Basic Sequence of Actions For
Healing With MMS
Start with Protocol 1000 (Ch. 13, p. 62) if the person you plan to treat
has a simple disease such as a cold or the flu, or even HIV/AIDS, or
if there are undiagnosed pains, rheumatoid arthritis, problems with
walking, or other physical problems.
Start with a quarter, a half, or one drop for the first hour, depending
on how sick the person is. The sicker he is, the less MMS he should
have. If the first dose does not cause a reaction, go to the next larger
dose on the second or third hour. If that invokes no reaction, continue
increasing until you have reached 3 drops on the fourth of fifth hour.
Never go over 3 drops an hour on Protocol 1000. Never go to the
next Protocol if the person is improving.
If no improvement on Protocol 1000 after two weeks, then go to
Protocol 2000. (See Protocol 2000)
First go to for Latest Information on Beginning Protocols 2. Follow the below NEW Protocol 1000 Below When Starting: Note: When following the instructions below, keep this paragraph in mind. Always activate the MMS drops with one of the food acids, either lemon juice drops, or lime juice drops, or citric acid solution drops (to make 50% citric acid solution add equal citric acid powder with equal amount of water. Store it in a bottle with a lid.) Add water or juice without ascorbic acid - never orange juice. In fact don't eat oranges or have any ascorbic acid within 2 hours of MMS. See below. The New MMS Protocol 1000
March 2012
is for cancer and
other life threatening diseases. It basically is taking as many drops
of activated
MMS each hour as a person can take without becoming any sicker, or
feeling worse, or developing diarrhea. It must be done for 10 hours a
day, for 3 weeks or until well. It is best to start off with only one
drop an hour and quickly build up to as many drops as you can take,
again let me say without without feeling worse. Remember all drops must
be activated as given below. Please take this to heart, do not make
yourself sicker than you already are. Take as many drops as you can,
but easy dose it. Making yourself sicker uses up energy and makes the
recovery go slower. |
Protocols for Health Maintenance
General Maintenance
It is possible to go without getting sick almost for a lifetime. Firstly,
everyone should be taking MMS on a regular basis.
• Young people under 60 should take it at least twice a week;
• People over 60 should take from 3 to 6 drops at least once a
It is not true that MMS creates any deficiencies in the human body.
There have been a very few people claiming that, but they offer no
more than one or two deficiencies at the maximum as examples.
Certainly there is no laboratory evidence. My examples number in
the thousands of people who have not noticed any deficiencies,
but feel better and better with less sickness as time goes by. The
evidence from people calling and emailing in over 70,000 emails and
calls is that the longer people take MMS, the fewer health problems
they have.
The evidence strongly suggests that when the body is detoxified and
the pathogens are all killed, the body will often generate necessary
nutrition if it is not available. Those people in Africa all became
healthy after overcoming their HIV without changing their daily food.
Certainly there are not many places where the food is less nutritious
than the area that I was in and yet they became healthy.
But wait, there is a lot more to the maintenance procedure than just
taking a few drops each day. It also includes brushing your teeth
and cleaning your sinuses and lungs (see next section). A friend of
mine developed this procedure and I have been using it with much
success. Even though I was taking MMS orally, I did catch the flu and
colds from time to time and I did get the swine flu. The dental and
respiratory procedure would have prevented all that. Sorry I cannot
tell you my friend’s name, because he does not want to be known.
Daily Procedure For Dental, Respiratory and
General Health
There are three steps in this short procedure. Each morning, make
up a 2-drop dose in a clean dry cup. Activate it with either 10 drops of
10% citric acid and wait 3 minutes or with 2 drops of 50% citric acid
and wait 20 seconds.
• Never use more than 2 drops of MMS1 for this maintenance
Don’t add any water or juice yet. Two drops will give you a small
amount of chlorine dioxide fumes in the air in the cup.
Step One: Briefly Breathe the Fumes
Put your nose over the brim of the cup and breath in slowly once.
That’s all. See next paragraph. Then put your mouth over the cup
and breathe in once slowly and deeply. Do this very gently and
carefully at first. Take a couple of weeks to get used to it.
Caution: This can be dangerous if you overdo it. You must be very
careful. When you breathe in, if you feel a slight bite, you just got
too much chlorine dioxide. A tiny bite won’t hurt you -- it tells you it is
reacting with your tissues.
