration of Palestine to the Jews, a bibliography going back centuries. Problem: he does not list page references in even one of these books that proves his point." Beyond this baseless critique of style, not substance, North has no complaint.

The vast majority of the books contained in the bibliography I compiled and published are works devoted to the argument that the Jews should be restored to Palestine. It would be inappropriate to list page numbers which span from the beginning of a book to its end. Of course, a rational person could deduce from the titles of several of these works that they were devoted to the subject of the restoration of the Jews to Palestine, titles such as Samuel Clarke's "The Conversion and Restoration of the Jews", A Collection of the Promises of Scripture: or, The Christian’s Inheritance, Part 3, Section 10, American Tract Society, New York, and J. Buckland, London, (1750) and John Collet's book of 1747, A Treatise of the Future Restoration of the Jews and Israelites to Their Land: with Some Account of the Goodness of the Country, and Their Happy Condition There, till They Shall Be Invaded by the Turks : with Their Deliverance from All Their Enemies, When the Messiah Will Establish His Kingdom at Jerusalem, and Bring in the Last Glorious Ages, to name but two of several such titles. Many more can be found by searching my book for the exact words "restoration of the Jews".

Gary North, in his reckless and illegitimate campaign to smear me with falsehoods, ignores the fact that I republish several such Zionist texts in my book The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians which can be found at:, including the works of the American Jew Mordecai Manuel Noah in their entirety from pages 441 to 526, and lengthy extracts from the work of David Hartley and Isaac Newton on pages 109-120. One can also find articles reproduced in my book on pages 231-236, etc. More such reproductions are found in another of my books, The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein.

North's statement that I present no factual basis for my claims is, not to put too fine a point on it, vicious nonsense. Mr. North is the first Christian theologian I have yet to encounter who is so ignorant of this significant body of literature, that he would dare to question the nature of the works I cite. I recommend that he read B. W. Tuchman, Bible and Sword: England and Palestine from the Bronze Age to Balfour, New York University Press, New York, (1956); before again making an ass of himself in this way. There are so many other less obvious ways for him to show his ignorance.

For example, Mr. North finds it extraordinary that I should state the well documented fact that Jewry was behind the Armenian Genocide. Gary North goes so far in his hateful campaign to smear me as to equate this widely held and thoroughly proven view with madness drawn from hatred. If he has read my book, which Gary North presumes to criticize, then he must have read the vast body of factual evidence I reproduce in it, including what the British Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Gerard Lowther, wrote to the British Foreign Office,

