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Chapter III

1. THE Lord said: As a farmer planteth wheat in one field, and rice in another, and flax in another, so I, the Lord, inhabit the earth with the seed of man. Neither shall any wise man say: These things came by chance; that it so happened that one people settled in Jaffeth (China), another in Vindu (India), and another in Arabinya (Arabia). Such is the argument of my enemies, saith the Lord. Not perceiving wisdom in my work as it seemeth for a day, they fail to extend judgment into the thousands of years of my plans, and so, stubbornly, shut themselves up in ignorance, saying: There is no God.

2. For I foresaw the breadth of the earth, and that it should be subdued for the glory of man; and in the early days, I divided my armies with wisdom.

3. To Ham I allotted the foundation of the migratory tribes of the earth. And of the tribes of Ham, behold, I selected many colors of men; whereof I fore-ordained the name Ham to stand as a living testimony to the end of the world. For I foresaw that the time would come when the nations would look back for histories of my peoples, and I erected certain words and signs which should be testimony in the later times of earth.

4. Of all colors (black, white, yellow, copper, red and brown) were the tribes of Ham; nevertheless, they were I'hins (Faithists), having flat nails and short arms, and of such as desired to acquire knowledge. And I brought them to a country of sand fields and of fields of rich pastures interspersed, where lived but few natives, the dark people, with short hair. Neither omitted I even the hair of the head of man without providing testimony of my word.

5. Of the I'hins, I provided testimony in all the divisions of the earth, with long hair belonging to the tribes that worshipped Jehovih, that man of the kosmon era might perceive that the land whence they sprang is not above the water.

6. Behold, the multiple (Yi-ha) language p. 148b of the tribes of Shem! Side by side with the tribes of Jaffeth raised I them. And, behold, the latter use the derivation of the Panic language to this day.

7. For I gave unto the tribes of these two different lands my ten commandments and ten invocations, to be not written, but spoken and taught from mouth to ear, to be sacred in the language given.

8. Wherein man shall perceive that the same stories of the egg, and of the origin of evil in the world, could not have been communicated by mortals.

9. For I locked up sufficient of the Panic language in Jaffeth as a testimony to be discovered in after years; showing that, unlike Ham and Shem, a mighty nation could retain one language for thousands of years.

10. For I forsaw that philosophers would try to prove that languages were of mortal origin, and that they would change according to the growth of knowledge amongst men.

11. Behold, I gave scriptures unto all my people, enjoining some to adhere to the text; and, so, I preserved the work of my hand.

12. The tribes of Ham were previously ordained with characteristics to make them love to emigrate westward; and the tribes of Jaffeth and Shem with characteristics to make them love to stay within their own countries. And the tribes of Guatama with characteristics to make them love to go eastward. For I set a boundary to the tribes of Guatama, that they should not reach the ocean on the east.

13. The Lord said: Having designed Ham for teaching the barbarian world of me and my dominion, I also prepared them that, through their seed, men and women should have hair neither straight nor short, but long and curled, and red, and white, and brown, whereby might be traced in after ages the genealogy of nations.

14. Now, in the midst of three great countries, Jaffeth, Shem and Ham, was the chief place of the I'huans, where they founded a new nation; and the Lord called them Parsi'e, signifying, warrior Faithists, because he created them as a shield, to guard his chosen, the I'hins.

15. The difference betwixt the I'huans and the Parsi'e was that the I'huans lived near and about the I'hins, but p. 149b the Parsi'e'ans lived in a nation by themselves.

16. Nevertheless, they were all of the same blood and kin, being half-breeds betwixt the I'hins and the native druks; and they were large, and mostly of the color of new copper.

17. And because they were favored of the Lord, the Lord gave them separate laws, and commanded them not to mix with the druks; the which commandment they kept for more than a thousand years.

18. But, in course of time, the Parsi'e'ans were tempted by the druks, and fell from their high estate, and they became cannibals.

19. And the Lord sent the Ghans, to whom he delivered his oral scriptures, to travel in search of his people; and, lo and behold, ten tribes of the Lord's people were lost in the wilderness; and this was the country of the Parsi'e'ans, and that land was filled with wild goats. Hence came the name, LAND OF GOATS.

20. And the lost tribes, not being flesh-eaters, were at a loss for food; and they said: Come, let us live on goat's milk.

21. And they so lived for a long season, taming the goats, and keeping herds of them. And they roved about, driving their herds with them, for which reason they took the name of SHEPHERD KINGS.

22. And the Lord looked on them with favor, saying: These that call themselves shepherd kings shall have this country. Behold, out of the seed of these people, will I do mighty wonders.

23. The Lord said: What man can discover, I, the Lord, left for him to discover; what man could not discover, I, the Lord, taught him.

24. To the shepherd kings revealed I how to make leather out of skins; neither had man any means to make this discovery. The shepherd kings made bags of leather in which they carried milk, which was thus churned; and they made butter, which was the first butter made in this world.

Next: Chapter IV