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Chapter III

1. But the dawn came; and in the wing of Goomatchala, home of Fragapatti, Orian Chief in the etherean worlds high standing, came the Voice, Jehovih's word, saying: My Son! Behold, the dawn of dan neareth the border of Horub. The wailing earth, the red star, cometh apace. And God and Lords call out the name of My infant Son, Zarathustra.

2. Fragapatti rose up, hearing the Voice, and saw the time fulfilled, the two hundred years and more, for the coming world, the time for the revealed word to mortals. To Thee, O p. 178a Jehovih! he said, Boundless! I come with my hosts, ten million strong.

3. Fragapatti went into the etherean Council of Gods and Goddesses. He said: The time hath come; the red star borders on the plains of Horub. Jehovih calleth!

4. Then the Council rejoiced, for the weighty matters of hundreds of etherean worlds were settled for a space of time, with promised rest and recreation in corporeal fields. First spake Ad'ar, God of many worlds, a decreer of time in a'ji'an vortices, in the regions of Hispiain sons saying: O Jehovih, give to Thy Son, Fragapatti, five years' rest, the dawn of earth in dan. Only the earth and her heavens to deal with!

5. Next spake Fivaka, Goddess of three etherean worlds, the white-haired Wielder of the Scimetar of Bars, period of Os, Carbon fashioner for the arcs of Job and Sawl. She said: O Jehovih, Almighty! What shall be the prayer of Thy Daughter, Fivaka? What can her love devise for the rest and glory of our high God, Fragapatti, Orian Chief! Then spake Che'sin, marshal in chief for seven etherean worlds, small man, with flowing beard, brought forth from the star, Indr. He said: O Jehovih, make me contributor of my much love to the rest and glory of our Holy Chief, Fragapatti!

6. Thus spake ten thousand Gods and Goddesses of their love and high esteem for the worker, Fragapatti, rich in power and wisdom and love, above all etherean Gods in Horub.

7. Fragapatti said: Ten millions strong my hosts shall be. On the earth, and her heavens, during her dawn of dan, five years and fifty days, we shall have no other labor, thus making it as a holiday for Gods and Goddesses to redeem the fallen world!

8. Fragapatti had spoken. So the proper officers and workmen proceeded to their parts; and in seven days the Uattal announced the fire-ship, the beyan float, ready for the journey. Meantime, the selection of the ten million Redeemers had been made, and they came, every one like a brilliant star, to take their rooms in the monarch vessel.

9. Fragapatti made Huod Commander in Chief, and gave him ten thousand aides. For the curtains and tallij, he made Metrav, Goddess of Rook, Mistress to the Flowing East. And for the spires, he made Iata Mistress of Restless Morn. She was Weaver to Ga'ing, in Reth, four thousand years, and much loved, with black eyes, piercing. Of music, Fragapatti made p. 179a Theritiviv conductor. She was Goddess of Helm, an etherean world in the roadway of Zi and Olus, four thousand years Mistress of Ne'alt and Exan; one time companion to Etisyai, the Vruiji, loved in Wan and Sangawitch, for her mirth in adversity. Of the trumpeters, Fragapatti made Boan conductor; he was God of Ixalata, now on leave of absence. For Chartist, he made Yan the Chief; he was Surveyor of Oatha, an etherean sea in the Orian arc of Wede and Hollenpoitchava, also on leave of absence during the red star dawn. Of the libraries, he made Hetta Chief Mistress; she was Goddess of Vitia in the Wails of South Eng; thirty thousand years Teacher of Imes, and ten thousand years Counselor of the Orian Chief, Erris, of the arc Wiamesse.

10. Besides these, Fragapatti distributed the minor offices of the float to such Gods and Goddesses whose most exalted states were the extreme opposite, that the great journey through etherea be the transverse of all serious purpose. And thus they started on their course, amidst the applause of thousands of millions of ethereans, wishing them love and joy on their mirthful cruise in furtherance of Jehovih's will.

11. Speeding swiftly across the swamps of Ull, where seven corporeal stars were dismembered a thousand million years ago, now set with a'ji'an fields, and forming nebulae; whereto they bring, at times, the drujas, the dark spirits of other worlds, that they may take on the semblance of corporeal forms to complete their neglected good works in times past; the ship rose freely, and then shot into the pastures of Ze, where Lepsa, God of the corporeal star, Tessa, four hundred years, feedeth seventy million es'yans, colonizing them to truth and good works. Lepsa knew the float was coming, and so had called a thousand million spectators, to look on, knowing they desired to see great Fragapatti; and they sang and blew their trumpets, rejoicing; to which the Gods and Goddesses of the float cast out myriads of arc'ian flowers, and sweet perfumes, mementoes of love.

12. To Evul, now, the ship made way; where seven etherean worlds bordered in the arc of Nu, pastures of Elim, God of Ooh'sin, where congregated another host of two thousand millions, to see them pass, cheering with singing, and with trumpets and stringed instruments; and to this God, Elim, Fragapatti caused the banners of the float to salute on the sign, JEHOVIH'S NAME, being friends for p. 180a ninety thousand years, and Elim answered him with a million posts of light, amidst the waving of innumerable banners.

13. Onward moved the float, the fire-ship, with its ten million joyous souls, now nearing the borders of Horub, the boundary of Fragapatti's honored regions, known for hundreds of thousands of years, and for his work on many worlds. Here, reaching C'vork'um, the roadway of the solar phalanx, near the post of dan, where were quartered five hundred million ethereans, on a voyage of exploration of more than four millions of years, rich stored with the glories of Great Jehovih's universe. Their koa'loo, their ship, was almost like a world, so vast, and stored with all appurtenances. They talked of going home! Their pilots had coursed the firmament since long before the earth was made, and knew more than a million of roadways in the etherean worlds, and where best to travel to witness the grandest contrasting scenes.

14. By their invitation, Fragapatti halted here a while, and the hosts interchanged their love, and discoursed on their purposes, rejoicing in the glories of Jehovih's everlasting kingdoms; and though they had lived so long, and seen so much, every one had new and wondrous works to tell of; for so great is the inventive power of the Great Spirit, that never twice alike will one find the scenes in the etherean worlds; radiant, differently; moving into everlasting changes, as if each one were to outdo the former in beauty and magnificence.

15. And then again they sped onward, now richly stored with the awe-stirring wonders they had just heard from strange travelers. Presently, now, the float neared the borders of Chinvat, the earth's vortex, just beyond the orbit of the moon. Here Fragapatti halted for a day, sending swift messengers down to the lower heavens, and to the earth, to resolve where he should anchor during dawn.

16. And, the next day, he ordered the lights lowered, and now slowly moved toward the rolling earth; down, down, till he reached the third grade of plateaux from the earth's surface, called Haraiti.

Next: Chapter IV