"[T]his new Freemasonry in Turkey, unlike that of England and America, is in great part secret and political, and information on the subject is only obtainable in strict confidence, while those who betray its political secrets seem to stand in fear of the hand of the Mafia. Some days ago a local Mason who divulged the signs of the craft was actually threatened with being sent before the court-martial, sitting in virtue of our state of siege. [***] [T]he Young Turkey movement in Paris was quite separate from and in great part in ignorance of the inner workings of that in Salonica. The latter town has a population of about 140,000, of whom 80,000 are Spanish Jews, and 20,000 of the sect of Sabetai [Z]evi or Crypto-Jews, who externally profess Islamism. Many of the former have in the past acquired Italian nationality and are Freemasons affiliated to Italian lodges. Nathan, the Jewish Lord Mayor of Rome, is high up in Masonry, and the Jewish Premiers Luzzati and Sonnino, and other Jewish senators and deputies, are also, it appears, Masons. [***] Emannuele Carasso, a Jewish Mason of Salonica, and now deputy for that town in the Ottoman Chamber, founded there a lodge called 'Macedonia Risorta' in connection with Italian Freemasonry. He appears to have induced the Young Turks, officers and civilians, to adopt Freemasonry with a view to exerting an impalpable Jewish influence over the new dispensation in Turkey[.] [***] The inspiration of the movement in Salonica would seem to have been mainly Jewish[.] [***] Carasso began to play a big rôle, including his successful capture of the Balkan Committee, and it was noticed that Jews of all colours, native and foreign, were enthusiastic supporters of the new dispensation, till, as a Turk expressed it, every Hebrew seemed to become a potential spy of the occult Committee, and people began to remark that the movement was rather a Jewish than a Turkish revolution. The Italian Government appointed a Jew and Mason called Primo Levi, who was not in the consular career, as consul-general at Salonica, and Oscar Strauss, who, together with Jacob Schiff, had influenced the American Jews in favour of Jewish immigration into Mesopotamia as opposed to other Territorialist plans and as an extended form of Sionism, was appointed American Ambassador here. [***] Carasso was one of the bearers of the message of deposition to Abdul Hamid, who was conveyed to Salonica and confined in the house of the Italian Jewish bankers of the Committee, while a brother of Remzi Bey was set over him as keeper. After the deposition the Jewish papers of Salonica sent up a loud cry of deliverance from 'the oppressor of Israel' who had twice turned a deaf ear to the appeals of Herzl, the Sionist leader, and who, by the imposition of the red passport, like our own Aliens Act, against Polish Jewish immigrants, and otherwise, had thwarted the realisation of the ideals of Sionism in Palestine. The ninth Sionist Congress in December 1909 at Hamburg announced that the divisions in the Jewish world between Territorialists and Sionists, 'as a miracle of the Turkish revolution', had been healed. At the same time Javid Bey, Deputy for Salonica, an exceedingly clever and gifted Crypto-Jew and Freemason, was made Minister of Finance, while Talaat Bey, also a Freemason, became Minister of the Interior. [***] Parliament was 'ordered' to pass a very stringent Press Law, and a Salonica Crypto-Jew and Freemason was made 'Directeur du Bureau de la Presse', a post of enormous power, as its holder can suppress a paper for severe 'criticism of the new regime' (dubbed 'reaction'), or have the proprietor or editor court-martialled. A semi-inspired Ottoman telegraph agency [***] was started under the direction of a Baghdad Jew, and an all but successful attempt was made to appoint a Salonica Jewish lawyer and Mason as adviser to the Ministry of Justice. The Constantinople head branch of the Committee of Union and Progress is also run by a Salonica Crypto-Jew and Mason. Another Salonica Crypto-Jew and Freemason made determined attempts to be appointed 'Préfet', i.e. Lord Mayor, of the capital, but has not yet succeeded in his aim, though Prince Said Ha[lim] an Egyptian Freemason, has become Deputy Mayor. [***] [T]he old Ministry of Police was replaced by the 'Sûreté Publique' controlling the police and gendarmerie, and put in charge of a Salonica Freemason. [***] Talaat Bey, the Minister of the Interior, who is of Gipsy descent, and comes from Kirjali, in the Adrianople district, and Javid Bey, the Minister of Finance, who is a Crypto-Jew, are the official manifestations of the occult power of the Committee. They are the only members of the Cabinet who really count, and are also the apex of Freemasonry in Turkey. [***] A Turk described it as a process of 'drugging the latter with Jewish hashish'. From the foregoing or any close inspection of the Young Turkey movement in its present stage, it will appear to be principally Jewish and 'Turkish' as opposed to other Ottoman elements, e.g. Arabs, Greeks, Bulgarians, Armenians, etc. [***] It was hoped in the beginning that the Armenians, Bulgarians, Greeks and the Ottoman Jew would serve as economic props, but the Young Turk seems to have allied himself solely with the Jew, Ottoman and foreign, and to have estranged the other races. The same result has been witnessed in Hungary, where the Hungarian, who is of Turkish stock and is similarly devoid of real business instincts, has come under the almost exclusive economic and financial domination of the Jew. [***] [A]s Turkey happens to contain the places sacred to Israel, it is but natural that the Jew should strive to maintain a position of exclusive influence and utilize it for the furtherance of his ideals, viz, the ultimate creation of an autonomous Jewish state in Palestine or Babylonia, as explained by Israel Zangwill in his article in the 'Fortnightly Review' of April. He would kill two birds with one stone if he could obtain from the Turk unrestricted immigration of Jews into Turkey, an aim that he has been pursuing for years back, and transfer to Mesopotamia some millions of his co-religionists in bondage in Russia and Roumania. In return for 'unrestricted immigration' of foreign Jews, he has offered the Young Turk to sacrifice his mother-tongue and replace it by Turkish, and even to take over the whole of the Turkish National Debt. Dr. Nazim, one of the most influential members of the Salonica Committee and said to be of Jewish extraction, has, in company, with his fidus Achates, a certain Faik Bey Toledo, a Crypto-Jew of Salonica, visited the Paris branch of the I.C.A. (Judaeo-Colonisation Association) and has since openly advocated importing 200,000 Roumanian Jews into Macedonia and some millions of Russian Jews into Mesopotamia. [***] Doubtless, when Young Turkey with its heavy military expenditure is in need of borrowing, further pressure will be applied by the Jewish lenders. [***] For the 'Aurore' ('Shefak'), a Sionist organ started a year ago in Constantinople, is never tired of reminding its readers that the domination of Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs, who forced the Jews to build the Pyramids, is part of the future heritage of Israel. [***] Mesopotamia and Palestine are, however, only the ultimate goal of the Jews. The immediate end for which they are working is the practically exclusive economic capture of Turkey and new enterprises in that country. [***] [T]hey hold or control all the pivotal points in the machinery of the Young Turkey Government, though the Ministry of Public Works [***] is still held by an Armenian, Halajian Effendi. When his predecessor, another Armenian, was got rid of, a determined attempt was made to appoint a Jew or a Jewish nominee. [***] His position is now still shaky, and the most bitter and constant attacks on him come from a Jewish-financed paper, 'Le Jeune Turc', while there are rumours that his successor will be a Jew, or a Turk with a Jew at his elbow. It is obvious that the Jew, who is so vitally interested in maintaining his sole predominance in the councils of the Young Turkey, is equally interested in keeping alive the flames of discord between the Turk and his (the Jew's) possible rivals, i.e. the Armenians, Greeks, etc., while it is to be inferred that he would not be averse to the new regime increasing the national indebtedness to the Hebrew financiers. [***] The Jew hates Russia and its Government[.] [***] The Jew can help the Young Turk with brains, business enterprise, his enormous influence in the press of Europe, and money in return for economic advantages and the eventual realisation of the ideals of Israel[.] [***] The Jew has supplied funds to the Young Turks and has thus acquired a hold on them; but in order to retain this hold he has to appear at least to approve and aid the Young Turk towards the accomplishment of 'national' dreams. Secrecy and elusive methods are essential to both. The Oriental Jew is an adept at manipulating occult forces, and political Freemasonry of the continental type has been chosen as the most effective bond and cloak to conceal the inner workings of the movement. [***] The 'Jeune Turc', which, like some other organs in the Ottoman capital, is subventioned by the Jews[.] [***] But all this is dependent on European, i.e. mainly Jewish, financiers supplying it with the sums required to keep up an army which is disproportionate to its actual state of economic development."—Letter from G. Lowther to C. Hardinge 29 May 1910, His Majesty's Stationary Office, Lowther Papers, Foreign Office 800/193A; and see: 800/193B. The complete letter is published in: E. Kedourie, "Young Turks, Freemasons and Jews", Middle Eastern Studies, Volume 7, Number 1, (January, 1971), pp. 89-104; reprinted: E. Kedourie, Arabic Political Memoirs and Other Studies, Chapter 16, Frank Cass, London, (1974), pp. 243-263. For additional correspondence to and from Lowther, see also: British Documents on the Origins of the War, 1898-1914, 11 Volumes in 13, His Majesty's Stationary Office, London, (1927); and the Hardinge Papers and the Grey Papers.

