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Chapter XXXII

1. YIMA inquired of Jehovih, and the Voice answered him, saying:

2. Go thou from place to place in these heavens, and prove thy power. To the ignorant, power is antecedent in gaining the judgment; after power, wisdom. The fool saith: What canst thou do that I cannot? But when he seeth the power that cometh from My hand, he openeth his ears and eyes. To teach men and angels to unite, how have they not failed on all hands!

3. Mortals have said: It is good to be good, but it is not practicable. They have said: It is wise to be wise, but wisdom runneth in a thousand roadways; every man for himself.

4. The angels of these regions have said: It is good for us to unite into kingdoms; to have Gods and Lords; but who can unite us? Shall we sell our liberty to one person? But they will not unite; they dwell in inharmony. Every one taketh the earnings of another; the profit of one is the injury of others; they are barren of united good.

5. Jehovih said: One kingdom may have many good men and many good women, but be of no good as a kingdom. I measure not the individuals, but the entire household. I judge the virtue of a kingdom by its combined harvest delivered unto My keeping.

6. When a kingdom is aggregating to itself more wisdom and virtue, the amount of its increase is My harvest. When a kingdom cannot retain its own members, it is falling away from Me. The uprightness of its few is as nothing in My sight. The secret of the power of a kingdom lieth in its capacity to aggregate in My name and obey My commandments.

7. For a hundred days Yima went through the lower heavens, displaying the miracles of the upper heavens; and his hosts, many of whom traveled with him, enlisted pupils, particularly collecting the spirits of young children. And in a hundred days he had many millions of spirits, abracadabras, mostly helpless wanderers.

8. With these he repaired to Astoreth, and made ready to found his kingdom. Jehovih spake to him, saying: Fear not, My son, because of the helplessness of thy subjects. He who would start a new kingdom is wise in choosing none who have hobbies of their own. Whosoever goeth forth in My name, I will be with him.

9. Yima inquired of Jehovih who should be appointed assistant God, and the Voice answered: Thulae. So Yima appointed Thulae; and he made Habal chief marshal of the capital.

10. Again the Voice of Jehovih came to Yima, saying: Thou shalt appoint unto Shem one hundred Lords, and they shall have dominion over mortals. Hear thou the Voice of thy Creator: Through My Son, Zarathustra, will I establish temples to My Lords and Gods; and thou shalt so provide thy heavenly kingdom, that thy Lords shall inhabit the temples, communing with the rab'bahs, who shall be called God-irs; but the communion betwixt spirits and mortals shall be known only to the God-irs, and to the sub-priests under them. But mortals shall be left to believe that these fathers have attained to spirit communion by great purity and wisdom.

11. Likewise, when drujas manifest to mortals, it shall not be countenanced but as a mark of evil, raised up against truth.

12. And when thou hast established thy kingdom, thou shalt cut off the supplies of the drujas, so they will become borrowers from thy people. In this manner, they will in time consent to labor.

13. Yima then appointed one hundred Lords, who became as the roots to the tree of heaven. The Aoshoan Lords were:

14. Ithwa, Yaztas, Micros, Jube, Zarust, Hom, Paoiris, Vadeve, Niasha, Cope, Drhon, Yus'ak, Cood'ayay and Thracton.

15. The Thestasias Lords were: Kashvre, Tusht, Yain, Amesh and Amesha; Armait, Wai'iv, Vahois, Vstavia and Comek.

16. The general Lords were called Ashem, with voice; that is to say, Ashem-vohu, Lords in chief, given for the kingdoms of the Sun, in the land of Shem. They were: Shnaota, Zathias, Mutu, Aoirio, Kaeshas, Cter'ay, Shahkya, Thraetem, Gahnaetobirischae, Habarshya, Paitis'gomya, Huiyus, Hakdodt, Anerana, Tibalath, Kever, Darunasya, Hors, Maidoyeshemo, Runnas, Gayomoratischi, Ba'ahraya, Zartushta, Kai'boryawich'wich'toe'benyas and Cpitama. And Yima made these twenty-five Lords controllers of the Voice, with mortals, to take the place of Samati after the death and p. 259 ascension of Zarathustra, for which reason they were called the Ashem-vohu.

17. The Lords of farmers and herdsmen were: Gaomah, Hoshag, Tamur, Jamshed, Freden, Minochihr-bani and Hus.

18. The Lords of sea-faring men were: Thaetas, Mirh-jan, Nyas, Khaftras, Thivia, Agreft, Ardus'lor, Tanafar, Avoitas, Marganesiachta, Hoakastanya and Vartuan.

19. The Lordesses of births and mothers, the Hotche'che, were: Kaviti, Way'huts, Howd, Anechorhaite, Juveas, Wisseta, Hopaeny, Ctnevirchow, Aivipohu, Cadhan, Hucrova, Dion, Balkwoh and Gamosyi.

20. The Lords of buildings were: Irathama, Haira'thracna, Heidas, Hutu, Coy'gaga, Haira-Wahti, Vivi'seeon, Muta'hagga, Kaoyas, Macyo, Aims, Hodo, Trusivi, Verecopagga and Suyi.

21. The Lords of time-keeping, who had dominion of the change of watch, were: Copurasastras, Vaitimohu and Howitchwak.

22. Jehovih spake to Yima, saying: In this day will I bless thy labor. Because mortals have ceased to believe in immortality, they have shut off the intercourse with drujas. For which reason thou shalt establish pure communion with thy pure Lords, and none other.

23. Yima sent his Lords to their several places, and every Lord took with him a thousand attendant angels. Yima said to them, before they departed: See to it, O ye Lords; in your several places stir the people up. And wherever ye find kings or queens or generals surrounded by spirits that urge them on in their affairs, cut off those spirits, leaving the mortals destitute of inspiration, and their kingdoms and armies will become disorganized and helpless.

24. And whenever (the mortals) Samati and Zarathustra come to a city, go ye also, laboring with them. And when Zarathustra holdeth up his hands and saith: O Father, Light of Thy Light! gather ye of the substance around about, and shield him with a wall of fire. And if Zarathustra say: O Father, Ormazd, give Thy children food, then shall ye cast down, from the air above, fish and fruit.

25. And if a king or a captain raise a hand against Zarathustra, gather ye about him and shield him. And if a man draw a sword against Zarathustra, catch ye the blade and break it to pieces.

26. Jehovih spake to Yima, saying: The time will come when the present mortal kingdoms will fall. But the followers of Zarathustra, who will succeed them under the Zarathustrian law, shall be protected, even, as ye, during dawn, protect Zarathustra.

27. For which reason, thy Lords shall raise up other Lords to take their places after the ascent of this dawn. And it shall come to pass that All Light and All Truth and All Success shall come to mortals through the priests (rab'bahs), who shall succeed Zarathustra. But as for the kings of great cities, who will not accept My Light, they shall go down in darkness, and their kingdoms shall fall to pieces.

28. Yima having established his Lords, now turned his attention to the heavenly kingdoms of hada.

Next: Chapter XXXIII