1902 Encyclopedia > Spain > Catalan, Spanish (Castilian) and Portuguese Languages - Bibliography

(Part 39)


Catalan, Spanish (Castilian) and Portuguese Languages - Bibliography

Bibliography.—On the general subject the only books to be mentioned are the Grammatik der romanischen Sprachen and the Etymologisches Wörterbuch of Diez.


On the old language see Manuel Milá y Fontanals, De los Trovadores en España, Barcelona, 1861, and several essays by the same author in the Revue des Langues Romanes, the Jahrb. f. román. u. engl. Literatur, vol. v., and the Revista Histórica of Barcelona; P. Meyer in Romania ; A. Mussafia in the introduction to Die Catalanische metrische Version der sieben weisen Meister, Vienna, 1876 ; and Morel-Fatio in Romania. For modern Catalan, see Ballot y Torres, Gramática y Apologia de la Llengua Cathalana, Barcelona, 1814; A. de Bofarull, Estudios, Sistema Gramatical y Crestomatía de la Lengua Catalana, Barcelona, 1864 ; and, before all, Manuel Milá y Fontanals, Estudios de Lengua Catalana, Barcelona, 1875. The dialectic varieties of Valencia and the Balearics have not yet been sufficiently investigated. On the Catalan of Alghero (Sardinia) there is a memoir by G. Morosi in the Miscellanea di Filología dedicata alia Memoria dei Prof. Caix e Canello, Florence, 1885.


Since Diez's time no general work upon Castilian has been published, with the exception of a treatise on Spanish " doublets " by Mme. Carolina Michaelis, Studien zur romanischen Wortschöpfung, Leipsic, 1876, and a Spanische Sprachlehre, by Paul Förster,
Berlin, 1880, which leaves much to be desired. On the grammar of Old Castilian the remarkable articles of Cornu in Romania must be consulted. Hitherto the dialects have received but little attention. For Asturian there is a Colección de Poesías en Dialecto Asturiano, published at Oviedo in 1839, and some lexicographical notes ("Apuntes Lexicográficos sobre una Rama del Dialecto Asturiano") by G. Laverde, in the Revista de Asturias for 1S79. Navarrese-Aragonese has been worked at by Jerónimo Borao, Diccionario de Voces Aragonesas, 2d ed., Saragossa, 1885, and Andalusian has been very searchingly investigated by H. Schuchardt in Ztschr. f. rom. Philol., vol. v. On American-Spanish there is an excellent work by R. J. Cuervo, Apuntaciones Criticas sobre el Lenguaje Bogotano, 4th ed., Chartres, 1885.


The researches'of Diez have been followed up by F. Adolpho Coelho in two works, Theoria da Conjugacäo em Lalim e Portuguez, Lisbon, 1871, and Questöes da Lingua Portugueza, 1st pt., Oporto, 1874. MM. Cornu and Coelho have contributed several very important articles in Portuguese to the pages of Romania. For Galician Saco Arce's Gramática Gallega, Lugo, 1868, and A. Fernandez y Morales's Ensayos Poéticos en Dialecto Berciano, with introduction and glossary by Mariano Cubí y Soler, Leon, 1861, ought to be consulted. (A. M.-F.)

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