I will only briefly quote from the long series of correspondence which took place on the pages of the Times of London, in 1911, which is reproduced in full in my book The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians which can be found at:

A correspondent for the Times wrote,


The author, who in his indignation invokes diplomatic aid for the perishing Albanians, overlooks the circumstances which, in this instance, must render diplomatic action ineffectual or belated. Diplomatists can appeal only to the Ottoman Government, but not to the unofficial, intangible Salonika Committee, whose behests Torgut Shevket executed in his ill-treatment of the Albanians last year—ill-treatment that provoked the present revolt—and whose secret programme he is now attempting to carry out. To be efficacious influence must be brought to bear upon the Committee from quarters which the Committee will respect, or at least fear. These quarters are the honest and humanitarian Jews of England, the United States, Italy, and other countries.

It is a well-known fact that the Salonika Committee was formed under Masonic auspices with the help of the Jews and Donmehs, or crypto-Jews of Turkey, whose headquarters are at Salonika, and whose organization took, even under Abdul Hamid, a Masonic form. Jews like Emmanuel Carasso, Salem, Sassun, Fardji, Meslah, and Donmehs or crypto-Jews, like Djavid Bey and the Baldji family, took an influential part both in the organization of the Committee and in the deliberations of its central body at Salonika. These facts, which are known to every Government in Europe, are also known throughout Turkey and the Balkans, where an increasing tendency is noticeable to saddle the Jews and Donmehs with responsibility for the sanguinary blunders which the Committee has made. To apportion responsibility justly is at present impossible. It appears unquestionable that the Jews supplied the brains for the Committee movement, and it is equally certain that, if and when the movement ends in disaster, they will be made to incur the odium for events like the Adana massacres, the beatings of Bulgarian peasants last autumn, and the present Albanian operations, which have shed so sorry a light upon the Young Turkish regime.

The enlightened and humanitarian Jews in England and other countries—those who did not fear to organize Jewish committees for the purpose of combating the white slave traffic carried on chiefly by their depraved co-religionists abroad—have assuredly no notion of the situation that is developing throughout the Near East, nor of the weapons that are being put into the hands of every palliator of Pogroms. Frank and fearless inquiry would reveal to their eyes a state of things of which diplomatists and statesmen have been whispering for months past, and to which sporadic but necessarily obscure allusions have been made from time to time in the European Press. Now, in view of the position in Albania, reticence would be misplaced.

There is reason to believe that a direct appeal from the humanitarian Jews of the Western world to the Jewish organizations in Turkey would do more to stay the hand of Torgut Shevket and to prevent the development of a catastrophe in the Near East than all the notes or injunctions which European diplomacy can indite and address to the Golden Horn."Vienna Correspondent for The London Times, "Jews and the Situation in Albania", The London Times, (11 July 1911), p. 5.

Mr. North has indeed made an ass of himself in his meanspirited campaign to smear me. It is not the first time he has made an ass of himself. Let's hope it is not the last. It is just so damn entertaining to see him fumble!

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Pro-Paul Sophistry of Israel Shamir

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

An Israeli Jew named Israel Shamir is telling us to vote for Ron Paul:

Supporting Ron Paul

Shamir admits that Paul is NOT an anti-Zionist, but does not acknowledge the demonstrable fact that Ron Paul is an extreme Zionist, a Zionist so extreme that he praised Israel for illegally bombing Iraq. Israel, Shamir that is, tells us not to bother our poor little American heads with the facts which prove that Ron Paul is working against our anti-Zionist interests and Paul is telling us NOT to discuss "911 truth". According to Israel Shamir our primary concern is to prevent war and defang the USA.

Is Israel Shamir oblivious to the fact that we are headed towards war with Iran as a result of Zionist warmongering, and that the only means to combat Zionist warmongering is to confront it and thereby defang the Zionists who are leading us into war with Iran? America is not the problem. Zionist Jews, Israel and Israel's treacherous fifth column and fourth estate in America are the problem. Why is Shamir scapegoating Americans for Zionist Jewry's attacks on Islam and the rest of humanity, including Jews?

How is Ron Paul, an avowed Zionist himself and a member of Israel's fifth column, going to prevent war with Iran when Paul will not challenge the Zionist warmongers, but instead praises and encourages their aggression? How is Ron Paul going to end Jewish false flag terrorism, when Paul enables it by blaming Moslems for Jewish acts of terror and war against the United States?

Israel, the Jewish State that is, is preparing to attack Iran and the US will inevitably be dragged into this conflict by Zionist Jews and their agents. Even if Ron Paul were an anti-Zionist, and he is not, as President, Paul would be obliged by the Constitution to wage any war the Congress would declare. Shamir does NOT advise us to attempt to persuade Ron Paul of the error of his ways, but rather asks us to ignore our interests and favor Ron Paul who opposes anti-Zionists and "911 truthers", and instead favors Israel and Zionism.

If we want to prevent a war with Iran, then we have to stop the Zionist Jews who are deliberately forcing us into war with Iran. Ron Paul not only will not take this necessary step, he attacks any and all who do take this necessary step. If we want to defend ourselves from Jewish false flag terrorism, then we need to expose previous acts of Jewish false flag terrorism. Ron Paul will not only not take this necessary step, he attacks any and all who do take this necessary step.

