1. QUICK springing in, and loud came the song of the heaven, Vrihaden, with her thousand million angels, high in the grades:
2. Worshipful, O Almighty! Speak ye my shining rivers of heaven, Hyad-hiago and Fuen and Owagonshe, ten hundred thousand miles of water.
3. Flowing past my heavenly cities, Effalt and Sugathagow, and Friabes and Yanad and Hucfomakalasakola, lying under the high mountain, Soidon, with four thousand high arches reared by the Almighty!
4. My thousand millions rejoicing in Jehovih, Thou Creator of millions of heavens, stretching far. O that I could find comparisons for mortals, to tell them of the glory of my heavens!
5. My places of learning and factories and ship-building, shaping vessels for coursing the firmament of the Almighty! Of the rules and philosophies of my delightful heavens.
6. O that I could show them the discipline of my thousand millions; my army of Jehovih! Their high wisdom and their power over the elements created by the Almighty!
7. O that mortals could see my high arches and my heavenly forests and mountains! O that mortals understood to inhabit a world within as well as without.
8. To know the solutions of Jehovih's worlds, and the orderly arrangement of the unseen! Praise be unto Thee, Jehovih! Thou Provider of the heaven, Vrihaden, with her thousands of millions.