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(Dark, or Degree of Golden Chamber.)

This, then, is the upper chamber of the Panic age, and the Golden Chamber of the second branch, Chine. Herein stand the Gods and Saviors of this day, even as the idolaters of the ancient days had other Gods and Saviors in their days.

1. SOUTH: If a man do evil, it taketh root in him, and will be entailed on his spirit, even into the next world. But if a man practice righteousness it will also take root, and his spirit will become as a star of glory in heaven.

2. WEST: If a man court evil companions in this world, he shall find them also in the spirit world (Es). But if he constantly seek Jehovih, to and do his will, he shall find happiness both here and hereafter.

3. NORTH: If a man minister unto others, so will he be ministered unto by the angels of heaven. But whosoever would grow in all gifts, let him labor to become one with the Father, and the Father will grow in him forever.

4. EAST: Naked bring I man into the world, saith Jehovih. But I provide others for him in his infancy, that he may be fed and clothed. But when he is strong and wise, I command him to provide for himself, that he may be an honor and glory in My handiwork.

5. Let no man shirk from the trials I put upon him, for in so doing he robbeth his own soul.

(The Gowai and Initiates now march thrice around the Tablet, repeating the philosophy and the examination that arise out of the Degree of Dawn, and the Light of High Noon. When they have arrived at the West, the Washutaga sound the gong, and they halt thereat. The West saith):

6. W.: Who cometh here?

7. I.: A Faithist in Jehovih.

8. W.: Who is Jehovih?

9. I.: The Great Spirit. He who is over all and within all. The Potent and Unseen. He it is whose Ever Presence quickeneth into life all that live.

10. W.: Where is Jehovih?

11. I.: Everywhere, nor is there place without Him.

12. W.: What is His form?

13. I.: No man can attain to know His form.

14. W.: What is His extent?

15. I.: No man can attain to know His extent.

16. W.: Is He Person?

17. I.: Inasmuch as all the living are persons, so is He the All Person of all things. Inasmuch as His Ever Presence quickened into life all that live, so is His Ever Presence with the living, seeing, hearing and feeling every word and act of all men, women and children on earth and in heaven.

18. W.: What interest hast thou in Him?

19. I.: He is my Father! He is within my soul. I am within Him, and a very member of His person.

20. W.: Whence came His name?

21. I.: As the wind whispereth E in the leaves, and uttereth O in the ocean's surge and in the thunder p. 635 above, and Ih in the winter's shrill whistle, so came the name E-O-Ih, which hath become Jehovih, and Eloih, and Elohim and Wenohim.

22. W.: How was He discovered?

23. I.: The angels of heaven taught man of Him.

24. W.: Who are the angels of heaven?

25. I.: People who once lived on earth or other corporeal worlds?

26. W.: What is their form?

27. I.: Even as mortals, but being perfect.

28. W.: Where is heaven?

29. I.: Worlds unseen by mortals fill the etherean firmament above. These worlds are heaven; these the spirit worlds; these the etherean worlds; these are the abodes of the spirits of the dead.

30. W.: How came the angels from heaven down to the corporeal earth?

31. I.: In the Dan'ha they come direct; at other times they come through familiar spirits?

32. W.: Who are familiar spirits?

33. I.: Our fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and other relatives and friends who have not been long dead, and such other spirits as have not learned of or risen to the heavens above earth's atmosphere. Many of these abide on the earth and with mortals, some for a few years, some for a hundred, and some for a thousand or more years.

34. W.: What is an idol?

35. I.: Anything that is worshiped, having form and figure.

36. W.: Who is God?

37. I.: A spirit with a heavenly throne believed by people in darkness to be the Creator of all things. Familiar spirits have oft called themselves God, and so taught mortals.

38. W.: Who are Saviors?

39. I.: Familiar spirits who have kingdoms in atmospherea, which, by the ancients, was called the lower heaven. Saviors are tyrants who make slaves of other spirits, who believe in them. Their slaves are sent back to mortals as guardian angels or familiars, in order to make captives of mortals after death, to augment the Savior's kingdoms in atmospherea.

40. W.: How can a man escape the toils of false Lords, Gods, Saviors and familiars?

41. I.: He shall covenant with Jehovih every day of his life, and serve Him by doing good works unto others with all his wisdom and strength. Nor shall he call in prayer on the name of a Savior or God, nor any other spirit, but on the Great Spirit only. If he do this, and eschew contention and war, and leadership, and earthly gain, and earthly aggrandizement, then will etherean angels come and guard him in the name of Jehovih.