In the first chapter of my book, The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein, on pages 32-88, I proved that Zionist Jews have often made the nations weary of war and then offer supposed solutions for war, which were detrimental to the nations, but would allegedly bring peace. Jewry knows that it is always easier to make a deal favorable to itself if the other party is desperate to make the deal. World Jewry makes us weary of war and then offers up their solutions which will allegedly bring peace, but at some horrible price, be it the loss of national sovereignty, loss of territory, or Jewish led revolution which nihilistically destroys government. Then World Jewry again deliberately brings us into war.

The Jewish "Ron Paul Revolution" is no exception. After Jewry has deliberately made us weary of war and brought us to the brink of economic collapse, the Zionists have left us on the two horns of a dilemma which they have created, either vote for their warmongers, or vote for their goldmonger who promises a revolution which will destroy America. Ron Paul has openly advocated an Israeli attack on Iran, which he must know will result in a war between the US and Iran. So their goldmonger is also a warmonger in disguise.

The Ron Paul pushers want us to submit to the ruin of the American Federal Government, and the adoption of the Gold Standard, which would bring famine and ruin to the World. The Ron Paul pushers want us to turn a blind eye to Ron Paul's Zionism and refusal to challenge Jewish false flag terrorism; because, so they allege, this will empower Ron Paul to put an end to Israeli aggression. If it weren't so deadly serious, the farce of their sophistry would be laughable.

If we want to end Jewish aggression against humanity, then we must fight back against those Jews who are committing aggression against us. Scapegoating Americans in general for this Jewish led aggression only enables the Zionist warmongers and will bring about more Jewish manufactured war. The "Ron Paul Revolution" is a Zionist front. It is not a solution to war. The solution to war is to directly confront World Jewry, which Ron Paul has pledged NOT to do.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The "Grassroots" Origins of the Ron Paul Campaign

The Ron Paul Campaign in the News

Monday, January 14, 2008

Let's Forget About the Jewish "Ron Paul Revolution" and Find an Authentic Anti-Zionist Candidate

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

It is time for anti-Zionists to mature into a viable political force which is led by inviolable principles and which proudly voices these principles in the public arena. The only way to overcome the sting of Zionist and Jewish smears is to face them and overcome them with the facts. We cannot accomplish this necessary end by cowardly hiding from the enemy and kowtowing to his orders, or submitting to his strategies and tactics. We must come out in the open and fight.

The Zionists' position is weak. This is why they fight so hard and are so desperate to silence any and all dissent and to quash and ridicule even the perception of dissent before it becomes mainstream thought. Every time they face a legitimate challenge with lies and hysteria, they exhaust more of their resources, increase their fatigue and expose their deceitful and hateful nature to the general public.

We can defeat this enemy, but we cannot do so by following their stooges. Instead, we must find an authentic anti-Zionist candidate who will openly represent us. We must not fall into the trap of pretending away the Zionism of Ron Paul.

Issues for an Authentic Anti-Zionist Candidate, Which the Other Candidates Won't Touch

1.) As the United Nations has said, "Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination."

2.) Israel has subverted the American political process and the American press.

3.) Israel forced America into war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and is forcing America into war with the Iranians, against Americans' individual and national interests.

4.) All of the leading candidates are in bed with the Israelis, and are disloyal to the United States of America.

5.) The Israelis have combined the Democrats and Republicans into one totalitarian party which serves their interests. Even some of the potential "third party" candidates call for a union of the two parties into one super totalitarian party, which serves the interests of Israel.

6.) Israel has subverted large Christian churches in America and turned them into a dangerous fifth column which is working for the Israeli Government, and which openly preaches that we should lead the World into artificially staging the "Battle of Armageddon".

7.) International Zionist bankers have undermined the value of American currency and stolen the wealth of the American nation for centuries. Through fraud and corruption, these same international Zionist bankers have deliberately forced America into several wars, recessions and depressions. The American Government has the right and the duty to recover what has been stolen from Americans, and prosecute and punish the international Zionist bankers and their agents for their crimes.

8.) The American People, through their government, have the right and the duty to manufacture their own money and regulate its supply. Hard money is a menace and leads to depressions and wars.

9.) The American National Debt is the product of Zionist fraud and corruption and must be paid by the Zionists, not the American People or its government. Whether or not those owed monies can recover from the Zionists, the American People and the American Government are not responsible for the debts created by the Zionists and their agents.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

On Ron Paul and the Orwellian Doublethink in the Zionist Controlled "Alternative" Media

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

I have been largely silent about the deceptive nature of the "alternative" media and its Jewish Zionist roots. I have done so because it was my hope that they would create an awareness of some of the issues we need to expose, and would foster the formation of anti-Zionist information networks. It is now time for authentic anti-Zionists to assert themselves and seize control of this movement.

George Orwell coined the term "doublethink" in his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four and defined it as follows:

"The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them . [***] To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies — all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth. [***] His mind slid away into the labyrinthine world of doublethink. To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully-constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them; to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy; to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself. That was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved using doublethink."— George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd, London, (1949), pp. 35, 176-177.

The same "alternative" media which have for years asserted that there is a government coverup of the false flag attack known as "911" demand that their audience exercise "doublethink" and excuse Ron Paul's repeated and vehement repudiation of "911 truth". The same voices who assert that Islam has been wrongly blamed for the attacks of 911, promote Ron Paul as if our savior—the same Ron Paul who wrongly blames Islam for the attacks of 911.

My anecdotal observations indicate that these operatives of World Jewry ignored as best they could the fact that Ron Paul stands firmly and unwaveringly against their avowed core beliefs, and when others expose this fact, they run damage control to apologize for Paul accusing him without evidence of deliberate duplicity, or ignorance, while deriding all other career politicians as allegedly being a part of the coverup. They accuse of Ron Paul of trying to lie his way into office at which point he will allegedly fight for "911 truth" and become an anti-Zionist.