• Remember, anything in too strong a quantity can hurt you.
Just one half cup of table salt would kill you. This procedure
is safe if you follow instructions.
Keep in mind that:
• Lung damage happens without your knowledge as there are
no pain nerves in your lungs. Damage your lungs and in about
4 hours you will be gasping for breath.
So when you do this procedure, use only a 2-drop dose in the cup
and breathe only two breaths. You will barely smell the chlorine
dioxide and one tiny bite won’t hurt you, but no more. Same when
you breathe it with your mouth deeply. A tiny bite in your lungs may
be too much, and since you won’t feel it, breathe less deeply at first.
But a 2-drop dose is not going to kill you.
Never use more than 2 drops for this procedure.
You may cough a lot at first as your lungs start to clear out. Do it
slowly and give them a chance to clear. The MMS does not hurt or
harm lungs, but you can easily overdo anything. Coughing is always
normal. But go slowly. Be careful. Once you have this down and
working every day, you will notice the difference. So far, using this
procedure, none of us has had a single thing such as a cold, flu, or
pneumonia, and I can imagine that there are a lot of other things we
haven’t had.
About Getting MMS to the Lungs
Getting MMS to the lungs is not easy otherwise. When you take it by
mouth, the chlorine dioxide has to enter the blood in the stomach,
be carried around the body, and finally wind up in the lungs. But
the blood must pick up oxygen in the lungs and it doesn’t get to the
carbon dioxide side of the lungs except in tiny amounts. There is no
reason for it to go there. The carbon dioxide simply gets breathed
So the amount of chlorine dioxide available to kill pathogens that
love the carbon dioxide side of the lungs is extremely limited. But
when you breathe chlorine dioxide in, it goes straight into the lungs.
It is probably hundreds of times more than would be carried there by
the blood. So every morning, you are scrubbing your lungs a little bit
cleaner with chlorine dioxide.
• Never more than 2 drops of MMS 1;
• Go gently and slowly; and
• Take a total of one breath through your nose and one through
your mouth.
Step Two: Brush Teeth and Gums
Add 3 tablespoons of water to the same 2 drops and stir a bit. Scoop
out one tablespoon and put it on your tooth brush to brush your
teeth, gums and tongue. Again, those people who say MMS is hard
on tooth enamel do not know what they are talking about. In rare
cases, it kills things that are on the enamel and that may look bad
for a short while, but it does not harm the enamel itself.
Step Three: Gargle
Once your teeth are brushed with the one tablespoon of MMS
solution, add about a quarter cup of water to the other two
tablespoons of water that are still in the cup and gargle. This will
prevent sore throats. Do this procedure every morning and you will
be very pleased with the results. Keep in mind that you should also
take your oral maintenance dose of MMS as described above. Stay
healthy; live to be 150.
About Disease Prevention
Information has already been presented explaining that MMS
improves the immune system. The fact is that MMS is a super preventative
of almost every disease known, because improving the
immune system will always improve your resistance to diseases.
After observing thousands of people who have taken MMS, and
talking to people who have been taking it for different lengths of time
up to 10 years, it is my opinion that the longer one has been taking
MMS the fewer health problems he has and the healthier he appears
to be.
• MMS will prevent any disease the immune system can attack.
Obviously, if MMS can destroy a cancer of most any size, it will also
prevent a cancer from starting.
In our research with a dark field microscope, we observed that
white blood cells became much more active about two hours after
a dose of MMS was taken. They moved through the blood much
faster towards poisonous blood clots. We checked this many times.
Certain white blood cells become much more active after one takes
a dose of MMS.
I don’t know, nor have I ever read, about the fact that white blood
cells can accelerate their movement, but after a dose of MMS they
in fact moved faster. They move by elongating themselves and then
drawing their body in the direction of the elongation much the way
earthworms move. We videoed it at the time, which was in 2006.
They were able to determine the direction of clots in the blood and
move towards them at more than double the normal rate.
I would appreciate email letters from anyone noticing information
about any aspect of MMS, either pro or con.
Note: If you cannot afford health insurance, you should definitely
be taking MMS every day. In fact it is better than health insurance.
If I were to buy health insurance it would only be accident health
insurance against broken arms and that sort of thing.
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