42. W.: Who are ethereans?

43. I.: Spirits who have risen above the bondage of the earth and its atmosphere; spirits who can come only to such mortals as have attained beyond earthly desires.

44. W.: Hath it not been said: Swear not at all?

45. I.: Jehovih saith: Swear unto thy Father in heaven every day of thy life; and if thou fail to keep thine oath, thou shalt renew it on the following day, with repentance. But in all swearing it shall be for perfecting one's self and for the glory of the Father.

46. W.: Thou hast spoken wisely. Go, then, to the east, and stand upright before Jehovih, and there pray or utter an anthem of praise unto Him, that He may be glorified in thee, and thy guardian angels have honor in their pupil.

(The M. and I. pass around the tablet; the E. soundeth the gong thrice; the I. maketh informal prayer, and, at the termination, he repeateth with the M., as followeth:)

47. M and I.: Give ear unto me, O Jehovih! The vanities of the earth have no countenance in my sight; they are as one cast down in the day of his triumph.

48. Neither doth flesh food enter my mouth; nor strong drink, nor substance that cometh from an animal, or is part thereof; nor fish, nor worms, nor anything that breathes or hath breathed. (And if the I. is a prophet he addeth, nor roots, nor seeds that grow in the field.)

49. In the air and in the fruits thereof is my substance; into the air riseth my spirit upward unto Thee, O my Father in heaven!

50. Quicker hast Thou made my spirit than my flesh; quicker Thou my soul than the dust of the earth.

51. Who can comprehend Thy handiwork? Who else but Thee knoweth the delight of my soul unto Thee? Verily art Thou the comfort of the living, the solace of the dying and the joy of the dead.

52. I was not, and I knew not. Thy hand moved and brought me forth, and lo, here I am! Yea, Thy spirit moved upon Mi (mother earth), and I am one of the fruits thereof.

53. How shall I glorify Thee; and in Thy service how shall I render Thee recompense?

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(During the last two verses the I. marcheth around the altar and arriveth at E. Four bells.)

54. E.: My brother (or sister), thou hast covenanted with our Father at Dawn and at High Noon, saying: That that thou hast taught me will I proclaim, fearing naught that may come upon me.

Go forth, then, and see to it that thou turnest not backward. Neither shalt thou raise up thy hand to do any man hurt.

55. E.: Since the time of the ancients to this day the worshipers of the One Great Spirit have been persecuted and abused by idolaters of Gods and Saviors.

56. E.: If, therefore, enemies accuse thee or assault thee, hear thou them patiently, but press onward in peace to the end, and the Father will be with thee.

(The I. turneth to the south, face upward.)

57. I.: Such is my will unto Thee, O Jehovih! Thou shalt be the song of my life, Thou, the theme of my delight. Unto Thee will I give praise without ceasing, and my prayers shall be without number.

(He marcheth forth now in the order of opening Dawn. The E. retireth beyond the ark. The Fesays lower the light to almost darkness, and the four drujas prepare themselves in the druk, light the incense of sacrifice, and robe themselves in the orders of the four great idolaters of the cycle belonging to the order. Meanwhile the I. goeth forth, saying:)

58. I.: I will go forth proclaiming Thee and Thy works, O Jehovih! In Thee shall Thy children rejoice with great joy. Yea, the inhabitants of the earth shall turn away from evil and learn to glorify Thee!

59. They have beholden the Rising Sun and the High Noon, and the stars in the firmament above, and they shall sing unto Thee for Thy glorious works.

60. Thy unseen heavens will I proclaim, and for the inheritance thereof shall people eschew war and earthly aggrandizement.

61. Yea, all people shall rejoice with me for the glory of the earth, and for Thy kingdoms above. Unto Thee shall they sing with rejoicing all the days of their lives, and Thy voice shall come upon them.

(Here boundeth forth from the N.-E. the druj, which of this day is Brahma of the Zarathustrian ancients, and he flieth madly upon the I.)

62. BRAHMA: Halt! vain man! Blasphemer of the Zarathustrian law! I have heard thy insulting tongue. Thou raisest up thy voice against the wisdom of the ancients. Know, then, that the All Spirit spake to Zarathustra, the All Pure, who was the incarnation of All Light, born of the virgin Mi. This is the Zarathustrian law; the holy light of earth and heaven; the Brahman religion. Whoever since then saith: Lo, I hear the Voice, or lo, I see the Hand, is a blasphemer, an imposter! Have a care of thy speech!