I ask my readers to consider the fact that all the evidence indicates that Ron Paul is using the "911 truth movement" to make himself a political celebrity so that he can criticize the "911 truthers" and defend Zionism and Zionist interests. If duplicity is occurring, the evidence indicates that it is the anti-Zionists who are being deceived, not World Jewry.

Note that Ron Paul accepts the support of anti-Zionists and "911 truthers" while deriding these groups in the mass media and Presidential election debates. Note that Zionist Wolf Blitzer runs to defend Ron Paul and avidly promotes him. Note the distinction that Ron Paul reciprocates by promoting Wolf Blitzer who supports him, but does not support the anti-Zionists who support him. It is the anti-Zionists who are being deceived and deceiving themselves, not the Zionists, and it is the Zionist controlled "alternative" media who are unapologetically making the Zionist stooge Ron Paul a star.

Ron Paul probably attacks "911 truthers" because it is not in World Jewry's interests at this time to have active politicians contradicting the official government version of events. They also do not want Ron Paul to be completely discredited because he is the poster boy for their Gold Standard, and they are currently using their power to discredit the "911 truth movement" while reserving the option to use it as a means to pressure Bush and Cheney to attack Iran and Syria.

The Zionist controlled "alternative" media defend Ron Paul because they need to do so in an effort to attempt to maintain their credibility among their following. After all, they are the ones who deliberately created the Jewish "Ron Paul Revolution". They also want to protect Ron Paul's image, because he is the poster boy for the Jewish bankers' plan to ruin us with the Gold Standard. It should be obvious to all honest and rational people that the doublethink of the "alternative" media proves their duplicity.

P.S. What I have said about the duplicity of covertly Zionist "911 truthers" applies with equal force to the Zionist poseurs who pretend to be anti-Zionists in an effort to deceive people into adopting false and self-destructive beliefs. They apologize for Ron Paul's disastrous Jewish inspired policies and for his ties to the radical Zionists and Jewish supremacists "Ayn Rand", Ludwig von Mises and Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi.

Since I have given them in previous posts, I have not included all references and hyperlinks in this particular post which demonstrate what I have claimed, but they are readily available and are now generally well known.

We Need a Viable Candidate! The Ron Paul Ship Is Sinking, But Don't Torpedo the Life Boats.

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

I have been consistently warning people for years that the Jewish bankers would pit the World against us economically, destroy the dollar while cutting back on credit, and would attempt to prop up a puppet in America who would try to trick us into adopting the Gold Standard. My predictions, which I stated in interviews, in my books, on my webpage, and here in my blog, among other places, have unfortunately come true. See, for example:

George Bush's Zionist Warmongering Is Destroying the World Economy: March 05, 2007

Fiscal Policy and the Gold Standard: Beware the Trap: October 25, 2006

The Quiet Counter-Attack: November 29, 2006

After I made these predictions, Ron Paul entered the Presidential race. I have been warning people about Ron Paul's background and his agenda. I have proven how he fits the model of the Jewish bankers' stooge, which I described years ago. Thankfully, many people are heeding these warnings, and, fortunately, Ron Paul is sinking his own ship. Let us not go down with him.

We need an authentic anti-Zionist candidate, who will challenge the other candidates on their disloyalty to the United States of America. We need someone who will identify the source of our troubles and propose effective means of combating these enemy forces.

As I explained in my blog:

Is the White House for Sale? December 31, 2007

should Bloomberg or some other Zionist candidate run as a third party candidate, it will draw off votes from the Democrat and Republican nominees. This will lower the number of votes our candidate would need for victory.

We can win control of our government if we are willing fight, end the childish hero worship being promoted in the Zionist controlled alternative media for a candidate who openly opposes the views of his base, and support a genuine candidate who is proudly willing and able to fight with us and for us. Ron Paul, a radical Zionist, is the antithesis of the candidate we need. He openly defends Israel's aggression. He wants to make the rich richer and the middle class the poor and the poor poorer.

The Jews who control the alternative media have promoted comparatively stupid and deliberately offensive spokesmen. These operatives are feeding you false beliefs so that you will work against your own interests and destroy yourselves for them. World Jewry does not have the manpower to ruin you. Instead they use their financial power and abnormal proclivity to deceit to trick you into destroying yourselves.

They ask you to wave the American flag as you tear down the American Government. They ask you to curse the Jewish bankers whom they would have you help by adopting the Gold Standard. They ask you to defend the Bill of Rights as they trick you into stripping yourselves of your freedoms to manufacture your own currency, participate in your own press, and run your own government for your own interests.

There are operatives who are trying to start fights between me and the phoney pied pipers in the alternative media so that I enter into a skunk spraying contest with these agents of World Jewry and in the process waste time and resources and discredit myself by engaging people who are not credible. Please, help me to find a viable candidate. Ignore the bait to waste time fighting with obvious fools. Ignore those who pretend to help by setting up fights.

Now is the time to act and use the political process to defeat World Jewry in their quest to destroy America. Now is the time to find a viable candidate and use the alternative networks the Zionist Jews have created for us in the hopes of tricking us, and use them to our advantage, not the Jewish bankers' advantage.

What World Jewry fears most is that we will organize and demand that government serve our interests by rejecting their stooges, including Ron Paul, and by electing representatives who proudly represent us. That is exactly what we must do, and we must do it now.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Ron Paul's Radical Zionism Comes Out in the Debate

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

Ron Paul has again made it crystal clear that he is a Zionist. In fact, Ron Paul boasts that he was the only one to defend Israel when Israel illegally bombed Iraq in the below YouTube video @ 6:30 min. Is Ron Paul looking forward to an Israeli attack on Iran?

