A∴ A∴
Publication in Class B.
N. Fra A∴ A∴

{In the following, some text is vertical. These sections of text will be presented by curly bracket enclosures.

For numbers 21-13, to the left bracket:

"Nine locks of the Inferior Beard."

To the right bracket:

"Nine paths below Adeptus."}

+21.+ T The Formulation of the Body of Light. Liber O.
¦20.¦ S The Passage of the King’s Chamber. Liber H H H.
¦19.¦ R The Illumination of the Sphere. Liber H H H.
¦18.¦ Q The Divining of Destiny. Liber Memoriae Viae CMXIII.
¦17.¦ z The Adoration under the Starry Heaven. Liber XI., NV (from
¦ + Liber CCXX.).
¦16.¦ P The Destruction of the House of God. Liber XVI.
¦15.¦ I The Sabbath of the Adepts. Liber CCCLXX.
¦14.¦ s Skrying in the Spirit Vision: The Ladder of Jacob. Liber O.
+13.+ N The Preparation of the Corpse for the Tomb. Liber XXV.

{For numbers 12-0, to the left bracket:

"Thirteen locks of the Superior Beard."

For numbers 12-6, to the right bracket:

"Seven paths below M. T."

For numbers 5-3, to the right bracket:

"Three below M."

For numbers 2-0, to the right bracket:

"Three below I."}

+12.+ M The Sleep of Siloam. Liber CDLI.
¦ 8.¦ t The Protection of the Sphere. Liber O.
¦10.¦ K The Evocation of the Mighty Ones. Liber {sic, no further ID}
¦ 9.+ Y The Absorbion of the Emanations. Liber DCCCXI.
¦11.¦ L The Passing of the Hall of the Balances. Liber XXX.
¦ 7.¦ X The Ritual of the Holy Graal. Liber CLVI.
¦ 6.+ Z The Utterance of the Pythoness. Liber MCXXXIX.
¦ 5.+ V The Forthcoming of the Hierophant. Liber VIII. (8th AEthyr
¦ ¦ in Liber 418).
¦ 4.¦ H The Formulation of the Flaming Star. Liber V.
¦ 3.¦ D The Incarnation of the Inmost Light. Liber DLV Had (from
¦ + Liber CCXX.).
¦ 2.+ G The Supreme Ecstasy of Purity. Liber LXXIII.
¦ 1.+ B The Universal Affirmations and Denials. Liber B (I.).
+ 0.+ A The transcending of all these; yea, the transcending of all

Seven Inferiors: Seven Superiors: Seven above All:
and Seven Interpretations of every Word.