63. I.: I would teach man to be happy and to rejoice in the Father over all!

64. B.: Insulting man, and of a truth a most wicked teacher. Man should torture his flesh, and by long fasts and abhorrent labor, make the earth hateful in his sight. Do thou not this, and thou shalt return to the earth a wandering spirit to afflict mortals.

65. I.: Nay, I would make the labor of earth a joy and thanksgiving, having faith in the Great Spirit, Jehovih!

66. B.: O Brahma! O Zarathustra! Go, barbarian! Out of my sight! Thou insulter of the ancients! Thou contaminatest the sacred land of Brahma! Begone, begone! Thou that reverest not the caste of men!

Here the I. escapeth past B., who retireth to his druk. Again the I. goeth forth.)

67. I.: Rejoice, O ye inhabitants of the earth. Jehovih liveth and reigneth, and ye are a glory within His works!

68. Fear not, O my beloved. His hand is over all. His wisdom knoweth your just deserts.

69. Go not backward, O all ye people. He is ever at your hand in wisdom and strength.

70. A nurse provided He for the newborn, and the spirit of the full-grown man is in his keeping.

71. With your eyes, O my beloved, go not back to the ancients, nor seal not up your souls, and He will give you light.

72. Arouse ye up, O ye inhabitants of the earth! He is the same, yesterday, to-day and forever!

(Here boundeth forth from the S.-E. druj, which in this cycle is Buddha, and he assaileth the I. violently.)

73. BU.: Hold! Thou man of darkness! Barbarian, hold thy tongue! Insulter of the ancients! Blasphemer against great Buddha! Who can hear the Voice? Thou!

74. The All Light descended to the earth in carnate form in Gotama Buddha. Who'er since then saith: I p. 637 can hear the Voice, is an imposter, a breeder of revolt against all truth.

75. I.: I proclaim the living Presence.

76. BU.: Heedest thou not the Ahura'Mazdian law! To establish Buddha on earth, more than a hundred millions have been slain in war! This day the Buddhists have twenty million soldiers. Wouldst thou insult this mighty power? Turn the nations loose in blasphemous song?

77. I.: I would lift man up from the bondage of the ancients.

78. BU.: Nay, begone, or thy blood be upon thy head. Thou defilest the holy land of Buddha. Out of my dominions! thou that heedest not the caste of men! Begone!

79. I.: But hear me ------ (The I. succeedeth in passing him.) Bu.: Nay, I will not. I will scourge thee with stripes! (Whipping him.)

80. (As he graspeth the chastening rod the I. maketh his escape. Bu. retireth to his druk. The I. goeth forth again.)

81. I.: Better art Thou, O Jehovih, our Living Father, than the dead ancients. Better Thy love than the dominion of the whole earth.

82. Who shall fear when our Father in heaven is also within us. Who shall take anger to his soul for the darkness of men?

83. Glorify Him, O all ye people, in praise and thanksgiving. He speaketh in the song of the bird. He painteth the flowers of the field with His own hand.

84. Of all the living, man alone turneth away from Thee! Man alone setteth up an idol on earth or imagineth one in heaven, and worshipeth it.

85. Proclaim Him with great joy, O my beloved; there is but one All Person, the Great Spirit, Jehovih.

(Here boundeth forth from the N.-W. the druj, which, of this cycle is Christian. He assaulteth the I. violently and in rage.)

86. C.: Fanatic! Infidel! Blasphemer against Christ! Sayest thou God hath lungs and lips, and a voice, and thou canst hear Him? O thou insulter of this enlightened age!

87. Only the ancient prophets could hear Him. Then God descended to the earth, incarnated himself in a woman, and was born of a virgin, becoming Christ, the Savior of the world! Christ is the lamb of peace! He is the fountain of love. Christ saith: I am the life and the light!

88. I.: I know only one Great Spirit, Jehovih.

89. C.: Thou liest! Thou disturber of the peace! Thou infidel to the holy book and Christian law! To establish Christ on earth, a hundred millions have been slain in war! Know thou, this day, the Christians have seven millions of soldiers, and the mightiest ships of war on the globe!

90. I.: I teach peace and love!

91. C.: Hold thy tongue, infidel! Christ saith: Think not I am come to send peace on earth; I am not come to send peace, but a sword; Christ saith: I come to set man at variance against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

92. Before Christ shall every knee bow and every tongue confess him Lord of all. Down on thy knees, infidel, and confess to him. Down!