Ron Paul again stated that his policy of cutting off aid to Israel will benefit Israel because he will also cut off all Arabs, whom he defines in the broadest terms as if enemies of Israel. Paul does not state that Israel has proven itself to be the enemy of Arab nations. Ron Paul wants to benefit Israel by letting them do as they please to the Palestinians, Lebanese, Iranians, etc. and hopes that by cutting off aid to Arabs, whom he credits with receiving three times the aid which Israel receives, he will empower Israel to dominate the Arab nations. These are but a few of the Zionist policies for which Ron Paul stands:

Ron Paul at the South Carolina Debate 1-10-08

In the following article and related video clip, Zionist Wolf Blitzer encourages Ron Paul to do a little damage control and affords him the opportunity to do so:

Ron Paul '90s newsletters rant against blacks, gays

It is interesting to note that Ron Paul's mentor, "Ayn Rand" born Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum, was also a radical Zionist. She considered the Arabs to be inferior human beings to the Jews of Israel.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ron Paul, "Ayn Rand" and Alan Greenspan

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

I have argued that the Russian Jewess Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum, a. k. a. "Ayn Rand", was an agent of the Bolshevist controlled opposition known as "The Trust". Consider the amazing fact that the two most prominent proteges of Ayn Rand were Alan Greenspan, who chaired the Federal Reserve, and Ron Paul, who is the controlled opposition to the Federal Reserve.

The implosion of the dollar taking place today is an orchestrated event. The Jewish bankers' stooge Ron Paul is there to provide the replacement the Jewish bankers want for the Federal Reserve, private gold banks issuing unbacked bank notes, which will quickly suck all the gold and wealth out of the United States of America.

Again, consider my view that it is no coincidence that the Fed was run by a follower of Alisa Rosenbaum, and that the controlled opposition to the Fed is run by another follower of "Ayn Rand", Ron Paul, who just happens to run for President as the dollar takes a fall by design of the Jewish bankers. Incredible!

Now consider the fact that Rosenbaum, Greenspan and Paul are/were each gold bugs, and ask yourselves whose interests they are/were serving. . .

Ron Paul, "Ayn Rand" and "The Trust"

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

Ron Paul, like Alan Greenspan, was heavily influenced by the Russian Jewess "Ayn Rand". "Rand" was born Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1905. I became acquainted with Rosenbaum's subversive activities while battling against one of the most ardent modern proponents of her philosophies, a radical Zionist Jew who many years ago proposed the nuclear annihilation of Iran, and who defended Einstein's reputation with falsehoods and smears.

"Ayn Rand" came to America from Russia presenting herself as if a radical anti-Communist. Hers was the typical modus operandi of Bolshevik operatives working for an official Soviet organization known as "The Trust". These agents, many of them crypto-Jews, came to the West in search of anti-Communists and infiltrated anti-Communist organizations and Western intelligence agencies. Their objective was to forward the interests of Communism by creating a controlled opposition to Communism which would serve the interests of the Communists while pretending to fight them. They also subverted all authentic anti-Communist movements.

Rand promoted negative stereotypes of women, attacked homosexuals, advocated laissez faire Capitalism, and taught selfishness and disregard for humanity. She opposed charity and objected to any governmental assistance for those without means. She wanted to place America on the ruinous Gold Standard.

Rosenbaum's "good advice" to the blacks only held them back by preventing them from using the political process to forward their interests. Her good advice to the Goyim only held the Gentiles back, by making them selfish and irresponsible, and also by preventing them from using their government to better themselves and their neighbors. She taught the Gentiles to hate the poor, undermine the middle class and concentrate wealth in the hands of the wealthiest Jews, all in the name of "fighting Communism". Her "good advice" pitted Goys against one another at the time when they should have been helping one another to become successful. She taught Gentiles to shun any efforts to cooperate in their communities and improve the lot of one another.

While Jews famously provided communal support and charitable assistance for their own, Rosenbaum helped to create the destructive "me generation" attitudes in Americans, which undermined the good nature of Christianity, weakened communities and inhibited the advancement of the poor and middle class. Her beliefs also fostered the drug culture, pornography and the destruction of public education. While Jews promoted strong community ties, Rosenbaum taught the Goyim to be selfish and "independent", meaning without any sense of social responsibility or communal cohesion.

While Jews wisely took from the public schools all they could, Frederick T. Gates, an agent of World Jewry, used Rockefeller/Rothschild money to finance institutions of higher learning which benefitted Jews, while promoting the idea that Gentile students should be readied for factory work and work as field hands and farmers. While World Jewry took the monies they stole from Gentiles and distributed them charitably to their own, Rosenbaum taught Gentiles to abandon all social responsibility, obsessively focus on themselves, and destroy all government institutions which better the lot of the American middle class and poor.

Alisa Rosenbaum's "anti-Communist" philosophies weakened Americans opening the door for Communism. I suspect she was an agent of "The Trust".

Enter Ron Paul, the "Libertarian" who wants to erode all the powers of the Federal Government which protect us from the Rothschild model of laissez faire Capitalism, in the name of "freedom". Ron Paul equates personal freedom with "economic freedom", meaning the "freedom" of the Jewish Capitalists to steal our wealth with their monopolies, pollute our environment with their greed, fill our streets with drug dealers, and rob the nation of all our gold and other wealth in the name of creating "sound money".

He would increase the advantages of the wealthy by taking away all public benefits to our citizens which would provide each American with the opportunity to have an education, obtain medical care, drink clean water and breathe clean air. Do not be duped by these agents of World Jewry who are trying to teach you to destroy yourself and your nation in the name of "freedom". We need to do whatever it takes to provide education to our citizens, protect our environment, and tend to the needs of those who need our help, including using our government as a means to secure and promote these vital interests without which personal freedom cannot exist and ceases to have real meaning.

