1. GOD, Jehovih's Son, was wise above all these trials, for he had the light of Jehovih's kingdoms with him.
2. And it will be shown, presently, how much further ahead are the plans laid out by Jehovih's Sons, than by His enemies.
3. Because Pharaoh persecuted the Israelites, Moses put a curse upon Pharaoh. Now, after hundreds of years in the lower heavens, behold, Pharaoh was cast into hell, and then into chaos, and none but Moses could deliver him, as hath been previously described.
4. So, Moses descended from the higher heavens, and delivered Pharaoh, and he provided Pharaoh a new name, Illaes, and sent him back to earth to labor with the Israelites, in order to fulfill his shortness in righteous works. Illaes, therefore, became a willing volunteer, and many angels with him.
5. And these angels inspired seven hundred Israelites to separate themselves from all other people, and to go and live by direction of the angels of Jehovih. Moreover, the angels inspired these people to call themselves Es'eans, as commanded by Moses in heaven.
6. These Es'eans were, therefore, a separate people, pledged to Jehovih, to have no king nor earth-ruler, save their rab'bahs. And they dwelt in communities and families of tens and twenties and hundreds, holding all things in common. But in marriage, they were monagamic; neither would they have more than one suit of clothes each; and they lived on fruit and herbs only; nor ate they fish nor flesh of anything that had ever breathed the breath of life. And they bathed every morning at sunrise, and worshipped before the altar of Jehovih, doing, in all things, after the manner of the ancient Faithists. By virtue of the angel hosts, who were with them, did they these things. And they held communion with the angels of heaven, every night before going to sleep.
7. Illaes had said: Because I persecuted the Faithists, and raised up my hands against them and against Jehovih, I was instrumental, in part for their fall. Now will I labor with them, to re-establish them in purity and love. And he so labored.
8. And Illaes and his angel hosts made the camps of the Es'eans their dwelling places, watching over these few Israelites, day and night for hundreds of years. Yea, without leaving them, these faithful angels guarded them from all the warring hosts of angels, belonging to the armies of Baal and Ashtaroth, and to the Triune God, Looeamong, and his hosts.
9. And, though the Es'eans lived in great purity of body and soul, yet they were evilly slandered by the world's people around about them on every side.
10. But Jehovih prospered the seed of the Es'eans, in holiness and love, for many generations.
11. Then came Gafonaya, chief of the loo'is, according to the command of God, to raise up an heir to the Voice of Jehovih. And, in four generations more, an heir was born, and named, Joshu, and he was the child of Joseph and his wife, Mara, devout worshippers of Jehovih, who stood aloof from all other people, save the Es'eans.
12. And, because of the extreme youth of Mara, the child was of doubtful sex, whereupon the rab'bahs said, the child was an iesu, signifying neutral.
13. The time of the birth of the child, was three days after the descent of a heavenly ship from the throne of God. And many of the Es'eans looked up and beheld the star, and they felt the cold wind of the higher heavens fall upon the place and around about the tent, where the child was born. And they said, one to another: Jehovih, remembers us.
14. Gafonaya, the chief angel of the loo'is, knew beforehand what the birth would be, and he sent out around about the Es'ean encampments extra guardian angels; and these notified the descending hosts of heaven of what was near at hand.
15. So the messengers from heaven tarried until after the child was born, acquainting Illaes of the time ahead when Moses and Elias, with their hosts would come to complete the deliverance of the spirits of the Eguptians, whom Moses had colonized in atmospherea.
16. Illaes said: Thank Jehovih, I shall once more look upon Moses' face.
17. When the birth was completed, the angels of heaven re-entered their star-ship and hastened back to Paradise, God's heavenly seat.