93. I.: Never. To none but great Jehovih.

94. C.: O blasphemer against the Lord! Now will I bind thee for heresy behind prison bars, and thy sacred books confiscate. (He seizeth a cord.)

95. I.: Nay, bind me not. I would but raise up my fellow-men.

(The I. escapeth.)

96. C.: Dog! Desecrator of religious liberty, begone out of this fair land of meekness and love!

(C. retireth to his druk. The I. goeth forth again.)

97. I.: Hear ye Him, O all ye people of the earth, and ye of heaven above. His voice is in the air, and in the stones of the earth. Yea. He speaketh in the sun and moon and stars! All things in heaven and earth are the expression of His soul.

98. Make merry, O ye inhabitants of the earth. Jehovih is Ever Present, and none can counterfeit Him. Open your ears that ye may hear His Voice, and your eyes that ye may behold His Person!

(Here wearily cometh forth from the S.-W. the druj, which, in this cycle, is Mohammed, and he raiseth a stick and preventeth the I. passing.)

99. MOHAMMED: Foolish man! Thou talkest to the wind. Only the ancient prophets could hear the voice. Mohammed was His prophet. Go, then, read the prophets of old, and study the koran. Since Mohammed, no more wisdom can come into the world.

100. I.: I would raise up the ignorant and debased.

101. M.: Nay, thou art a fool! The ignorant and debased are as God made p. 638 them. They are content; disturb them not.

102. I.: I would make their labor light.

103. M.: Be wise. Yesterday thou wert born; to-day thou livest; to-morrow thou diest, and the next day thou wilt be forgotten. Go, then, procure wine and women, and feast thyself while thou mayst.

104. I.: I teach a higher life.

105. M.: I want no higher life. This world is good enough for me. God is just. He hath provided heavens for angels. The earth he made for man, and to man gave he passions to be indulged. Otherwise he had not given them. Therefore I will have of the earth its sweetness whilst I may. God hath already made all things; all is finished. Man hath nothing to do but seek pleasure and die.

106. I.: I would make the life of the peasant a pleasant one.

107. M.: Thou disturbest my kingdom. To establish Mohammed, a hundred millions have been slain in war. The Mohammed hath this day two millions of soldiers. That is sufficient. Depart thou, then, out of the honest land of the Mohammed, and may God's holy book and the koran enlighten thee.

(Here he passeth the druj, and the latter goeth to his druk.)

108. I.: Alas, O my Father, who art Ever Present! Yesterday I was puffed up with great joy, but the four quarters of the world (druks) have risen up against me. To-day I am cast down in sorrow.

109. The inhabitants of the earth are bound down by the little light of the ancients; but Thy Great Light of Living Presence they put afar off. What shall I do, O Father, that I may contribute to the founding of Thy kingdom on earth? O give me light, that my labor be not vain!

110. E. (with four bells): My friend, the Great Spirit beholdeth thee at all times and places; and since thou hast been faithful to Him, so have His etherean spirits ministered unto thee. And now that thou asketh for light from our Father, thy words are not in vain.

111. E.: Repair thou, then, into Dehabalizzah (Golden Chamber), where the voice of self and dispute never enter; and thou shalt learn of the mysteries of the dominions of the Gods and Saviors; after which thou shalt learn to apply thy labor that it not be vain, but profitable to the world and a glory to Jehovih in founding His kingdom.

112. I.: Angels of heaven lead the way!

(Here the W., the I., and spirits (if present), who have taken on corporeal forms, lead the way, ascending to the Golden Chamber. Within this chamber the lights give a golden color, and the roof of the chamber is blue, with golden stars, twinkling. On the E., W., N. and S. are altars with the sacred instruments for measuring, surmounted with golden colored flags. Here are represented, the spider's net, the ant-house, the broken implements of war, the sacred wheel of the ancients, the Sun at Morn and at High Noon, the representative idols of all nations and religions. In the E. and W. and N. and S. stand the angels of triumph. In the midst of the chamber stand the tablet and altar of the ancients. Above the E., in letters of fire, is the name JEHOVIH. Above the W., in letters of fire, is the name ELOIH. Above the N., in letters of fire, is the name ELOHIM. Above the S., in letters of fire, is the name EOLIN, and suspended from the centre, in letters of fire, is the name E-O-IH! In the extreme druk'a, in golden letters, is the word MI, and in red, is the word OM! When the I. and the W. and the angels enter the chamber, low, sweet music saluteth them, and they march around the central altar in single file thrice, arriving at E. as the music ceaseth. Five bells are sounded, and the I. and W. and spirits face about to the E.)