We need to take back our wealth from the Jewish bankers who have exploited Capitalism as a means to syphon off the wealth of Gentiles and leave them poor and uneducated. We need to take the press and educational system out of the hands of World Jewry and create public schools which teach real history and honest social responsibility. Ron Paul's Ayn Rand selfishness will wipe away all Christian values of charity, community and family. It leads impoverished fools to blame the poor for their poverty and celebrate the "right" of rich Jews to own the media, run the government and suck off the wealth, labor and health of the general American public—the supposed "right" of rich Jews to educate their youth while the young of the Gentiles make heroes of thugs and celebrate ignorance and poverty as if the virtues of those who are "free".

Government exists as a collective force. That is not Communism, which places the State above the individual. It is instead the right of the individual to join with his fellows in a common defense against a hostile and alien group bent on exploiting and destroying the individual. We need a strong Federal Government run by us to help us in our fight against the laissez faire Jewish Capitalist bankers. Capitalism should serve us, and where and when it fails to do so, we should exercise our freedom to organize through our government to set things right. We should not be averse to helping one another. It is our duty to help one another. It is only World Jewry which wants us to abandon our responsibilities to our society.

Know "Ayn Rand" and you will know Ron Paul and what a danger he poses to our freedom. Know the machinations of the Bolshevik "Trust" and you will know why the supposedly anti-Zionist and anti-Communist movements in America have always been farces headed by Jews and funded with Jewish money, and why they promote Ron Paul. Understand why no advancements are made in the fight against Zionism and why these front organizations are such an embarrassment to authentic anti-Zionists, why they did nothing during the Israeli attack on Lebanon, why they do nothing to rescue the Palestinians, why they have done nothing to impeach Bush and Cheney, etc. etc. etc. Know also why at critical moments they stage fights among their members and subvert momentum and misinform and mislead wherever possible.

They want to sucker us into a gold system and into giving over all of our wealth to World Jewry. They want to open us up to exploitation the way Russia was exploited under the laissez faire Capitalism of Yeltsin and the Jewish Oligarchs. They want to ruin education for the poor and middle class and make our youth into ignorant drug addicts. They want to pit Americans against Mexicans, whites against blacks, straights against gays, men against women, etc. and stand in the way of every organized effort we make to better ourselves as a nation and as individuals. They want us to fear making our government stronger in our fight against World Jewry, and they attempt to confound and confuse every effort to make our government truly ours. They are the modern day descendants of the Bolshevik "Trust". Trust them not!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Why Does Ron Paul Criticize Lincoln?

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

Ron Paul blames Abraham Lincoln for the Civil War. In fact, the Jewish bankers created the Civil War. In addition, the Jewish bankers continued to destroy America with the debts they created through the war. Beyond that, the Jewish bankers attacked Lincoln's Greenbacks, which had saved the nation and which gave the American People the power to create their own debt-free money. Given that Ron Paul represents the bankers' interests, it is little wonder that he seeks to discredit Lincoln.

Maj.-Gen. Count Cherep Spiridovich explained how the Jewish bankers created the Civil War, why they opposed the Greenback, and why the Jewish actor John Wilkes Booth assassinated Lincoln:

"To pay the soldiers the Government issued its Treasury notes, authorized by act of Congress, July 17, 1861, for $50.000.000, bearing no interest. These notes circulated at par with gold. The Rothachilds' agents inspired the American banks to offer to Lincoln a loan of $150 million. But before they had taken much of the loan, the banks broke down and suspended specie payments in Dec. 1861. They wished to blackmail Lincoln and demanded the 'shaving' of government paper to the extent of 33%, an extortion which was refused. A bill drafted for the Government issue of $150 million, which should be full legal tender for every debt in the United States, passed the House of Representatives Feb. 25, 1862, and was hailed with delight by the entire country. But the Wall Street bankers were furious.

Sen. Pettigrew reprints the so called 'Hazzard Circular' sent in 1862 by the Bank of England (ruled by the Rothschilds):

'Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power and chattel slavery destroyed. This I (Rothschild) and my European friends (the 300 men) are glad of, for slavery is but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the laborer, while the European (read 'Rothschildian') plan led on by England (i. e. the Rothschilds) is for capital to control labor by controlling wages. THIS CAN BE DONE BY CONTROLLING THE MONEY. THE GREAT DEBT THAT CAPITALISTS WILL SEE TO IS MADE OUT OF THE WAR must be used as a means to control the volume of money. To accomplish this the BONDS must be used as a banking basis. We are now waiting for the Secretary of the Treasury to make his recommendation to Congress. It will not do to ALLOW the GREENBACK, as it is called, to circulate as money any length of time, as we cannot control that.'

Thus the order of the Rothschilds was clear: 'Capitalists WILL SEE TO IT that a DEBT is MADE out of the war.'

The result was that by 'hook and crook' the Rothschilds enslaved this country. And Schiffs, Baruchs & Co. are the rulers.

The Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, Mr. Thaddeus Stevens explains how the United States was captured by the Rothschilds:

'The agents of the banks fell upon the bill in haste and disfigured it.'

In the Senate this amendment was tacked upon the bill:

'Good for all debts and dues of the U. S. EXCEPT DUTIES ON IMPORTS AND INTEREST on the PUBLIC DEBT,' ($150 million above mentioned, plus $70 million, a pre-war debt).

'Thus equipped this bill went forth to rob every American and turn the ownership of this nation into the hands of capitalists.' (Mrs. Hobart).

When the bill came back to the House, Mr. Stevens said:'We are about to consummate a cunningly devised scheme which will bring GREAT LOSS to all classes of people, except one' (the Rothschilds' branch of the Wall Street). The bill was passed.

The Rothschilds were in possession of 80% of the gold the country. They had a 'corner' on gold. By securing discrimination against the 'greenback' by means of the 'Exception clauses' they made a market for their gold.

'Importers were obliged to go to Wall Street to buy gold to pay duties on their goods, and the Wall Street gamblers held the power to fix the price. Gold went to a premium. Had the greenbacks been permitted to retain their full legal tender quality, there would have been no need for gold to pay import duties. The price of gold rapidly rose and before the war closed had reached the price of $2.85, measured in greenbacks. The gold bought in Wall Street to pay import duties became the revenues of the government and was by it paid back to Wall Street as interest on the public debt. As fast as the bankers sold the gold it was returned for interest on the public debt to be sold again. Thus during the entire war these gold gamblers speculated in gold, making fortunes from the blood and tears of the American people,' (Mrs M. E. Hobart in her 'The Secret of Rothschilds,' p. 54.)

Two more issues of $150 million each, with the 'Except clause' were authorized in July, 1862 and in March, 1863, m ing in all $450,000,000. They bore no interest. When these issues were exhausted and necessity arose for additional money the bankers demanded that Treasury Notes should no longer be made in the form of DOLLARS, but in the form of BONDS: bond draws interest, the dollar does not.

A gigantic war costing seven billions was carried through without gold. Why? Because everything was supplied at home and American money, the 'greenbacks' were gladly accepted.

'How then was it that this government, several years after the was over, found itself owing in London and Wall Street several hundred million dollars to men who never fought a battle, who never made a uniform, never furnished a pound of bread, men, who never did an honest day's ~ in all their lives... The fact is, that billions owned by the sweat, tears and blood of American laborers have been poured into the coffers of these men for absolutely nothing. This 'sacred war debt' was only a gigantic of fraud, concocted by European capitalists and enacted into American law by the aid of American congressmen, who were their paid hirelings or their ignorant dupes. That this crime has remained uncovered is due to the power of prejudice which seldom permits the victim to see clearly or reason correctly: 'the Money power prolongs its reign by working on the prejudices.' (Lincoln). Every means has been employed to deceive the masses. Ridicule and derision have been applied to all opposition, while flattery and appreciation were showered upon the officials,' (Mary E. Hobart, p. 49).


Bismarck knew the truth and revealed it in 1876 to a German, Conrad Siem, who published it ('La Vieille France,' N-216, March, 1921). Bismarck said:

'The division of the United States into two federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War by the High Financial Power of Europe. These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they remained in one block and as one nation, would attain economical and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the World. The voice of the Rothschilds predominated. They foresaw tremendous booty if they could substitute two feeble democracies, indebted to the Jewish financiers, to the vigorous Republic, confident and self-providing. Therefore, they started their emissaries in order to exploit the question of slavery and thus to dig an abyss between the two parts of the Republic. Lincoln never suspected these underground machinations. He was anti-Slaverist, and he was elected as such, But his character prevented him from being the man of one party. When he had affairs in his hands, he perceived that these sinister financiers of Europe, the Rothschilds, wished to make him the executor of their designs. They made the rupture between the North and the South imminent! The masters of Finance in Europe made this rupture definitive in order to exploit it to the utmost. Lincoln's personality surprised them. His candidature did not trouble them: they thought to easily dupe the candidate woodcutter. But Lincoln read their plots and soon understood, that the South was not the worst foe, but the Jew financiers. He did not confide his apprehensions; he watched the gestures of the Hidden Hand; he did not wish to expose publicly the questions which would disconcert the ignorant masses. He decided to eliminate the International bankers, by establishing a system of Loans, allowing the States to borrow directly from the people without intermediary. He did not study financial questions, but his robust good sense revealed to him, that the source of any wealth resides in the work and economy of the nation. He opposed emissions through the International financiers. He obtained from Congress the right to borrow from the people by selling to it the 'bonds' of States. The local banks were only too glad to help such a system. And the Government and the nation escaped the plots of the foreign financiers. They understood at once, that the United Stats would escape their grip. The death of Lincoln was resolved upon. Nothing is easier than to find a fanatic to strike.'

'The death of Lincoln, was a disaster for Christendom. There was no man in the United States great enough to wear his boots. And Israel went anew to grab the riches of the World. I fear that Jewish Banks with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America, and use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization. The Jew will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos, in order that 'the earth should become the inheritance of Israel.''

Thus Bismarck, who knew the game of the Jews, spoke in 1876, [***] According to Bismarck the awful Civil War in America was fomented by a Jewish Conspiracy, and Abraham Lincoln, the hero, and national Saint of the United States, was killed by the same Hidden Hand, which killed six Romanov Czars, ten Kings and scores of Ministers only to easier bleed their nations. [***] Lincoln was reinaugurated on March 4, 1865 and was shot on April 4th, 1865 by an actor Wilkes Booth, who cried: 'The South is revenged.' He was a Jew, but this has never been mentioned!"—Maj.-Gen., Count Cherep-Spiridovich, The Secret World Government, Or, "The Hidden Hand": the Unrevealed in History: 100 Historical "Mysteries" Explained, The Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association, New York, (1926), pp. 177-178, 180-181, 183.

Cherep-Spiridovich made another interesting comment, which, in the case of the "Ron Paul Revolution" provides food for thought,

"And when the U. S. is drowned in an ocean of blood, may be, some American Robespierre will make the same discovery, that all revolutions are Jewish."—Maj.-Gen., Count Cherep-Spiridovich, The Secret World Government, Or, "The Hidden Hand": the Unrevealed in History: 100 Historical "Mysteries" Explained, The Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association, New York, (1926), p. 68.