113. E.: Who cometh here?

114. I.: One anxious to learn how best to serve the Father, that his life may be fruitful unto others.

115. VOICE FROM THE SPIRIT, OR A MORTAL REPRESENTATIVE STANDING ON THE RIGHT OF THE E.: How easier it is to bend a young sprout than a full grown oak! saith Jehovih. Have not the Gods and Saviors in the lower heavens discovered this, and so set guardian spirits and familiars over the newborn? What wonder is it that men are stiff-necked in the doctrines of the ancients? Spirits of darkness urge them on, and they delight in war and earthly dominions, for the benefit of their Gods and Saviors. Neither know they that they are servants to spirits of darkness; and they glorify themselves in caste, and in riches, and dominion, and in becoming rulers and chief leaders.

116. Jehovih saith: Let My chosen be wise after the manner of the self-Gods and Saviors, and also seek out infants and little ones and become guardians over them, but unto righteousness p. 639 and good works, teaching them peace and love, and to live in harmony, and to abjure war and earthly profit.

117. As much as ye do this, especially teaching spirit communion, so do ye lay the foundation for My etherean spirits to come and abide with them as guardians during life, and even after death.

118. Neither shall ye circumscribe them in any of the talents I have given them, especially in the love of liberty, but perfect them in all things, teaching them to live in families of tens, or twenties, or hundreds, or thousands, even as in the olden times, holding all things in common, and being as brethren, one with another.

119. Waste not your time in discoursing with those who, having heard, will not practice My commandments. Nevertheless, to as many as come in your way, ye shall say: If ye can not curb your self-desires in this world, neither can ye in the next; and if ye can not live in a brotherhood of peace and love on earth, neither shall ye find a brotherhood of peace and love in heaven.


[For interpretation, see preceding Tablets.]


120. I.: I have heard Thy wisdom, O Jehovih, and I swear unto Thee, with all my soul, I will fulfill these Thy just commandments with all my wisdom and strength. Help me, O Father, to this end, for Thy Glory forever and ever. Amen!

(Responses, Amen, from E., W., N. and S., and other places within the chamber.)

121. E.: By Thy Power, Wisdom and Love, and in Thy Name, O Jehovih, do I receive this Thy son (or daughter), and proclaim him brother (or sister) of the Golden Chamber! In Thy name, O Father, I proclaim him in all the earth and in heaven above by these Thy solemn rites, for Thy glory. Amen!

(Responses. Amen! Now cometh the Dan of Su'is, bearing the regalia. Next to him come the du'ji, seven young girls, representing the seven stars, bearing the symbols of Industry and Peace, and they form around about the I. a crescent facing the E., so that the E. formeth the eighth star betwixt the horns of the crescent. Hoo'artyo, in golden lace, cometh from the W. and proceedeth to give the signs and p. 640 pass-words. After this the youngest child present mounteth the k'sam, and in proper words (which are withheld from publication) proceedeth to clothe the I. in the golden fleece. Hoo'artyo giveth the injunctions of the ancients, and the D. calleth forth the Tablets of the moon, and the studies of the stars, and enjoineth prayer. The magi now illustrateth on a tablet (blackboard) the prophecy of the rise and fall of nations, the origin of man and language, how the corporeal world is governed by the es world, and giveth the I. the key of invocation.)

The I. is now required to give:

122. The Panic name of the twenty-five signs.

123. To trace the names down through the languages to the present period.

124. To designate the place in the heavens where the present sign would be situated.

125. The position of the altar in the temple.

126. To give the cyclic dates of the signs.

127. What group of stars, according to the Panic names, gave the field 1, 2, 3, and of 4, 5, 6, and of all the others, and the period of time of grouping them?

128. Why is this degree called M'hak, or Golden Chamber?

129. Why were the four days in each moon set apart as mass days, or sacred days? At what period, according to the Panic names, was the first mass ordained on earth?

130. What was the position of the great serpent (solar phalanx) at that time?

131. To the last question the I. respondeth: Alas, O Avaya (priest), I have not traveled so far. The Avaya saith: Then I will prepare thee for another degree. The I. respondeth: So be it. Here endeth the M'hak degree, with music and prayer.

(The accompanying Tablet showeth the moon days, and order of prayer and anthem, as in the ancient times:)

Next: Chamber of Adepts